Tuesday, May 7, 2024

How To Sleep With Ringing Ears

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Turn Down The Thermostat

How to fall asleep with Tinnitus (Ringing Ears)

Studies have shown that the room temperature for optimal sleep is actually between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, which is much colder than most people would guess. The reason has to do with an internal process called thermoregulation.

In his best-selling book Sleep Smarter,;author and sleep expert Shawn Stevenson explains: When its time for your body to rest, there is an automatic drop in your core body temperature to help initiate sleep. If the temperature in your environment stays too high, then it can be a bit of a physiological challenge for your body to get into the ideal state for restful sleep.

When your room temperature is much warmer or colder than the optimum range, it can impact your ability to fall asleep. But you also dont want to be cold. You want to feel entirely comfortable under your blanket, so wearing socks might be a good option if your feet tend to get cold.

You also dont have to drop your thermostat down to 60 degrees if youve been struggling to sleep with tinnitus. Instead, just try turning the temperature down a few degrees the next time you go to sleepit might just do the trick.

Avoiding Insomnia And Fatigue

Many people who struggle with tinnitus also suffer from insomnia or other sleeping problems. It can be hard to count sheep when your ears are ringing, so here are some other tips to help you get to sleep.


For people with tinnitus, silence is less than relaxing – it’s an opportunity for the ringing in their head to take over. This can cause insomnia, exhaustion, and mental distress. Over a long period of time, these issues can even lead to depression and chronic fatigue. However, most people need some form of “silence” in order to fall asleep. While fans, music, and ambient noise can fade into the background, tinnitus does not.

Instead of lying awake, it’s recommended that people with tinnitus take measures to fall asleep faster. However, over-the-counter drugs and sleeping medications shouldn’t be used over long periods of time. Luckily, there are other ways to encourage sleep.

Sa Tinnitus Causes Sleep Difficulties

In other words, the disorder is highly widely wide-spread, and it may be quite disruptive to ones potential to enjoy ones life if the heard noises are really loud and do not fade away.

Some of the drugs that your doctor recommends for you may really contribute to your tinnitus development.

That is why the general public of folk are searching for herbal remedies to alleviate their tinnitus indicators.

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What Causes Ringing Ears

Ringing ears, clinically known as tinnitus, describe the experience of hearing sounds that arent caused by an external source.

Ringing characterizes one of the sounds, but there are other ways tinnitus can present. Commonly, its as a high-pitched humming or buzzing sound, though some describe the pealing of church bells or roaring static or even a pulsing sound to match your heartbeat.

Ringing ears can be deafening. They can also occur as a constant background noise. Some people with ringing ears arent bothered too much by them, but others find the noise oppressive and a major cause for sleep loss, mood swings, or noticeable disruptions to daily life.1

Brainwave Entrainment For Rapid Sleep Induction

6 Tips to Stop Ringing in the Ears and Sleep Better

Brainwave entrainment is a fascinating technology that can not only help you to fall asleep faster, but induce specific changes in your mental state, and how you feel, using nothing but sound.

To understand how something like this is possible, you first need to understand that how you feel changes your brainwave activity in a very specific way. In fact, there is a predictable brainwave pattern associated with just about every possible mental state.

But interestingly the opposite is also trueyou can change your mental state, and how you feel, by influencing your brainwave pattern to change with an external stimulus. This effect is known as brainwave entrainment and can be achieved with sound, flashing light, and even vibration.

If you want to give this a try, I created a;pay-what-you-want;;album of brainwave entrainment tracks called;Rewiring Tinnitus Sleep Relief;where every track is engineered to help tinnitus sufferers to fall asleep faster.

Note: You need to have some of your hearing in at least one of your ears for brainwave entrainment audio to have an effect.

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Learning To Live With Tinnitus

When you live with tinnitus, there are plenty of times that you wonder how to stop ringing ears because they can be quite the annoyance. There are things that can make it worse that have nothing to do with exterior sound stimuli.

Instead, there are certain drinks and even foods that can trigger the tinnitus. It would be a good idea to keep a food and drink diary to see if anything you eat coincides with the ringing that you hear in your ears. You may find thatyou have certain foods that you can avoid to keep the ringing at bay.

It also helps to take time to relax and get enough sleep to help decrease the ringing in your ears. Finding the right white-noise machine can also work wonders when youre trying to sleep with the noise buzzing in your ear.

Establish A Nighttime Schedule

Condition your body to feel sleepy at the correct time by creating good sleep habits like dimming the lights, winding down at least a half an hour before bed, and going to bed at the same time every night. This will make it less difficult to fall asleep when youre ready.

Tinnitus has also been related to stress. It also helps to develop habits to de-stress before bed.

