Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Vitamins Are Good For Hearing Loss

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Are Your Habits Contributing To Tinnitus

Why Vitamin A? And Vitamins For Tinnitus ~ Hearing Loss YHTF

While you are in the process of finding the best vitamins and supplements for tinnitus treatment, you might want to take a second to look at your behaviors and habits to see if they are contributing to your symptoms.

For example, this study at West Virginia University revealed that about 79 percent of musicians admit they never wear any form of hearing protection despite being aware of the risks.

Could loud music be the cause of your tinnitus? If you are a musician or constantly listen to loud music, it could very well be the trigger of your tinnitus symptoms.

Always protect your hearing whenever possible! These Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs are highly rated on Amazon, and are the perfect solution for concerts, musicians, motorcyclists, noise sensitivity conditions and more.

What About Vitamins And Tinnitus

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is very common, affecting nearly 1 out of every 10 Americans. While many sufferers would welcome a dietary solution to ease their tinnitus, Curhan said data on diet and tinnitus is scarce at best.

“This is an area that is in critical need of further study,” she said.

Calorie Restriction Mimics/sirtuin3 Survival Gene Activation To Save Hearing

Calorie restricted diets extend the lifespan and healthspan of laboratory mice and slow the progression of hearing loss. The genetic mechanism behind limited calorie diets slowing hearing loss has been identified as activation of the Sirtuin3 survival gene, which operates in the mitochondria within living cells. Sirtuin3 gene protein increases glutathione, a naturally produced antioxidant, within mitochondria.

Sirtuin3 is considered an essential player in enhancing the glutathione antioxidant defense system during calorie restriction. In an animal study, a calorie-restricted diet maintained the most acute hearing sensitivity, produced the fewest mitochondria DNA deletions and the least amount of hair cell losses when compared to vitamin C and vitamin E therapy.

Resveratrol molecularly mimics a calorie restricted diet and a commercially available dietary supplement has been shown to activate Sirtuin3 gene 295% better than the red wine molecule resveratrol.

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Foods To Avoid Or Consume Less Of

While it is essential to enrich your daily diet with sources of nutrients that promote ear and hearing health, you should be careful to avoid or consume less of certain foods. For example, the following foods are primarily associated with adverse effects on the body when consumed in large quantities.

Herbs For Hearing Loss: Turmeric

Science Confirms These Vitamins Boost Hearing Health ...

Turmeric is related to ginger and has been used for centuries as a cure for viral infections such as the flu. The health benefits of turmeric have been widely studied, and turmeric might also help fight depression, high cholesterol, PMS, and more. In addition, turmeric is high in potassium, which is vital for healthy ears. Potassium levels drop as we age, which might contribute to age-related hearing loss. Stock up on turmeric to keep your potassium levels high.

References: WebMD, EurekaAlert, National Center for Biotechnology Information,

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Dietary Nutrients And Hearing Loss

A number of recently published studies point to nutritional factors that are involved in hearing loss.

A study of 1823 adults age 45-60 in France over 13 years showed hearing levels were better among those individuals who consumed the most vitamin A, vitamin B12 from foods and red meat . This suggests women required iron to maintain hearing. Vitamin B12 is required for the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves and it makes sense that it would be beneficial for a nerve disorder. The connection with vitamin A is a bit surprising and requires further investigation, as provided below.

Another study involving 2592 adults 20-69 years of age showed higher dietary intake of beta carotene , vitamin C and magnesium were associated with better hearing scores. However, this data was obtained from the NHANES database that has fallen into disrepute.

Hearing thresholds were tested among 1910 participants age 50-80 years in Korea and dietary intake of vitamin A, riboflavin , niacin and vitamin C were associated with better hearing. Dietary supplement use was associated with better hearing at all frequencies tested.

The Blue Mountains Hearing Study conducted among 2956 age 50+ adults correlated dietary vitamin E intake with a 14% reduction in the likelihood of hearing loss. Again, the highest intake of vitamin A from foods produced a 47% reduction in risk for moderate or greater hearing loss.

