Saturday, September 7, 2024

How To Train Your Brain To Ignore Tinnitus

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Dealing with Tinnitus (Over 4 years).

And now you want to know precisely how tinnitus is going to impact your brain. Tinnitus has repercussions for your brain because your brain is wired to pay attention to sounds.

When your tinnitus acts up, your brain goes into a heightened state. Its looking for the source of that sound. Your brain wants to know whether that source is a danger or not .

Can I Train My Brain To Ignore Tinnitus

When I fist was diagnosed with tinnitus the idea that I could somehow train my brain to ignore tinnitus seemed absurd and perhaps a little too simple to be true. So like many tinnitus sufferers I ran the gauntlet of conventional medicine and the rollercoaster of alternative medicines. None of which came close to easing my ear ringing. However, I had all but given up on my quest for relief when I stumble upon a little know and somewhat novel concept. And that was can I train my brain to ignore tinnitus?

Can I train my brain to ignore tinnitus?

But lets start right back at the beginning..Like you I had tinnitus and it was driving me crazy! You know the drill, the sleepless nights and the agitation. Slogging through your day grasping at the hope that they will find a cure or it will somehow go away on its own. Well, I hate to burst your bubble because as you might already know if youve had tinnitus for over 6 months, its pretty much there to stay.

However, hang on in there with me and DO NOT DESPAIR! This story does have a silver lining.

So I was desperate to put a stop to the insidious racket within the confines of my cranium.

Id previously been told by my doctor, the ENT and an audiologist that the tinnitus will more than likely never go away, in fact it could get worse the older I get. I didnt like that prospect whatsoever. Im the type that has to go down fighting or at least find a happy medium.

I wanted to fill my ears with cement

The Approach Used During Sleep Offers Hope To Millions Of People Who Suffer From The Most Common Health Condition In The Us

As many as 50 million Americans suffer from tinnitus, a debilitating health condition commonly known as “ringing in the ears.” Musicians, factory workers, military veterans and many others endure its effects, which include problems with concentration, sleep, anxiety and depression.

Many who experience chronic tinnitus turn to sound devices or machines that mask their ringing with white noise. But masking typically offers only short-term relief to those who struggle with the perception of buzzing, hissing, whistling or clicking.

New technology is now taking a radically different approach by retraining the brain to ignore these types of sounds, alleviating the condition altogether. The Levo System, technology approved by the Food and Drug Administration, mimics the specific sounds of a patient’s individual tinnitus. The patient listens to the sounds through earbuds while sleeping. Because the brain is most responsive to sensory input during sleep, it grows accustomed to the sounds after a few months of treatment.

New research underscores the promise of this approach.

A recently released randomized study by the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research at the VA Portland Health Care System demonstrated improved clinical outcomes for tinnitus patients using the Levo System. The study was led by James Henry, PhD.

The Levo System has been cleared by the FDA for marketing in the U.S. Cedars-Sinai is Otoharmonics’ majority stakeholder.

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Got Tinnitus Heres How To Get Zzzs

San Diego residents with tinnitus often have trouble falling asleep. A constant ringing in your ears is a distraction even in the middle of the day lying in bed in the dark, it can leave you tossing and turning even when youre dead tired. We have some sleep strategies that should help tinnitus sufferers get much-needed zzzs.

Sound Therapy May Train The Brain To Ignore Tinnitus

Gadget that trains your brain to ignore tinnitus

By Lisa Rapaport, Reuters Health

4 Min Read

– A sound-emitting device worn in the ear during sleep may train the brain to ignore an annoying chronic ringing in the ears, a new study suggests.

People with the disorder, known as tinnitus, who slept with the in-ear devices felt less bothered than patients who used bedside noise machines, researchers found in a study funded by the device manufacturer.

Tinnitus is the perception of sound that has no source outside the head, and its often caused by exposure to loud noise. While sound therapy is one of the treatments doctors recommend, research to date has offered a mixed picture of how well this works at reducing how much people notice ringing in their ears.

For the current study, researchers randomly assigned 60 patients with tinnitus to sleep with one of three sound therapy devices: a customized in-ear device that played sounds matched to the ringing sounds patients typically heard an in-ear device that let patients select a pre-set sound or a bedside noise machine.

After three months of treatment, patients with all three types of sound therapy reported being less bothered by ringing in their ears. However, people with the customized in-ear device reported a greater reduction in the perceived loudness of tinnitus than other participants.

This study lends additional support that sound-based therapy helps reduce tinnitus distress, Theodoroff said by email.

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He No Longer Considered Himself A Sufferer Of Tinnitus

Ok, now this caught my attention! I was all ears How is it your tinnitus no longer bother you? I asked.

He told me that over the years as a doctor, he had met with, treated and witnessed many tinnitus sufferers and had seen first hand what tinnitus can do to someones life.

He said his advice now to tinnitus sufferers is as follows.

You can have tinnitus retraining therapy or you can Google the next vitamin, herb, potion, alternative medicine or practice that promises to cure you of your tinnitus. But honestly in my opinion save your money, theres nothing that tinnitus retraining therapy or any other alternative therapy can do for you that you cannot do for yourself!

