Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Ear Ringing A Sign Of Concussion

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The Initial Causes Is Ringing In The Ears A Sign Of Concussion

Dealing with Tinnitus After Concussion | ACD – Ep. 113

There are many causes of hearing loss. These include loss of hair cells , damage done to the brain stem due to disease or an infection, and a buildup of wax in the ears. Any combination of these can cause the brain to send wrong signals to the ears causing them to lose hearing. Oftentimes, there is no way to know whether or not you are suffering from hearing loss without having your ears checked. The only way to make sure is to undergo a hearing test.

Many people believe that they are going crazy or having a break out when they have a constant ringing, buzzing, screaming, or hissing sound in their ears. They think it is going to come and go. But, the truth is that it can take weeks or even months to go away depending on the underlying medical condition causing it. Once you know for sure what is causing your hearing loss, you can find a good treatment to fix it so you can once again enjoy great quality hearing.

Tinnitus isnt actually a disorder in and of itself its more of a symptom for another underlying condition. In many instances, tinnitus simply is a sensory reaction in the inner ear and hearing system to damage to these systems. While tinnitus can be caused by hearing loss alone, there are about 200 other health conditions which can produce tinnitus as a result. This condition is different for each person, although common symptoms include high-pitched ringing, pulsing noises, or continuous clicking or whirring.

Vomiting Ringing Ears: Signs Of A Concussion

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that can pose serious threats to your brains ability to function properly. The Center for Disease Control reports that between 2001 and 2009 emergency room visits for brain injuries increased 62 percent. If someone experiences multiple concussions, the cumulative trauma could result in brain damage. A concussion can be caused by a sever strike to the head or a violent shaking of the head. Since not every concussion results in unconsciousness, some people don even realize they have a concussion. The Boston University Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy reports that the majority of concussions are undiagnosed and argues that the number of concussions is at least six times greater than the number of those on record. Therefore, it is important to become aware of this injurys symptoms, especially if you regularly participate in a full-contact sport such as football or hockey.

CauseWhen you experience a significant blow to the head, your brain can slide against the inner wall of your skull. This will affect brain function and result in the previously listed symptoms. Sadly, if the blow is sever enough your brain could bleed, which could result in death.

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Time For A Medical Check

Ringing and roaring in the ears can be a symptom of a medical condition, like abnormal fluid pressure in the inner ear , a non-cancerous tumor , hypertension, diabetes or even allergies. If youre not sure whats causing the strange sounds in your ears, its time to have a chat with your health-care provider, and identify the underlying cause. Chances are, it can be treated.

Also Check: Can An Ear Infection Cause Jaw Problems

Tinnitus After A Concussion Or Brain Injury

More than half of TBI patients develop tinnitus, also known as ringing in the ears, and that number is higher if they experienced a blast. The phantom soundswhich range from hissing to buzzingare the first and most reported issue with traumatic brain injury,” Cohen said. Tinnitus may have a big emotional impact. “It is a major issue for our patients,” she added.

Among retired military service members, tinnitus is the #1 service-connected reason veterans file for compensation disability.

Tinnitus can be a direct consequence of the injury or a side effect of medications commonly used to treat symptoms linked to a TBI, including the SSRI anti-depressants , ordinary over-the-counter pain medications and anti-anxiety benzodiazepines .

Most people with tinnitus also have hearing loss, even if they dont realize it. State-of-the-art hearing aids can be programmed to mask the phantom sounds, and are especially helpful along with cognitive-behavioral therapy and/or tinnitus sound therapy.

Mask The Sound To Manage Tinnitus

8 Things Your Ringing Ears Are Trying to Tell You and How to Fix It

In post-concussion situations where tinnitus can’t be fixed. The best move is to learn various methods of managing it. A common technique to achieve this used by many tinnitus patients is known as “masking.

In masking, a tiny device that looks like a hearing aid is worn by the patient . The device creates customized noises that drown the irritating ringing sounds associated with tinnitus.

Standard masking sounds like white noise from fans, nature sounds, or music can also be used.

In certain situations, masking engages neuroplasticity to retrain the brain to tune out repetitive or annoying sounds. In the long run, the result will be that the individual won’t have to use masking. But this method doesn’t always work. Hence, it’s common for most patients to have to depend on masking all their life.

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Signs Of A Grade 1 Concussion Low

In a grade 1 concussion, you can experience a headache, difficulty focusing, memory loss, dizziness, and nausea. You can usually return to normal activities within a few days following a grade 1 concussion after the symptoms have fully passed.

This type of concussion is considered mild and doesnt cause you to lose consciousness. Minor car accidents and sports accidents are usually what causes a grade 1 concussion.

