Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Ringing In The Ears

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Will Allergy Medicine Help

Seasonal Allergies Tips. How to get rid of hay fever and allergies.

Over-the-counter allergy medications can help take care of multiple symptoms, including any allergic reactions in the ear. Antihistamines and decongestants can reduce the feeling of fullness in the ear.

Other treatments that may help with allergic reactions in the ear include a warm compress, such as a washcloth placed on the ear or prescription eardrops. Pain medication also may help an earache.

If you have an infection, your health care provider can prescribe an antibiotic.

If pressure in the ear doesnt go away or becomes painful, its important to see a hearing care provider right away.

Hay Fever And Hearing Loss

Hay fever is a common allergy that many people suffer from. Common symptoms of hay fever are sneezing and congestion, resulting in an excessive mucus build-up in the middle ear. This can prevent sound waves from vibrating the tiny bones inside your middle ear that help you to hear sounds clearly. Therefore, a temporary hearing loss can occur as a consequence of hay fever. An excessive build up of mucus can also prevent the eustachian tube from draining properly, causing added pressure to the ears.

Dealing With Temporary Hearing Loss

If you’ve never experience temporary hearing loss before, you might feel seriously distressed. However, rest assured, most cases of allergy-related hearing loss clear up relatively quickly. Medicated ear drops and allergy medications can help you cope in the meantime, and it’s unlikely that you will experience complete deafness.

Chances are, your conductive hearing loss will feel like someone’s plugged your ears. If your condition is worse than this, you should consider seeing a doctor for treatment. They might prescribe medication to clear up the blockage.

It’s important that you avoid putting things in your ears. This includes earbuds, q-tips, and other foreign objects. That can worsen the blockage and cause pain or damage. If you use hearing aids, try to use them sparingly, and do not turn up the volume to combat your worsened condition. As the fluid clears or shifts, the high volume can damage your ears further.

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Hay fever – also known as allergic rhinitis – is a common allergic reaction which occurs at particular times of the year. Rhinitis refers to irritation or inflammation of the nose. There are many symptoms when it comes to diagnosing hay fever but here is how to tell if you have a pollen allergy from a sign in your ears.

When To See A Doctor For Treatment

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If youre suffering from other allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes and a stuffy nose, over-the-counter medication may help your ears as well. Antihistamines can reduce the inflammation caused by the allergy, while decongestants will help with a clogged nose and ears. Because ear pressure can be a symptom of many other problems, its advisable to see a doctor if the pressure doesnt go away or becomes painful. Continued pressure can lead to hearing loss.

Also, if your allergy symptoms include ringing in the ears or vertigo , a visit to a hearing care provider is in order.

As many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children reportedly suffer from some type of allergy. Because allergies can cause temporary and in some rare cases permanent hearing loss, its important to know how allergies impact hearing and to address any problems early on.

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Ear Symptoms Of Allergies

Having allergies means the the immune system is over responding to some type of substance, that does not normally trigger a response. Common substances that cause allergies are pollen, mold, pet hair, dust, pollution and some types of foods. Allergies can be seasonal or year round and the symptoms can be mild or severe. Along with runny itchy eyes, stuffy nose, rashes and fatigue, there are also ear related symptoms of allergies. To help fully manage this condition, it is important to know what symptoms to look for and to seek medical care early.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Symptoms Of Hearing Loss Due To Allergy

A temporary hearing loss caused by pollen allergies is typically common in children. Children are more susceptible to ear infections because they have a shorter eustachian tube, making it easier for a build-up of mucus to occur.

You should look out for the following symptoms, especially if you or your child suffers from hay fever or other allergies:

  • Ear ache
  • A short-term loss of hearing
  • Vertigo
  • Feeling imbalanced

It is important to see medical advice if symptoms are recurring after the allergic reactions has passed over.

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How Is It Possible Your Seasonal Allergies Cause Hearing Loss

Each new year and every new season brings with it the stuffy nose and itchy eyes that means allergies, but does that also mean youll have hearing loss? It might surprise you to know there is a connection for many people. You dont necessarily associate hearing with the immune system, after all. It is not that simple. Your hearing is a complex sense, one that can be affected by an allergic reaction. So, what should you do if your allergies affect your hearing?

Environmental Allergies Can Cause Poor Hearing Tinnitus And A Loss Of Balance

can allergies cause ringing ears dizziness

Image: Kari Perrin

For those with environmental allergies, Florida can provide a year-round supply of irritating allergens, from pollen to indoor dust mites. Aside from the typical allergy symptoms like runny nose and itchy eyes, allergy sufferers can also experience hearing loss, tinnitus and even poor balance.

Dr. Nilamben Patel at Allergy Associates of Sarasota says environmental allergens can cause pressure to build up in the middle and inner ear. The fluid that builds up to prevent the allergen from reaching further into the ear canal presses against the ear drum. It is caused by your body releasing the chemical histamine.

“This histamine release is what causes typical allergy symptoms to arise, and when the pressure buildup is so strong in the ears, it can cause that annoying ringing and even a loss of balance, because your inner ear and equilibrium is being messed with,” says Patel.

