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What Are The Four Different Types Of Hearing Loss

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Causes Of Temporary Hearing Loss

Different Types of Hearing Loss

Some of the causes of temporary hearing loss include:

  • wax the ear canal secretes cerumen, a waxy substance that helps to protect and lubricate the tissues. A build-up of wax can block the ear canal, leading to short-term conductive hearing loss
  • foreign object similarly to ear wax, a foreign object stuck inside the ear canal can temporarily cause hearing loss
  • excess mucus the common cold, a bout of flu, hay fever or other allergies can cause an excess of mucus that may block the Eustachian tube of the ear
  • ear infections including otitis externa and otitis media . Fluid and pus dont allow the full conduction of sound.

What Is Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a state where you are unable to hear wholly or partially any sound.It may happen to someone at an early age as well as in old age. Several triggers may cause hearing loss, including the lifestyle factors and neurotic issues in the body.Also, sometimes hearing loss may affect only one ear and sometimes both.

Hearing loss is of four degrees clinically. I.e.
  • Mild: You may hear some speech sounds but have difficulty with soft tones.

Difficulty in hearing from a distance, in noise, in a group.

  • Moderate: You may struggle to hear/understand Speech when talking at an average level.

In addition to the above difficulty

Difficulty in hearing one as to one in a normal voice, some difficulty on the phone

  • Severe: Youll hear little-to-no Speech when spoken at normal levels and hear only loud sounds.

Difficulty in hearing normal conversation

  • Profound: You can only hear too loud sounds and no speech.

Not hearing anything except loud sounds

While the symptoms and effects of hearing loss may seem almost similar, certain factors categorize different types of hearing loss. The fundamental difference is in terms of what causes hearing loss and the treatment process of each type.

Social Isolation Loneliness And Stigma

Impact on society and economy

Years Lived with Disability and Disability Adjusted Life Years

WHO estimates that unaddressed hearing loss poses an annual global cost of US$ 980 billion. This includes health sector costs , costs of educational support, loss of productivity, and societal costs. 57% of these costs are attributed to low- and middle-income countries.

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Different Types Of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be experienced in varying degrees, such as mild, moderate, moderately-severe, severe or profound. Additionally, this loss can also vary depending on pitches or frequencies. A series of hearing tests can determine the amount of loss you experience compared to an average of many other adult listeners with typical hearing.

The volume of sounds you hear is measured in decibels , 15-20 dB being the softest whisper and 120 dB being a jet engine. The softest sounds one can hear are called thresholds. Normal hearing thresholds for adults are considered 0-25 dB across the range of frequencies tested. Speech testing is also conducted as a part of this series of evaluations and helps to assess the levels of particular words you can hear clearly. These tests can help determine the type of hearing loss youre experiencing, which can be categorized conductive, sensorineural or mixed.

The Scale Of Hearing Loss:

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A child may hear some sounds, but not hear all the sounds they need to in order to understand. Below are possible impacts hearing loss may have on understanding language and speech:

16-25 dB Hearing Loss:

  • Compared to the ability to hear when index fingers are placed in ears.
  • Difficulty hearing faint or distant speech.
  • At 16 dB hearing loss, child can miss up to 10% of speech signal when speaker is at a distance greater than 3 feet. Percentage of speech missed will be greater whenever there is background noise.
  • Greater listening difficulties than a plugged-ear hearing loss.
  • Child can hear but misses fragments of speech leading to misunderstandings.
  • At 30 dB hearing loss child can miss up to 25-40% of speech signal.
  • At 40 dB child may miss 50% of classroom discussions.
  • Often experiences difficulty learning early reading skills such as letter/sound associations.

41-55 dB Hearing Loss:

  • At 50 dB hearing loss child may miss up to 80% of speech signal.
  • Without early amplification, the child is likely to have delayed or disordered syntax, limited vocabulary, imperfect speech production, and flat voice quality.
  • Even with hearing aids, if there is background noise, the child will miss much of what is being said.

56-70 dB Hearing Loss:

71-90 dB Hearing Loss:

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What Are The Types Of Hearing Loss

There are four types of hearing loss: sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss and auditory neuropathy.