  • Concentrating on thoughts that make you calm and happy
  • Sitting in a quiet room and reading a book
  • Dimming the lights at least one hour before you go to bed
  • Listening to gentle sounds or soft music
  • Stay away from eating a few hours before you go to bed
  • Bathing
  • Turn down the heat in your bedroom
  • Doing deep breathing or a short meditation
  • Doing yoga and stretching
  • Avoiding drinking alcohol

Getting into a predictable schedule before going to bed helps you shift from the stresses of the day into night and trains your body to transition into sleep.

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Tinnitus Keeping You Awake At Night Try This

Its hard to concentrate when you have a ringing in your ears and its even harder to shut off and fall asleep. Find out how you can cope with tinnitus that keeps you up at night.

Tossing and turning? When tinnitus is moderate to severe, it invades every fiber of your being. And because its coming from the inside rather than an outside source, no earplugs or number of pillows piled on your head will get rid of it.

Tinnitus seems like an insurmountable foe during the nighttime when theres very little noise to compete with the ringing in your ears. But there are some tinnitus-fighting techniques that help you tackle your tinnitus so you can finally get some well-deserved rest.

Here are the 6 secrets to getting a good nights sleep with tinnitus.

Prevention Tips To Stop Ringing In Ears

Hard Time Falling Asleep with Tinnitus? 5 Things You Can Do

Avoid loud noises: While loud noises can sometimes be unavoidable, making an effort to reduce the controllable aspects of your life can make a big difference for preventing ringing in the ears. Decreasing the volume of your music player, staying away from noisy traffic by finding alternative routes, and avoiding any construction sites is in your best interest. A hint that your environment may be too loud is if you have to raise your voice to speak to someone about eight feet away from you.

Consume less salt: Tinnitus may be the result of a medical condition called Menieres disease. It is characterized by excessive amounts of fluid in the ear causing tinnitus, fullness in the ear, dizziness, and even hearing loss. While no definite treatments are available for this condition, patients are recommended to limit their consumption of table salt to 2,000 to help reduce symptoms.

Consume less caffeine: Coffee, tea, and cola all contain caffeine in them which can exacerbate tinnitus. Caffeine is known to constrict blood vessels and temporally raise blood pressure, while only worsening rigging in the ears. Giving up caffeine may not completely alleviate tinnitus, but could provide some relief.

Listen to the sounds of nature: A common practice to help people relax and can be a great way to reduce ringing in the ears. Previous studies have found that the sounds of water and nature are significantly more effective for relieving tinnitus than other various types of white noise.

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How To Stop Ringing In Ears: The Most Effective Ways To Do

May 1, 2019 | Hearing Loss, Resources

Do you ever hear a ringing or a buzzing sound in your ears? Maybe it sounds like hissing. Either way, youre the only one that hears it. In a silent room, you may hear what sounds like a ringing. You may not even realize that the ringing isnt normal because you hear it all the time. Once you know its not, do you wonder what you can do about it?

Is Sleeping With A Fan Bad For Your Hearing

Yes and no. More than likely for your case, no. If you are using fans designed for home use, odds are, you are not purchasing a fan anywhere near loud enough to do any real damage to your ears.

Also, even if you DO have a loud fan, odds are you dont have it close enough to your ears to cause any damage.

Happy Sleeping! ;

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Follow A Nighttime Routine

Formulating good sleep habits such as winding down at least 30 minutes before bed, dimming the lights and going to bed at the same time every night helps condition your body to feel sleepy at the right time. When youre ready to fall asleep it will be easier.

Tinnitus has also been associated with stress. Developing habits to lessen your stress level before bed can also be helpful, such as:

  • Making your bedroom slightly cooler
  • Doing deep breathing or a quick meditation
  • Concentrating on thoughts that make you relaxed and happy
  • Listening to soft music or gentle sounds
  • Doing yoga and stretching
  • At least an hour before going to bed, dim the lights
  • Sitting in a quiet room and reading a book
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Bathing
  • Avoiding eating a few hours before you go to bed

Getting into a predictable routine before going to bed helps you shift away from the stresses of the day into night and trains your body to transition into sleep.

What Does Sleep Apnea Have To Do With Hearing Loss

If your ears are ringing & you can

Sleep apnea is more than just a series of restless nights. Research has shown that this chronic sleep disorder can negatively impact your health in many ways. Studies now show that this may extend to your ears.

One study on the association between sleep apnea and hearing impairment found startling results for those who had S.A. Findings showed they were:

  • 90% more likely to have low frequency hearing loss
  • 30% more likely to experience high frequency hearing loss
  • About 40% more likely to experience both low and high frequency hearing loss

Considering that most human speech falls into the low frequency category, these numbers are concerning. Those with S.A. and low frequency hearing loss may have difficulty hearing speech and, by extension, may have a hard time communicating with others. This can impact your quality of life.;

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Is Cpap The Solution

Maybe. A research review published in 2020 suggests that CPAP may have both positive and negative impacts on tinnitus.7

CPAP may benefit someone with OSA who also has tinnitus by:7

  • Preventing periods of low blood oxygen
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Masking the sound of ringing ears through the CPAP machines white noise

However, CPAP use may complicate issues with tinnitus by:

  • Introducing increases in middle ear pressure which could affect hearing
  • Damaging the organs of the ear due to rapid, excessive changes in pressure during CPAP use
  • Leading to vertigo

The likelihood of these complications remains so rare that, in the big picture, its a better bet to treat your OSA, which may also take care of your tinnitus.