Patel says there are many ways to cure this common allergy symptom.

“The first line of defense for those experiencing muffled hearing or clogged ears due to allergies is over-the-counter antihistamines,” says Patel. “Medications like Claritin, Zyrtec and their generic bottles can begin working within a few days.”

If after all treatments and remedies your ears are still a cause for concern, Patel recommends seeing an ear, nose and throat specialist.

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What About Herbal Remedies

If your symptom of blocked ears is caused by seasonal allergies, then seeking treatment for the underlying problem is likely to bring the most effective, long-term relief, and will also help with other symptoms of hayfever you are experiencing.

Herbal remedies such as Pollinosan Allergy Relief Tablets combine seven different tropical herbs designed to target the symptoms of hayfever. It is a non-drowsy medication so will not affect your ability to drive or use machinery.

If you are looking for a herbal remedy specifically to target blocked ears, then Plantago is often found to be effective. It is thought to reduce the amount of inflammation present in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Seasonal Allergies And Hearing Loss

Each year millions of people in this U.S. seek treatment for seasonal allergies. The other symptoms like congestion might keep them suffering enough that they fail to notice a change in their hearing. The ears rely on sound waves reaching a nerve in the inner ear, so they can be translated into something the brain can understand and allergies interfere with that process.

An allergic response typically leads to swelling and congestion. They, in turn, change the fluid pressure and prevent sound from traveling to the inner ear. You might notice pressure or a sense of fullness in the ears when that happens. The body produces more earwax in response to an allergy, too, creating a buildup that blocks sound.

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How Allergy Medication Helps

The good news is there are several options you can get over the counter to meet your allergy needs. Some of these might require proactive use, such as taking them before you begin to experience any symptoms. The most common over-the-counter options include antihistamines and decongestants.

If your allergies include earaches or ear infections, you might need additional medication. For some people, pain medication can do wonders. If you prefer not to medicate your ear pain, consider using a warm washcloth.

When symptoms persist or become severe, your doctor may prescribe stronger medication. For example, there are some ear drops that may reduce the feeling of pressure build-up in the ear and reduce the pain. If your doctor determines you have an ear infection, he or she might also prescribe antibiotics.

Tinnitus Facts And Figures

Allergies Causing Hearing Loss

Precautions with Tinnitus Treatment

  • Tinnitus can sometimes be triggered temporarily from acute illnesses like a fever, cold or infection. If symptoms last for more than one week after youve recovered, see a doctor to make sure another condition isnt to blame.
  • If you notice symptoms of tinnitus that occur suddenly or without any apparent cause, also check with your doctor. This is especially important if you have other symptoms, such as dizziness and sudden loss of hearing.
  • Because tinnitus is linked to sometimes serious depression or anxiety, its recommended you always speak with a counselor if youre struggling to manage tough feelings associated with tinnitus on your own.

Final Thoughts on Tinnitus Treatment

  • Tinnitus is the term for unexplained ringing in your ears or hearing other noises that other people cannot hear.
  • Tinnitus is most likely to affect older people, men more often than women, those with past ear damage, or anyone with hearing loss.
  • Symptoms of tinnitus include ringing in the ears, buzzing, humming and other noise sensations, along with anxiety and sometimes headaches or dizziness.
  • Natural tinnitus treatment options include using sound machines, hearing devices or aids, preventing ear infections, reducing noise pollution exposure, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

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How Allergies Impact The Ear

An allergy is an immune response by the body to a foreign substance that causes hypersensitivity, such as pollen, grass, fur, some foods, dust mites or drugs.

Most allergies commonly affect the middle ear because of the Eustachian tube. This is a part of the ear that works to release pressure, sort of like a drainage tube. When an allergic reaction causes swelling or mucus to form, pressure builds and the Eustachian tube doesnt drain properly, leading to difficulty hearing. It may feel as if your ears are full or that everything sounds dampened. This is usually a temporary problem known as conductive hearing loss.

The Eustachian tube also plays a role in balance. If its blocked due to an allergic reaction, you might feel dizzy or lightheaded.

Sometimes, mostly in children, the fluid in the ear becomes infected. This is known as otitis media, a middle ear infection. If these infections occur often, a doctor may recommend allergy testing.

Ear Popping And Fullness

Ear popping and sensations of the ear feeling full are common symptoms of allergies, states the American Academy of Family Physicians 1. This can occur if the mucus produced by an allergic reaction, drains into the Eustachian tube. This tube travels from the back of the ear into the throat. Its job is to drain excess fluid from the ear and equalize the pressure in the ears. If the lining of this tube becomes inflamed, then the ears may start to feel full and pop.

Since the ears play a role in maintaining balance, inflammation can lead to a loss of balance, dizziness and even vertigo. The first step in treatment, is to identify the allergen that is triggering the symptoms, and then taking steps to lower exposure when possible

  • Ear popping and sensations of the ear feeling full are common symptoms of allergies, states the American Academy of Family Physicians 1.
  • If the lining of this tube becomes inflamed, then the ears may start to feel full and pop.