Ask yourself, why is it some people who have tinnitus are simply not bothered by it? Whilst others are burdened to no end? Research shows that it has nothing to do with the volume, pitch, tone or type of your tinnitus. But rather everything to do with the way an individuals nervous system responds to the stimuli. As a doctor people who have persistently troubling tinnitus are often prescribed anti depressants, which seem to reduce the patients tinnitus. But in reality it does nothing for your tinnitus, the tinnitus is still there. All it has done is simply altered your perception.

So there in lays your answer, change your perception and youll change your reaction. Or alternatively change your reaction and youll change your perception.

Can I train my brain to ignore tinnitus? Absolutely I could

Hypnotherapy For Tinnitus Discovering The Root Causes

There is one other important aspect of Tinnitus Hypnosis treatment that can be a significant help to some sufferers of the condition and that is finding root causes. These are not root causes of the condition itself but of the anxiety-related disorders that are associated with the problem.

To give an example of this it is well known that many people who have tinnitus and suffer from ringing in their ears have also experienced anxiety or stress-related issues which may predate the problem with noise. The belief is that for some people it is the anxiety that is causing them to focus on the sounds and impacting their life.

Analytical hypnosis is a tool that can be used to address why the original anxiety is making them hypervigilant and needing to listen so acutely. It is often a side effect of the fight or flight response where the mind is listening out for danger and being aware of surroundings in order to stay safe. This can be a throwback to an incident or problem going back many years. Discover the original problem and offer support with that and the need to be on edge and the need to listen in begins to fade away.

Of course, hypnosis does not stop the noise from the tinnitus because that may still be a physical problem but by offering support for the anxiety disorder the need to tune in to the noise can be reduced or stopped. We have had many clients who have forgotten about the problem when the anxiety-related problem is helped or resolved.

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Can Tinnitus Ruin Your Life

For those who have never experienced these symptoms, tinnitus may seem like a minor nuisance. But people who live with tinnitus know it can disrupt many different areas of a persons life, including relationships, work, and overall health. In some cases, it can be debilitating and lead to severe anxiety and depression.

For The First Time I Could See Light At The End Of The Tunnel

The Brain: Your Wellness Gatekeeper | Episode #3 | Tinnitus Therapy Online

Christina, from Daventry, found a supportive GP who referred her to an ear, nose and throat specialist.

This doctor stopped, listened and then educated me all in the space of a 20 minute appointment. For me, talking through the mental health challenges Id been experiencing and having them validated by a health professional took a weight off my shoulders. She explained what tinnitus is and we talked about different management strategies. For the first time I could see light at the end of the tunnel.

Tests revealed Christina, an admin assistant, suffers from high-frequency hearing loss so she was given a hearing aid which helped reduced the tinnitus. For many people, tinnitus may be related to sound deprivation, according to the BTA.

The ENT team also referred Christina to a tinnitus support group lead by specialists who provide advice for better managing the condition. It also gave Christina the opportunity to meet others living with tinnitus and feel less alone.

She also found tinnitus retraining therapy concepts retraining your brain to tune out and be less aware of the tinnitus really improved matters. Understanding this was a game-changer, said Christina. Ive also found that keeping really busy helps keep my mind off it.

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Getting Rid Of Tinnitus Get Rid Of Tinnitus Habituation With Relaxing Exercises

The main cause of tinnitus is the constant overproduction of the natural pain killers called endorphins in your body. In order to treat tinnitus, it is important that you first learn how to get rid of this problem, so that you wont have to listen to it anymore.

Tinnitus is considered to be a disorder, because it is a signal to your brain that something is wrong. When your brain notices this, it will tell your ears to increase the volume of the noise. This is what is known as a ringing sound in your ears.

There are many people who are suffering from this problem and dont know what to do about it. Tinnitus can make the quality of your life very difficult and it can also disrupt your relationship with your partner.

Tinnitus can also affect your career. Many people who suffer from this problem are not able to do their work well. They will always be on the phone or in meetings, and they may even get to the point where they will be late for work, or have bad bosses. This may sound ironic, but it really is true.

The good news is that you can cure tinnitus and make sure that you get rid of all the problems that it has given you. Tinnitus is actually a condition caused by many things, so it is very important that you first determine what causes it and then cure it.

Tips For A Good Nights Sleep

An estimated 50 million Americans experience tinnitus. Usually described as a ringing or similar sensation in the ears, tinnitus can have a significant impact on your life. Patients frequently end up getting too little sleep they are unable to tune out the noise in their ears, and that leads to anxiety. It becomes a vicious cycle: sleep deprivation worsens tinnitus, and tinnitus causes sleep deprivation.

Your San Diego audiologist has some tips to deal with tinnitus and help ensure you get a good nights sleep.