Proven Techniques To Help You Treat Tinnitus And Sleep Better

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Youve heard me talk about the impact of noisefor better and worseon sleep. But recently I received several questions during my FaceBook Live Wake up Wednesdays about tinnitus and sleep. Looking back, I have never written about it, so I decided to dive in and learn more.

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus involves the perception of phantom sounds that arent coming from an external source. Often described as ringing in the ears, people with tinnitus can actually experience a wide variety of sounds, including:

  • Buzzing
  • White noise sounds, akin to static
  • Booming
  • Hissing
  • Snippets of music

Whatever the specific sounds, these noises are only perceptible to the individual. Tinnitus noise can vary widely in volume. About 1 in every 4 people with tinnitus describe their sounds as loud.

Many of us experience tinnitus every once in a while. If youre exposed to extremely loud noise, or leave a noisy environment for a quiet one, you may notice a temporary buzzing or ringing in your ear. Maybe youve been near loud constructionlike a jackhammer, or stepped out of a loud action movie or music concert to a quiet lobby or street.

Tinnitus becomes more common with age, in part because of age-related hearing loss. Among adults ages 65-84 years old, its estimated that about 27 percent have tinnitus.

What causes tinnitus?

There are several potential causes of tinnitus, including:

How tinnitus affects sleep

Anxiety can be a major factor

Sweet Dreams,

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Be Sensible With Screen Time

At night, the human brain secretes melatonin, a hormone which signals that its night and time to get some sleep. However, the bright light emitted from screens such as phones, computers and TVs can cause the brain to stop secreting this important hormone.

As a result, staying up late to play on your phone, watch your favorite TV show, or browse the internet can all worsen sleep problems.

Ideally, its recommended that you turn off all of your backlit screen for at least 90 minutes before going to bed. This is the best way to ensure that youre prepared for restful sleep.

Its worth noting that many mobile devices now come with an app that can dim the screen and turn off most of the blue light spectrum.

Antidepressants And Antianxiety Drugs

BEST Tinnitus Relief for Sleep – Ocean Sounds for Ringing Ears Tinnitus Masker

Tinnitus treatment often involves a combination of approaches. Your doctor may recommend medication as part of your treatment. These drugs may help make your tinnitus symptoms less annoying, thereby improving your quality of life. Antianxiety drugs are also an effective treatment for insomnia.

A study published in found that an antianxiety drug called alprazolam provides some relief for tinnitus sufferers.

According to the American Tinnitus Association, antidepressants commonly used to treat tinnitus include:

  • clomipramine
  • protriptyline

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Evaluate And Treat Underlying Problems

If you develop tinnitus, it’s important to see your clinician. She or he will take a medical history, give you a physical examination, and do a series of tests to try to find the source of the problem. She or he will also ask you to describe the noise you’re hearing and the times and places in which you hear it. Your clinician will review your medical history, your current and past exposure to noise, and any medications or supplements you’re taking. Tinnitus can be a side effect of many medications, especially when taken at higher doses .

Musculoskeletal factors jaw clenching,;tooth grinding, prior injury, or muscle tension in the neck sometimes make tinnitus more noticeable, so your clinician may ask you to tighten muscles or move the jaw or neck in certain ways to see if the sound changes. If tight muscles are part of the problem, massage therapy may help relieve it.

Tinnitus that’s continuous, steady, and high-pitched generally indicates a problem in the auditory system and requires hearing tests conducted by an audiologist. Pulsatile tinnitus calls for a medical evaluation, especially if the noise is frequent or constant. MRI or CT imaging may be needed to check for a tumor or blood vessel abnormality.

If you’re often exposed to loud noises at work or at home, it’s important to reduce the risk of hearing loss by using protectors such as earplugs or earmuff-like or custom-fitted devices.

Selected resources

How Sleeping With A Fan Can Help Tinnitus Sufferers

When you have tinnitus, lying down in a dark and silent room can be a nightmare. There is nothing standing between you and the constant ringing in your ears that simply will not go away when you need it to most. Having a fan, like a circular fan or box fan, can add some ambient noise in the room that will help drown out other noises and distract you from the tinnitus ringing or buzzing in your ears. Sleeping with a fan on while sleeping gives a white noise effect for tinnitus sufferers.

While out in the real world, our ears hear all sorts of things. We hear cars going down the street, radios playing music, other people having conversations with each other, sirens from ambulances and other emergency vehicles and even the wind when it blows. These sounds can help distract someone with tinnitus from focusing on the constant ringing and buzzing in their ears. ;

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