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How Do Allergies Impact Ears

Allergy symptoms can affect all three parts of your ear. In the outer ear, you can experience swelling or itching. In the middle ear, fluid build-up can cause earaches or pressure. This pressure is uncomfortable and also can cause balance issues. The fluid also can harbor bacteria, leading to infection. In the inner ear, allergies can affect people who have inner-ear disorders like Menieres disease .

Allergy Related Hearing Loss Treatments

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There are some home remedies that can help towards alleviating the symptoms of hay fever or a pollen allergy. Seasonal issues will come and go, any hearing loss caused by hay fever, congestion or a pollen allergy will resolve itself after a while. However, if you feel you are struggling with the symptoms, here are some useful treatments to try:

  • Washing the affected ear gently with a warm cloth and dry thoroughly
  • Inhale steam or menthol to open the eustachian tube to allow fluid from the middle ear to drain away
  • Equalise the pressure in your ears by yawning, chewing gum or holding your nose and blowing gently until your ears pop
  • Taking anti-histamines or other over-the-counter allergy relief tablets

This type of hearing loss is short-term and usually resolves itself once the hay fever and pollen allergy subsides. If you feel you are experiencing any changes in hearing, it is important to seek professional advice from a hearing expert. At Amplifon, we offer no obligation FREE hearing consultations where you can speak to one of our full qualified audiologists to give you some peace of mind!

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Can Hay Fever Affect My Hearing

Allergies such as hay fever and pollen allergies tend to rise during the summer months due to an increase in pollen levels, potentially causing temporary hearing problems. Our bodies treat pollen as a harmful substance and therefore attempt to defend the body by releasing a chemical called histamine. Once histamine has been released, it can result in the membrane lining of our Eustachian tube becoming inflamed. An inflammation of the Eustachian tube can bring about an imbalance in pressure, creating the feeling of blocked ears.

Hay fever is a common allergy that many people suffer from. Common symptoms of hay fever are sneezing and congestion, resulting in an excessive mucus build-up in the middle ear. This can prevent sound waves from vibrating the tiny bones inside your middle ear that help you to hear sounds clearly, forming an interesting connection between hay fever and hearing loss . An excessive buildup of mucus can also prevent the Eustachian tube from draining properly, causing added pressure to the ears.

If you have any urgent concerns about your hearing, please consult your local GP for medical advice.

Treating Your Allergies With Immunotherapy

For many patients, these measures are not enough to provide relief for their allergy symptoms. Allergen immunotherapy prescribed by Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia, can reduce allergy symptoms and any associated sinus or ear infections 80-90%. Consult with one of our Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia specialists. to find the treatment plan right for you.

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Coping With Allergies As A Hearing Aid Wearer

As mentioned above, temporary conductive hearing loss can interfere with your hearing aids. You should avoid using your hearing aids for prolonged periods of time during pollen season, as they might worsen any blockages you’re experiencing.

You should also check your hearing aids for excess earwax. You should clean your hearing aids often, but you should double your cleaning routine during allergy season. Otherwise, your hearing aids might become damaged by buildup.

Regardless of whether or not you use hearing aids, you should get your hearing checked after pollen season is over. A hearing test can make sure your congestion or ear infection has cleared up and check on the overall quality of your hearing. If your hearing has deteriorated over the year, you can catch this change before it begins affecting your daily life.

While allergy season brings misery for nearly everyone, it can be a serious issue for those with sensitive ears, existing hearing loss, or a tendency towards congestion. Luckily, pollen is only an issue for a few months, and you can enjoy unclogged sinuses for the rest of the year.

However, your hearing should be a concern every season of the year. A lot can change in a few months, so keep a close eye on how you’re hearing. If something begins to change, or you start struggling to make out certain sounds, schedule a visit with your audiologist. They can help you tackle issues before they begin causing serious problems.

Allergies Worst In Years This Spring Including Hearing Problems Chicago

Might Those Seasonal Allergies Mean Some Hearing Loss?

Local hearing clinics in Chicago say this is the worst spring in several years for allergy-related hearing problems. Dr. Michael Jones, of the Hearing Health Center said he is seeing a large number of patients each week with hearing problems caused by seasonal allergies.

Experts say this season is especially bad for allergies because late snowfalls, plus the particularly wet months of April and May have brought about excess moisture.

High pollen levels do not only cause problems in the nose and eyes, but also commonly trigger an accumulation of fluid and wax in the middle ear, which also swells, blocking off the Eustachian tubes, resulting in poor hearing.

Dr. Jones said:

Typically, allergic patients have complained of a symmetrical hearing loss and a sense of fullness or pressure. In most cases the hearing test shows a slight hearing loss and a tympanogram shows reduced mobility of the tympanic membrane. That means the middle ear has become inflamed.

As allergies subside so do hearing problems, Dr. Jones explained. In most cases, if the audiologist cannot identify any other underlying problem, the patient is advised to check with an ENT specialist to make sure. OTC antihistamines and decongestants may provide some temporary relief.

Seasonal hearing problems caused by allergies have become so common that some doctors are treating patients with immunotherapy, which was shown in one 1992 study to improve the hearing of 60% of patients with Menieres Disease .

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