Vitamins For Ear Health

Vitamins are organic substances found in plants and animals, which we need in order to grow and remain healthy. Our bodies do not produce enough vitamins on their own, so its important to load up on a variety of vitamin-rich foods and/or take vitamin supplements. Wondering which vitamins could improve hearing or ward off hearing loss? Here are some great vitamins for ear health.

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These Three Nutrients Can Help Reverse Your Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is all too common these days. In fact, hearing problems have become a major health issue, affecting about 48 million people20 percent of all American adults.

And the statistics get even more dire the older you get. By the time you reach age 65, you have a one in three chance of becoming hard of hearing.

But the thing is, hearing problems dont have to be an inevitable part of growing old. In fact, new research shows that adding a few basic vitamins and minerals to your diet can dramatically improve your hearing

Nutrients That Boost Your Hearing Health

Vitamin supplement successfully prevents noise-induced hearing loss

Hows your hearing? We often take our hearing health for granted until something goes wrong. We may expose our ears to dangerously loud noise, fail to wear hearing protection, or maintain habits that can be harmful to our hearing. Along with turning down the volume and stubbing out that cigarette, these are some of the top nutrients that can boost your hearing health.

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Natural Healing Remedies For Hearing Loss

What we consume plays a significant role in how our body functions, ears included. While there are no cures for hearing loss, a healthy diet encourages better hearing health.

Also consuming herbs known to be good for hearing may further reduce your risk of future hearing challenges. Below are a number of other herbs and spices purported to have positive impacts on hearing.

Many Eastern dishes feature ample portions of ginger. Ginger boasts useful remedial properties used for centuries.

Not only does ginger assist with infections, it also contains anti-inflammatory properties. These help to overcome any inflammation in the nervous system. Because the nervous system transmits sound from your ears to your brain, reducing inflammation will likely positively impact your hearing.

Turmeric has high levels potassium, a beneficial nutrient for your ears. Potassium plays a vital role in cell interaction in the inner ear, but levels also drop naturally as we age. Turmeric quickly and effectively bolsters key potassium levels, enabling healthier ears and hearing.

Spearmint contains folic acid, and research shows that low levels of folic acid are associated with age-related hearing loss. In addition to folic acid, spearmint also features other antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients as well.

Faqs On Hearing Loss Deafness And Hearing Supplements

We get plenty of questions about hearing loss, deafness, and hearing supplements. Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive:

Q: How do I know if I need a hearing aid?

A: If hearing loss is affecting your daily life, or if you have trouble communicating with others and keeping up with your daily lifestyle, then you may need a hearing aid. Talk to your doctor or get your hearing tested with an audiologist to determine if a hearing aid is the right choice for you.

Q: Will a hearing aid make me hear like normal?

A: Hearing aids are designed to amplify noises around you and make it easier for you to hear. However, they will not correct the natural function of your hear, nor do hearing aids prevent the progression of hearing loss over time.

Q: If I have hearing loss in both ears, then do I need to wear two hearing aids?

A: Some people prefer to wear two hearing aids, while others prefer to wear a single hearing aid. Wearing two hearing aids can provide better hearing in a noisy environment, an improved signal, and a better ability to localize sounds. Wearing a single hearing aid can make it difficult to determine where noises are coming from.

Q: How much do hearing aids cost?

A: The average hearing aid costs around $2,500, with most hearing aids priced between $1,000 and $6,000.

Q: Why are hearing aids so expensive?

Q: How common is hearing loss?

Q: Do hearing aids help with tinnitus?

Q: How does TRT work?

Q: Do loud noises cause hearing loss?

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Supplements To Prevent Hearing Loss

Losing your hearing doesnt just make you feel old before your time, it can take away your independence and risk your safety.

If youre starting to notice your hearing diminishing and your saying, What? more often, making your friends and family repeat themselves, its not too late to do something about it.

