Friday, July 26, 2024

What Kind Of Doctor To See For Hearing Loss

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How Does Hearing Loss Affect Sleep

Types of Hearing Loss (Sensorineural & Conductive) – Dr. Ana Anzola, Hearing Doctors

Sleep is complicated. Good sleep is a crucial part of our well-being, and the effects of sleep loss are wide-ranging, but because of its complexity, it can be impacted by many factors. Hearing deficiency or congenital deafness may be one of these causes. Though research on the subject is still ongoing, studies show a complicated correlation.

Digital Cell Phones And Hearing Aid Use

A common complaint of hearing aid users is the inability to use cell phones, particularly digital cell phones, with their hearing aids, or that they experience interference when trying to do so. Digital hearing aids are being continually updated to provide shielding from this interference. Cell phone technology also is changing. In fact, in 2003, the Federal Communications Commission developed a report requiring a number of future actions by manufacturers and service providers to make digital wireless phones that are capable of being used effectively with hearing aids.

In the meantime, there are many strategies that will improve listening when using cell and land based telephones with hearing aids. For more information, please see Strategies for Using Your Cell Phone with Your Hearing Aids.

Buying Them On Your Own

It is possible to buy a hearing aid entirely on your own, without any help from anyone else. But this is risky. As we said above, your hearing loss could be age-related, or it could be because of something else. An audiologist is specifically trained to deal with the ear. If they spot something that requires further investigation, they can recommend that you see a medical doctor for further evaluation.

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Joy Victory Managing Editor Healthy Hearing

Joy Victory has extensive experience editing consumer health information. Her training in particular has focused on how to best communicate evidence-based medical guidelines and clinical trial results to the public. She strives to make health content accurate, accessible and engaging to the public.Read more about Joy.

Protection Of The Children From Hearing Impairment

What Should You Do If You Notice Hearing Loss In Yourself ...

1. Neonatal survey of hearing power and detecting cases of hearing impairment in infants and young children in the early stages and taking the necessary interventions to treat them are matters that contribute to preventing speech and speech problems and difficulties in educational development.

2. Giving vaccinations in time .

3. Rubella vaccinated women who are about to become pregnant.

4. Syphilis treatment before pregnancy.

5. Avoiding the use of ototoxic drugs.

6. Monitoring the hearing power of children when they suffer from severe jaundice due to hyperbilirubinaemia.

7. Keep the child away from excessive noise in recreational places.

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What Is Hearing Impairment

A child may be diagnosed with hearing loss if they cannot hear sounds below a certain volume level, depending on the results of a hearing test, either in one ear or in both ears . The minimum threshold is usually about 15 to 20 decibels of sound, which is roughly the sound of leaves rustling or people whispering. Although not being able to hear the rustle of leaves is considered a slight degree of hearing loss, it will also make it difficult to understand certain parts of speech. This is why treating hearing impairment is so important in children, who learn language from the moment they are born.

Conductive Hearing Loss On An Audiogram

The results of the hearing test are presented in an audiogram. The specific conductive hearing loss can be illustrated in the audiogram. The audiogram will show the degree of the hearing loss and which frequencies are affected by the conductive hearing loss by showing the hearing levels at different frequencies in both ears.

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Why Are Hearing Tests Important

To begin, it is worth noting how widespread hearing loss is in the United States.

  • Around 15% of American adults have some trouble hearing
  • Men are nearly two times more likely than women to experience hearing loss
  • The greatest amount of hearing loss occurs in adults aged 60 to 69
  • Nearly 25 percent of adults aged 65 to 74, and half of adults over the age of 75, have disabling hearing loss

As we can see, hearing loss can affect you at any time, though your chances of developing hearing loss is largely influenced by your age and gender.

However, in all cases, it is important to take measures to reduce your risk. The World Health Organization shares that taking care of your ears and hearing throughout your lifetimeincluding by taking measures to prevent earwax buildup, encourage safe listening, and reducing your exposure to loud sounds and noisescan help you avoid developing hearing loss.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has found that there is not enough evidence to recommend screening for hearing loss in older adults who do not have symptoms. However, if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of hearing loss, you should consult with your Heal provider to discuss your options for hearing tests.

How Can You Find Out If Hearing Aids Could Help You

Hearing Tests: its Types & Tips to Prevent Hearing Loss | Dr. Raman Abrol

If your doctor or audiologist suspects or diagnoses hearing loss, he or she may have you see an ear, nose, and throat specialist . The specialist can check for other problems and find out the cause of your hearing loss. The doctor can also recommend possible treatments.

If the specialist finds that hearing aids will help, the audiologist can help you choose the type of hearing aid that will work best for you. He or she can help you learn how to get the most benefit from your hearing aids.

If you think your hearing loss is mild to moderate, over the counter hearing aids, which may be called personal sound amplification products, or PSAPs, may be an option. Read reviews of these devices on the Internet and choose one with good ratings. Be careful of low-priced OTC hearing aids.