  • Try masking techniques. Sound masking involves playing background noise to distract your brain from tinnitus so you are able to ignore it and get to sleep. White noise is a popular choice you can download a smartphone app and play gentle rain or ocean waves, but any relaxing sound will work. People have success with fans, air conditioners, soft music and other environmental sounds. The trick is to set the volume a little bit lower than your tinnitus so the brain becomes used to it eventually, it will assign less meaning to tinnitus.
  • Stick to a bedtime routine. Adopting a consistent sleep schedule helps train your body to fall asleep at the same time every night. Set an alarm to wake up at the same time, as well. Do this regularlyeven on weekends and you should be able to fall asleep more easily.
  • Physical relaxation: Hot bath, trigger point self-massage with a tennis ball, stretching and progressive muscle relaxation techniques.
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    Tinnitus Habituation Through Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    Tinnitus habituation by tinnitus retraining therapy is a holistic technique that addresses the causes of tinnitus and how you can combat them from developing into full-blown tinnitus. It is an approach to treating tinnitus that focuses on prevention rather than cure. It does not treat the symptoms. Instead it works towards eliminating tinnitus in general. This treatment is done through the natural techniques of tinnitus retraining therapy.

    Tinnitus retraining therapy can be used with or without surgery. The main goal of tinnitus retraining therapy is to change your lifestyle as well as your emotional outlook to the problem. Your lifestyle will play an important role in how effective the treatment will be because you will need to be willing to change a lot of things about your life to make sure that you are able to have a healthy life without the constant ringing in your ears.

    If you have tinnitus then you are going to need to be open to tinnitus retraining therapy. There are many people who do not even want to talk about tinnitus because they feel that there is no cure. But there is a cure and you will be glad you took action. You can begin your tinnitus retraining therapy by doing the following things. First, you have to change your diet. A diet rich in vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc will greatly improve your tinnitus symptoms.

    Why Cant I Ignore My Tinnitus

    Tinnitus Terminator Complaints

    Roughly 50 million Americans experience some form of tinnitus . Of that 50 million, 20 million report their tinnitus is bothersome while 2 million describe their tinnitus as disabling or nearly disabling. Tinnitus is an invisible source of anguish that is very real and can be life-altering.

    During a Tinnitus Evaluation, your Audiologist will discuss both the auditory and emotional system components to your tinnitus and how to address each element. She will discuss with you your hearing test results, your bodys stress response system and ways to address how these two systems are interacting to reinforce the tinnitus cycle. Your Audiologist will discuss enriching the sound environment, stress management, relaxation, sound therapy, hearing aids, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Some or all of these approaches may be helpful for you, depending on your particular tinnitus circumstances.

    A realistic goal of tinnitus treatment is to habituate or acclimatize to the tinnitus and learn to live a normal life. To habituate means to learn to live with the tinnitus as a benign stimulus instead of the constant intrusion that it has been thus far. Though we may not be able to remove the sound of the tinnitus completely, we can move it from the forefront of your awareness to the background, where you are finally able to ignore it. Doing so can vastly improve your overall quality of life.

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    Hypnosis And Tinnitus Techniques

    So how does hypnosis for tinnitus treatment help to retrain the brain to change unhelpful hearing patterns? Well, there are actually a number of methods used during the therapy that can be helpful in addressing the problem.

    Usually, any hypnotherapy session starts with an assessment to discover the extent of your tinnitus problem as well as asking questions about your psychological wellbeing. A hypnotherapist is less interested in your hearing loss or specific illnesses but more interested in how they are impacting you on a day-to-day basis.

    A good hypnotherapist will be paying attention to your anxiety levels, general mood, and how well you are sleeping to formulate a therapy plan. Their aim is to support you during sessions and provide psychological interventions to help calm your mind.

    In your first session after the assessment is taken you are likely to be guided into hypnosis to assist with stress relief and to help you relax. During the session, positive suggestions may be used to help your mind to think about things a little differently. Visualization techniques can also be used to help you to imagine having control over your hearing and turning the background noises up or down. With practice, many clients find that they are able to adjust their hearing by using the power of their mind.

    Hearing Loss And Tinnitus

    Tinnitus is a condition frequently associated with hearing loss, and one that the audiologists at Hearing Center of Santa Rosa Head and Neck work with patients on an individual basis, to help relieve the symptoms, and make life better. The Hearing Center provides a wide range of current treatment options including the latest surgical procedures and hearing aid technologies. For some people, tinnitus can cause a severe annoyance in everyday life, explains audiologist Dr. John Jarvis. Until researchers discover exactly how to teach everyone with tinnitus how to use different parts of the brain to process the emotional repercussions of constant noise, we offer the latest technology and behavioral training that is available. For many of our patients with tinnitus, symptoms will improve considerably with treatment.

    For some patients, identifying and then treating an underlying cause creates positive improvement. Other treatments are aimed at reducing or masking the noise, making symptoms less noticeable. Because some patients adjust to the ringing in the ears while others never do, the perceived severity of the condition can vary significantly from one person to the next says Dr. Jarvis. Therefore, with all tinnitus patients, we conduct a thorough clinical evaluation, including a complete patient history and medication regimen, to help determine if tinnitus is present and what may be the underlying causes of the condition.

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