While excessive noise exposure is the most common cause of hearing loss in adults, aging is a close second

Thats because as you get older, changes occur in the inner ear that may trigger a slow and steady loss of hearing.

Tiny hair cells inside your inner ear help you hear. They pick up sound waves and change them into the nerve signals that your brain interprets as sound. Hearing loss occurs when these tiny hair cells are damaged or die. The hair cells dont regrow, so most hearing loss caused by hair cell damage is permanent.

Youre at greater risk for hearing loss if you:

  • Have a family history
  • Experience repeated exposure to loud noises
  • Smoke
  • Have certain medical conditions, like diabetes
  • Take certain medicines, like chemotherapy drugs for cancer

Since, age-related hearing loss is considered permanent, its vital that you do all you can to preserve your hearing now, before it gets worse.

What Causes Hearing Loss

Foods That Improve Hearing (Supplements &  Vitamins For ...

If you were born with hearing, there are lots of reasons why you may develop problems with it. There are two main types of hearing loss: sensorineural and conductive.Sensorineural hearing loss happens when the hair cells in the cochlea or the auditory nerve become damaged. There are several things that can cause this, including the following:

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Hearing Loss: Causes & Treatments

Hearing is something most of us dont pay much attention to until theres a problem. But the older you get, the worse your hearing is likely to become though hearing problems can affect you at any age. Indeed, the National Deaf Childrens Society estimates there are more than 50,000 deaf children in the UK , as well as many more who are affected by temporary hearing loss.According to the national charity Action on Hearing Loss, more than 70 percent of 70-year-olds and 40 percent of the over-50s have some kind and degree or hearing loss, which works out at around 11 million people in the UK altogether . And by 2035, its estimated therell be 15.6 million people with hearing loss in this country, which is one in five.Hearing loss can start suddenly, though it usually develops gradually so gradually, in some cases, that you may not notice you have a problem for some time. Most people with hearing loss are affected in both ears , though each ear is often affected to a different extent. Some people, however, will be affected by loss of hearing in just one ear, which is sometimes referred to as single-sided deafness.Its not always easy to tell if your hearing is getting worse. Ask yourself if any of the following apply to you:

Nutritional Factors To Consider

Any of the above-mentioned vitamins and nutrients may help hearing. However, in nutrition, you have to consider a few basic facts:

  • Taking supplements of nutrients that you dont need wont make you into a superman . The amount of benefit you get will only reach a top level and then stop. If you dont need a nutrient and have hearing loss, you cant expect that supplementing with a nutrient that you dont need will help your sense of hearing. What this tells you is that you need a full nutritional work-up to determine what you need and what you dont.
  • Nutrient deficiencies are never found singly. If youre deficient in one of the B vitamins, the chances of you being deficient in other B vitamins is high. This is because the B vitamins work together in the body.
  • Nutrients work in the body in ratios. For example, zinc and copper works best in the ratio of 15 mg zinc to 2 mg copper. However, if you supplement with just zinc, since you didnt provide the copper, the copper will go into deficiency status. This is one of the big problems that has resulted from people taking zinc for Covid. By increasing zinc without copper, they induced their own copper deficiency.
  • Theres quite a bit of science about how nutrients help hearing, following are additional factors.

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    Antioxidants To Combat Hearing Loss

    Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize damage from free radicals. These antioxidants scour the body of free radicals and limit their ability to create havoc with your hearing.

    N-acetyl cysteine. NAC stimulates the production of glutathione, one of the most prevalent antioxidants in the body. NAC helps your body create its own pool of antioxidants. It has been used for years to combat the effects of acetaminophen overdose, but researchers are discovering its ability to protect hair cells from noise-induced damage.

    Lipoic Acid. NAC is not the only supplement that can increase the production of glutathione. Animal studies with lipoic acid are proving that it can protect against hearing loss due to aging and noise-induced haring loss as well.