Are There Certain Criteria That I Could See In My Child Adolescent Athlete Or My Elderly Parent That Would Indicate That Immediate Medical Care Is Needed

Yes. Call an ambulance if your child or elderly loved one has lost consciousness for longer than one minute, is not arousable, has a possible neck injury, shows a worsening of symptoms, has numbness that lasts or has weakness on one side of their body . If you have any doubt, its always safest to not move your loved one, call your local emergency department and closely monitor your loved one until help arrives.

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Who Is Most At Risk For A Concussion

People at greater risk for concussion include:

  • Older people and children ages 4 and under due to their risk of falls.
  • Adolescents due to bike accidents and sports-related head injuries.
  • Military personnel due to exposure to explosive devices.
  • Anyone involved in a car accident.
  • Victims of physical abuse.
  • Anyone who has had a previous concussion.

Adolescents are at higher risk of concussion than any other age group. Researchers think this is because their brains are still developing. The brain is still laying down its neural pathways and adolescents necks are typically weaker at this age than in young adults and older people.

Does Diet Play Any Role In Recovery From A Concussion

What Causes Tinnitus After Concussion & How To Treat It?

Theres not much information about concussion and diet in the medical literature. There is some on nutrition and general brain health and well-being in the elderly. Some of the more researched supplements on diet include fish oils, turmeric, green tea extract and resveratrol. Any supplements taken should be in addition to a well-balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fat and processed foods.

One thing to consider is that a concussed person may not feel as hungry or thirsty as before. Make sure to encourage eating throughout the day to keep blood sugar up and to try and drink six 8 oz. glasses of fluid throughout the day. The brain is sensitive to low blood sugar and dehydration and these conditions can mimic or worsen concussion symptoms like headache, dizziness, fogginess, stomachache and irritability.

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When To Seek Medical Help

Concussion should only be diagnosed by a health professional trained in assessing patients with head injury. They will be able to rule out serious brain injury that needs a brain scan or surgery.

You should visit your nearest accident and emergency department if you or someone in your care has a head injury and develops the following signs and symptoms:

  • loss of consciousness, however brief
  • memory loss, such as not being able to remember what happened before or after the injury
  • persistent headaches since the injury
  • changes in behaviour, such as irritability, being easily distracted or having no interest in the outside world this is a particularly common sign in children under five
  • confusion
  • drowsiness that occurs when you would normally be awake
  • loss of balance or problems walking
  • difficulties with understanding what people say
  • difficulty speaking, such as slurred speech
  • problems with reading or writing
  • vomiting since the injury
  • problems with vision, such as double vision
  • loss of power in part of the body, such as weakness in an arm or leg
  • clear fluid leaving the nose or ears
  • sudden deafness in one or both ears
  • any wound to the head or face

Anyone drunk or high on recreational drugs should go to A& E if they have a head injury as it’s easy for others around them to miss the signs of a more severe injury.

Phone 999 for an ambulance immediately if the person:

Certain things make you more vulnerable to the effects of a head injury. These include:

Urgent Advice: Go To A& e If:

You or your child have had a head injury and have:

  • been knocked out but have now woken up
  • vomited since the injury
  • a headache that does not go away with painkillers
  • a change in behaviour, like being more irritable or losing interest in things around you
  • been crying more than usual
  • problems with memory
  • been drinking alcohol or taking drugs just before the injury
  • a blood clotting disorder or you take medicine to thin your blood
  • had brain surgery in the past

You or your child could have concussion. Symptoms usually start within 24 hours, but sometimes may not appear for up to 3 weeks.

You should also go to A& E if you think someone has been injured intentionally.

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When To Seek Medical Advice

As a precaution, it is recommended that you visit your nearest accident and emergency department if you or someone in your care has a head injury resulting in concussion and then develops any of the following signs and symptoms:

  • loss of consciousness from which the person then recovers
  • amnesia , such as not being able to remember what happened before or after the injury
  • persistent headaches since the injury
  • changes in behaviour, such as irritability, being easily distracted or having no interest in the outside world this is a particularly common sign in children under the age of five
  • confusion
  • What were you doing before the concussion?
  • Can you repeat the months of the year in reverse order?

You may be asked to try what is known as the “finger-nose-finger” test. The person running the test will hold one of their fingers in front of you. You are asked to touch their finger and then touch the tip of your nose as quickly as possible.

This test is a good way of assessing what effect the concussion has had on your balance and co-ordination.

If you are unconscious, as a precaution it is assumed that you have a serious neck or spinal injury until proved otherwise. You should therefore not be moved until a specialist brace can be fitted around your neck and spine to protect it.

Similarly, if you see a person who is unconscious, make no attempt to move them unless they are in immediate physical danger. Instead, dial 999 for an ambulance and wait with them until paramedics arrive.