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Should I Schedule An Appointment With An Otolaryngologist

An otolaryngologist is a medical doctor that has been trained to administer surgery on the ears, nose, and throat . ENTs treat medical disorders and diseases related to the head and neck. ENTs treat hearing loss when medical or surgical treatment will improve the condition.

This includes disorders related to balance, speech, swallowing, sleep and sinuses.

  • Ear Infections

Recognizing The Onset Of Hearing Issues

One of the reasons identifying hearing issues can be difficult is that these issues tend to develop gradually, rather than all at once. Instead of waking up one day and suddenly experiencing difficulty hearing, many people will begin to slowly lose their hearing over time. In fact, some estimates indicate that the average person loses about 0.5 percent of their hearing per year.

There are, of course, still plenty of instances where hearing issues can develop quickly. If you were exposed to an incredibly loud noiseheavy machinery, loud music, leaf blowers, firearms, may have experienced a noise-induced hearing loss that immediately made it much more difficult to hear. Some symptoms, such as tinnitus can also increase in intensity in a very short amount of time.

If you have been hearing ringing in your ears , have found some sounds to be absolutely unbearable , feel pain as a result of noises, or are experiencing any other type of hearing-related concerns, you should take the time to schedule a hearing test. A hearing test should be administered in a soundproof booth with regularly calibrated equipment by an experienced doctor of audiology. These tests, which take about 45 minutes and will cost about $60 out of pocket, will thoroughly examine how you respond to different sounds. Once the diagnostic testing is complete, additional treatments may be recommended.

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Should I Schedule An Appointment With My Doctor

Regardless of whether you are experiencing hearing issues , it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with your general physician on an annual basis. In many cases, your general physician will be the one to refer you to an audiologist or otolaryngologist as necessary. Regularly visiting your doctor will help assure that you are healthy. Your doctor will be able to offer screening for many different conditions. Regular checkups, according to theCenter for Diseases Control and many other sources, can help prevent the onset of some diseases and add many years to your life.

Even with all this being said, a general physician may not always be able to fully help people suffering from a hearing disorder. In many cases, especially if you have a hearing condition that requires specialized treatment or surgery, an audiologist or an otolaryngologist may be recommended.

Audiologists Help You Choose The Right Hearing Aid

Tinnitus treatment: How to treat ringing in your ears

There are literally hundreds of hearing aids available with a wide variety of features. Because hearing aids are medical devices regulated by the Food and Drug Administration , they must be recommended, prescribed, and fitted by licensed professionals. This standard is in place to protect the individual with hearing loss.

An audiologist can use advanced diagnostic testing to determine your type of hearing loss, and can use this information to determine the best hearing aid solution for your specific needs and budget. In fact, a recent study confirmed that individuals who work with an audiologist are more satisfied with their hearing aids.

Dont leave your hearing to chance. Treat it like any other significant medical condition and see an expert who can help you hear your best.

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Everything You Need To Know About Hearing Loss And Tests

To mark World Hearing Day on March 3rd, Heal would like to help spread awareness about hearing loss and what you can do to protect yourself from it.

In this article, we will discuss the basics about hearing loss, including the importance of getting diagnostic tests, what you can expect at your hearing test, and additional tips and treatments for hearing loss.

What Matters Most To You

Your personal feelings are just as important as the medical facts. Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements.

Reasons to get hearing aids

Reasons not to get hearing aids

I need to hear better to do my job and other daily activities.

I hear well enough to get through my day.

Paying attention to people’s gestures and facial expressions isn’t enough to help me understand what they’re saying.

I can live with hearing loss by paying attention to people’s gestures, facial expressions, posture, and tone of voice.

My hearing problem is affecting relationships with my family, friends, and others.

I don’t feel that my hearing problem affects my relationships with others.

I am willing to take the time to adjust to using hearing aids.

I think it would be too hard to adjust to hearing aids and get them to work the way I want them to.

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Types Of Hearing Loss

There are mainly three types of Hearing Loss :

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: It is due to absence of or damage of hair cells present in the inner ear. This type of hearing loss is usually permanent in nature. It is also called as Nerve deafness. It can be mild, moderate or severe , depending upon the severity of clinical signs observed. If the hearing loss is mild or moderate, it can be corrected by usage of hearing aids or application of middle ear implant. If the hearing loss is severe or profound, Cochlear ear implants are the only solution.

Neural Hearing Loss: This type of hearing loss is due to malfunctioning or absence of the Auditory nerve, which receives the nerve signals and sends them to brain. This type of hearing loss is generally severe. Hearing aids or ear implants are of no help as nerve is affected in this case.

Mixed Hearing Loss: This type of hearing loss is a combination of both sensorineural and neural hearing loss. It is due to affections in outer, inner or middle ear. Mixed hearing loss can be corrected by usage of hearing aids, medication and surgery can be used as a last resort.