    Vitamin C. Consider a glass of orange juice daily. Orange juice is high in vitamin C, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. When combined with other vitamins, such as B, A, and E, it can even help ward off the effects of ototoxic drugs.

    Zinc. This mineral also has antioxidant properties. Studies have shown it reduces tinnitus and some forms of hearing loss. Zinc deficiency has also been indicated in some forms of impaired hearing. The good news is that zinc is commonly found in most multi-vitamins.

    Herbs For Hearing Loss: Spearmint

    6 Foods to Boost Your Hearing Health || Prevent Hearing Loss

    Folic acid is proven to be extremely important to ear health. According to a 2010 study that was comprised of 126 people aged 60 or older, age-related hearing loss is linked with low levels of folic acid. Dried spearmint is a fun way to up your folic acid intakeyou can use it in desserts or make it into a nice hot tea. Folic acid can also be found in leafy greens, avocados, beets, and beans.

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    Hearing Supplements: Vitamins To Prevent Deafness

    Approximately 76% of U.S. adults take dietary supplements regularly. Vitamin C is good for the immune system, vitamin A improves your vision, and vitamin D supports healthy bones. But are there such things as hearing supplements?

    Supplements for hearing loss are a controversial issue. Some studies point towards potential benefits, whereas others offer contradictory results. At EarPros, we explore the issue of supplements for ear health and what you need to know about preserving your hearing.

    Three Nutrients That Significantly Improve Hearing

    Dr. Marc Micozzi stresses that the presence of free radical chemicals in the inner ear is a key factor in hearing loss, suggesting that antioxidants may play an important role in treatment.

    In his Insiders Ultimate Guide to Outsmarting Old Age, he cites a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition where researchers found that higher intakes of antioxidant vitamins A and C, combined with magnesium, were associated with better hearing in nearly 2,600 participants.

    Furthermore, the beneficial effects of these three nutrients were found at normal speech ranges and high-frequency ranges of sound. And when the nutrients were used together, the combined benefit was greater than the individual effects of each nutrient alone.

    Thats not a surprise, really, because magnesium is a proven antioxidant booster. And in addition, research shows that magnesium may help restore blood flow to the hearing apparatus of your ear following damage from excessive noise.

    Dr. Micozzi recommends 200 mg of magnesium daily, along with 500 mg of vitamin C, twice each day. And for good measure, he also suggests taking another important antioxidant: vitamin E, 50 IU daily.

    As for vitamin A, he believes that we dont yet have sufficient data to determine the optimal dose, so he recommends getting your vitamin A from dairy, fish, and meat. And each of these foods contains essential fats, which promotes greater absorption because vitamin A is fat-soluble.

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    Gene Therapy For Hearing Loss

    1. Restored Hearing in Mice by increasing NT3 production

    NT3 is a source of communication that occurs between your ears and your brain. NT3 helps establish a questionable ribbon point that links the hair cells in your sense organ to nerve cells in your brain. Once you went to very loud noise, these ribbon synapses are damaged and can lead to hearing loss.

    Normal aging may also injure your ribbon synapses, therefore NT3 could counteract traditional age-related deafness as well. To spice up the production of NT3, the researchers use conditional factor recombination. As explained by Medical News.

    NT3 allows the scientists to activate the genes in particular cells that administrate a drug that causes the cells to read the extra copies of a gene that was inserted into them. For further studies, the team used the technique to activate more NT3 genes that have introduced to the supporting cells of the inner ear in mice that defends partially by a loud noise.

    They then started to plan the drugs which are identified early known as tamoxifen. This started producing the same effect as the protein. It has the potential which restores the hearing loss in humans. The scientists found that the gene therapy technique which used in this study has the potential work in humans but a drug-based method would be simpler. A drug could be repeatedly administered for as long as it takes for hearing to be restored.

    2. Astaxanthin Raises NT3 expression

    3. Boosting BDNF may also improve your hearing

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