Tinnitus Evaluation And Management Considerations For Persons With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

tinnitus conductive hearing loss

Paula J. Myers, PhD, CCC-A James A. Henry, PhD, CCC-A Tara L. Zaugg, AuD Caroline J. Kendall, PhD

The leading causes of traumatic brain injury in civilians are motor vehicle accidents, falls, and assaults. Blasts are the leading cause of TBI for active-duty service members. The intensified use of explosive devices and mines in warfare and noise from weapons have resulted in auditory dysfunction, tinnitus, TBI, mental health conditions, and pain complaints among members of the military. Symptoms of mild TBI or concussion frequently include tinnitus, which can occur not only as a direct consequence of the injury causing TBI but also as a side effect of medications commonly used to treat cognitive, emotional, and pain problems associated with TBI. The unique occurrence and strong associations between the physical, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional sequelae involved with TBI require audiologists to work as a team with several services.

Mild TBI, particularly for those with closed head injuries, may not be immediately obvious. Audiologists must be prepared to identify those at risk for mild TBI or mental health problems, justify the need for screening and/or clinical referral for further evaluation of TBI and/or posttraumatic stress disorder , and adapt audiologic clinical tinnitus assessment and management practices to this population.

For screening and other information on TBI

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When Can A Student Athlete Return To Play After A Concussion

Student athletes are ready to return to play when they are:

  • 100% symptom free at rest.
  • 100% symptom free with normal mental activity.
  • 100% symptom free with exercise.
  • No longer taking any medications for concussion symptoms.
  • Fully back to school and able to tolerate school work.
  • Have a post-concussion neurocognitive test score that is at least as good as the pre-concussion score or pass certain criteria set by the school or athletic board.
  • Have a physical exam and balance test that are within normal limits.
  • Have been cleared for play by a healthcare provider trained in evaluating and managing concussions.

The thinking used to be that the student athlete needed to be symptom free for 24 hours before starting the multiphase process of physical activity toward the goal of returning to play. However, research has now shown that if the patients concussion symptoms are improving each day and they are able to attend a full school day with a few breaks for symptoms, they can begin to add very low level cardiovascular activities. These activities should consist of walking or biking on a stationary bike at an intensity that doesnt make symptoms worse.

Following this approach, most student athletes are able to return to play within about three weeks after their symptoms began.

Can A Concussion Cause Jaw Pain

Yes. Head injuries and concussion can cause pain in your jaw as well as in the bones and muscles of your head, neck and shoulders. Temporomandibular joint disorder is a specific condition that can sometimes happen after hitting your head. Also, the main symptom of concussion headache can be the result of spasms and inflammation in your jaw muscles following a blow to the jaw.

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> > > Best Tinnitus Treatment Available

Hearing loss or tinnitus can be a symptom of an ear or sinus problem. Sometimes, the problem goes away by itself, other times it requires medical intervention. Tinnitus is often times a sign of an ear or sinus infection, which means you need to see your doctor as soon as you can. A bacterial infection in the ear can go away by itself, but if it doesnt and keeps coming back, it can cause hearing loss, which is why you need to get your doctors advice right away.

Many people who suffer from a mental health issue, may also experience hearing loss. When a person has serious depression, he is at risk to low self-esteem. Low self-esteem and anxiety can lead to more social problems and depression, which can lead to more hearing loss. If a person continues to have ongoing issues with depression and anxiety, his hearing will continue to deteriorate.

Should Someone With A Concussion Be Woken From Sleep At Regular Intervals

Whats that ringing in your ears? – Marc Fagelson

This is a myth. This is outdated information that may even slow the recovery process. Rest helps the brain recover from a concussion. However, its reasonable to check on the concussed person while they sleep to make sure their breathing pattern hasnt changed or to briefly wake them up to make sure their symptoms are not getting worse. The concussed person should be immediately seen by doctors if they fall asleep shortly after receiving a concussion or cant be woken up.

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When Should I See My Family Doctor About Tinnitus

Occasionally, persistent tinnitus can be a sign of more serious conditions that would need further medical assessment. If you have any of the following signs and symptoms associated with your tinnitus, you should see your family doctor for an evaluation:

  • Vertigo with spinning sensation and nausea
  • Any pain or drainage from the ear
  • New hearing loss
  • What Complications Can Arise From A Concussion

    While most symptoms of a concussion will resolve within a few weeks, some people can experience complications that last much longer.

    A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body that can lead to a range of symptoms, including persistent headaches, dizziness, and problems with memory or thinking.

    Here are some of the more common complications of a concussion.

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    What Is A Sub

    First, every person is different. Many people can take a blow to the head without feeling or showing signs of sustaining a concussion. This is called a sub-concussive blow. In theory, one would think that taking several blows to the head would potentially add up to the point that the blows would cause concussion or brain injury. However, this has not been shown to be true.

    There is no set number of blows and no exact or collected degree of force from blows over time that has been shown to result in a concussive injury. However we do know if you experience a blow and have shown or felt symptoms of concussion or have been diagnosed with a concussion and you continue to participate, you are at increased risk of permanent brain injury if you were to experience another concussion before you have fully healed and are 100% symptom-free.

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