  • Sensorineural hearing loss: Sensorineural hearing loss is the result of damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve. It is the most common type of hearing loss and can be caused by aging, loud noises, head trauma, illness or certain medicines. Hearing aids may help people with sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Conductive hearing loss: Conductive hearing loss, also called conduction deafness, occurs when sound waves cant reach the inner ear. Potential conductive hearing loss causes include benign tumors, ear infection, earwax or having a hole in the eardrum. Conductive hearing loss is treated with medicine or surgery.
  • Mixed hearing loss: Mixed hearing loss refers to a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. It occurs when there is damage to the inner ear and the middle or outer ear. Mixed hearing loss is treated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Auditory neuropathy: Auditory neuropathy occurs when the inner ear cant successfully send sounds to the brain. The cause can be genetic mutations or damage to the auditory system, inner hair cells or auditory neurons. Research continues into the best treatment for auditory neuropathy.

Noise Pollution Is Caused By Two Main Sources

  • Thunderstorms, avalanches, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, rushing water bodies, animal noises, and other natural sources emit sounds that can reach 140 decibels.
  • Construction work, traffic, industry, home noise, and musical instruments are all examples of artificial sources of noise. These noises, which vary in volume from 30 to 140 decibels, are exceedingly dangerous.
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    Hearing Loss In Adults

    People over age 50 may experience gradual hearing loss over the years due to age-related changes in the ear or auditory nerve. The medical term for age-related hearing loss is presbycusis. Having presbycusis may make it hard for a person to tolerate loud sounds or to hear what others are saying.

    Other causes of hearing loss in adults include:

    • Loud noises

    How To Book A Hearing Check In Wirral

    Types of Hearing Loss

    To book your hearing test or to discuss your options, get in touch with us today to schedule a FREE consultation with our expert audiologist. Book an appointment using our online form or call .

    Dont let hearing loss further impact your quality of life. Let a Hearing Expert audiologist assist you with a hearing aid test and fitting today

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    Hearing Loss Is On The Rise

    Loss of hearing is a common chronic condition among older people, along with arthritis and high blood pressure. And the numbers are expected to rise. One reason for this is that we are living longer. Another problem is the large number of younger people who are experiencing noise-induced hearing loss. In fact, some experts predict that the number of people living with hearing loss will have almost doubled by 2030.

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    • Hearing loss can range from mild to profound and has many different causes, including injury, disease, genetic defects and the ageing process.
    • Hearing loss at birth is known as congenital hearing loss, while hearing loss that occurs after birth is called acquired hearing loss.
    • The most common cause of acquired hearing loss is noise, which accounts for over one quarter of people affected by hearing loss.
    • You can protect your hearing by reducing your exposure to loud noise or wearing suitable protection such as ear muffs or ear plugs.

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    Degrees Of Hearing Loss

    There are four clinically labeled degrees of hearing loss:


    If you have mild hearing loss, you may hear some speech sounds, but will have difficulty with soft sounds.


    If you have moderate hearing loss, youll struggle to hear/understand speech when someone is talking at a normal level.


    If you have severe hearing loss, you will hear little-to-no speech when spoken at normal levels, and hear only some loud sounds.


    If you have profound hearing loss, you may only hear very loud sounds and no speech at all.

    Causes Of Hearing Loss

    How to Read an Audiogram and Determine Degrees of Hearing Loss

    Hearing loss is the result of sound signals not reaching the brain. There are two main types of hearing loss, depending on where the problem lies.

    • Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to the sensitive hair cells inside the inner ear or damage to the auditory nerve. This occurs naturally with age or as a result of injury.
    • Conductive hearing loss happens when sounds are unable to pass from your outer ear to your inner ear, often because of a blockage such as earwax or glue ear.

    These causes are explained below.

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    Are There Different Types Of Noise

    Noise comes in a variety of forms and shapes. Its a part of our daily routine. However, in order to fully comprehend it, you must first grasp the many sorts of noise.

    We just cannot avoid noise, whether its the ubiquitous beep that punctuates our life, a jet passing overhead, or heavy machinery at work. You must first understand the different forms of noise in order to effectively measure and analyze it.