How Do I Care For My Hearing Aids

The Progression of Hearing Loss & When to See a Doctor
  • Proper maintenance and care is important in extending the life of your hearing aids.
  • Avoid using solvents, alcohol, or water on hearing aids because they can cause damage to the internal electronics of the hearing aid.
  • Avoid exposing hearing aids to heat because this can damage them. For example, leaving them in sun or in the car, placing them in or near a microwave or conventional oven, or using a hair dryer on them.
  • Clean hearing aids as instructed. Earwax and ear drainage can damage your aids.
  • Avoid using hairspray and other hair care products while wearing your hearing aids.
  • Turn off your hearing aids when not in use.
  • Replace dead batteries immediately.
  • Keep batteries and hearing aids away from children and pets.
  • We recommend visiting a hearing healthcare professional on a regular basis to have your hearing aids inspected.

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What Causes Otitis Media With Effusion In Adults

As mentioned, Eustachian Tube Dysfunction is often the most common cause of fluid behind eardrum, adults group especially. The Eustachian tube delivers three essential physiological functions within the body, which is the equilibration of pressure between the external and middle ears, secretion and cleansing, and protection of the middle ear. Abnormalities can occur in the region due to blockage, trauma, inflammation, or infection, among other things. The condition often develops after sever upper respiratory infection, allergic reactions, or rapid changes in air pressure .

The Eustachian tube connects the ear to the throat, and it helps to drain fluid from the ear and into the throat where it can be swallowed, this helps to prevent the accumulation of fluid within the ear. This condition is connected with ear infection in two ways:

  • After the treatment of many ear infections, fluid will remain in the middle ear for several days.
  • When the Eustachian tube becomes partially blocked, fluid begins to accumulate in the middle ear. Bacteria can then begin to accumulate within the liquid, which can result in an infection.

The following can lead to inflammation of the Eustachian tube lining, which can lead to an increase of fluid in the area:

  • Allergies
  • Irritants
  • Respiratory infections

Certain things we do can cause the Eustachian tube to become blocked, or close. These include:

  • Drinking fluids whilst laying on your back
  • A sudden increase in air pressure .

Who Can I Turn To For Help With My Hearing Loss

If you or a family member might have hearing loss, consult a qualified health professional for early and appropriate care. Several types of professionals can help. Each has a different type of training and expertise, and each can be an important part of your hearing health care.

You may want to start by talking with your primary care provider. He or she will likely give you a medical exam to see if an infection, injury, or other condition might be causing your hearing loss. Your primary care provider might then refer you to an otolaryngologist or other hearing health provider for more specific tests and treatment.

Listed below are the types of professionals who can help you with hearing loss.

A primary care provider is a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant who provides general health care to patients by identifying and treating common medical conditions. Primary care providers often refer patients to medical specialists when necessary. Types of primary care providers include family practitioners or general practitioners, pediatricians, geriatricians, and internists.

A hearing instrument specialist, also known as a hearing aid specialist, is a state-licensed professional who conducts basic hearing tests, fits and dispenses hearing aids, and educates individuals and their family members about their hearing loss. The licensure requirement varies among states most states require completing a 2-year apprenticeship.

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When To See An Ent

Usually, either your doctor or your audiologist will refer you to an ENT professional. They will be able to carry out further testing if your audiologist is unable to determine the cause of your hearing loss, or if the cause is beyond their capability to treat.

Most cases of hearing loss are slow and incremental which makes them difficult to notice. Therefore, if you experience a sudden and profound loss of hearing, you will need to make an appointment with an ENT doctor to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.

An ENT doctor will be able to carry out more comprehensive tests than an audiologist and will also be able to prescribe pharmaceutical treatments or perform surgery if your hearing loss is caused by calcified bones or benign tumors.

A helpful way to remember the distinction between an audiologist and an ENT is to think of an audiologist as a hearing specialist. If it pertains to hearing trouble they should be your first port of call. If your troubles pertain more to a loss of balance or feeling of pressure in the inner ear, you may be better served by a visit to your local ENT clinic.

Should I Schedule An Appointment With An Audiologist

Who Should I See For Hearing Loss?

Audiologists, generally speaking, are in an excellent position to help the majority of individuals suffering from hearing loss and other hearing issues. If you are suffering from tinnitus, hyperacusis, misophonia, or other common hearing afflictions, visiting an experienced audiologist at a local hearing center will be your best recourse. Audiologists are trained to identify these issues and many have chosen to specialize in treating these symptoms. Independent hearing centers are focused on offering hearing solutions that are specific to each individual they see.

When compared to a general physicianwho must spend time focusing on every bodily systemaudiologists are able to offer a significantly larger degree of specialization in hearing disorders specifically. They can also help with various types of sound therapy and help their patients select an appropriate hearing aid. If you are currently suffering from any sort of hearing issue, visiting an audiologist can have a tremendously positive impact.

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