    Talk To Your Audiologist

    If you suspect your child may be dealing with hearing loss, it is important to consult your audiologist as soon as possible. Your audiologist will be able to diagnose the type of hearing loss and recommend the proper form of treatment. Many hearing loss cases can be treated, and the sooner you receive a professional diagnosis, the earlier you can begin a path to communication that works best for your child.

    To learn more about the hearing tests and audiology services that CCHAT can provide, visit our Hearing Tests for Children page.

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    The 4 Different Types Of Hearing Loss The Shepherd Centr

  • Hearing loss affects people of all ages and can be caused by many different factors. The three basic categories of hearing loss are sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss and mixed hearing loss. Here is what patients should know about each type
  • Not all hearing loss is the same. Treatment will depend on the type of hearing loss you have. Audiologists can help. The type of hearing loss you have depends on what part of your hearing is damaged. There are three basic types of hearing loss: Conductive hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss
  • Four Types of Hearing Loss While most people note three different types of hearing loss, there are actually four different types conductive, sensorineural, mixed, and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. The type of hearing loss primarily depends upon the manner in which hearing is impaired
  • Hearing loss affects people of all ages and can be caused by many different factors. The three basic categories of hearing loss are sensorineural hearing.
  • Southwestern Hearing | What are the Four Different Types of Hearing Loss
  • What You’ll Find On This Page

    2 Types of Hearing Loss
    • The types and causes of hearing loss.
    • Understand your degree of hearing loss.
    • Potential treatment options.

    Every story about hearing loss is different. Your hearing loss may affect one ear or both, and it may stem from a problem in the inner, middle or outer ear, or from a combination of places.

    Knowing what type it is and the cause can be crucial to finding the right solution.

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    Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

    Sometimes sound is able to enter an ear normally and reach the acoustic nerve, but there is a problem when the sound is transmitted to the brain. This hearing loss is known as auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder .

    ANSD can occur for a variety of reasons. In some cases, the hair cells of the inner ear are damaged and are unable to properly transmit sound information to the brain. Sometimes a genetic mutation is the cause of this hearing loss, and other times damage that occurs to the auditory nerve can lead to ANSD.

    People with ANSD may seem to have normal hearing sensitivity on a hearing test, but they may struggle to understand spoken words. In some cases, a hearing aid or cochlear implant paired with a hearing-assistive technology system can help mitigate the negative effects of this hearing loss. However, more severe cases, in which the person has great difficulty understanding speech, may require the use of a visual communication technique, like sign language or a picture exchange communication system .

    Types Of Hearing Loss

    A hearing loss can happen when any part of the ear or auditory system is not working in the usual way.

    Outer EarThe outer ear is made up of:

    • the part we see on the sides of our heads, known as pinna
    • the ear canal
    • the eardrum, sometimes called the tympanic membrane, which separates the outer and middle ear

    Middle EarThe middle ear is made up of:

    • the eardrum
    • three small bones called ossicles that send the movement of the eardrum to the inner ear

    Inner EarThe inner ear is made up of:

    • the snail shaped organ for hearing known as the cochlea
    • the semicircular canals that help with balance
    • the nerves that go to the brain

    Auditory NerveThis nerve sends sound information from the ear to the brain.

    Auditory SystemThe auditory pathway processes sound information as it travels from the ear to the brain so that our brain pathways are part of our hearing.

    There are four types of hearing loss:
    • Conductive Hearing LossHearing loss caused by something that stops sounds from getting through the outer or middle ear. This type of hearing loss can often be treated with medicine or surgery.
    • Sensorineural Hearing LossHearing loss that occurs when there is a problem in the way the inner ear or hearing nerve works.
    • Mixed Hearing LossHearing loss that includes both a conductive and a sensorineural hearing loss.
    The degree of hearing loss can range from mild to profound:
    • Mild Hearing LossA person with a mild hearing loss may hear some speech sounds but soft sounds are hard to hear.

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    Southwestern Hearing What Are The Four Different Types

    • Hearing loss is a common, age-old problem for many people one in eight over the age of 12, to be exact.What was once thought to be a sign of old age, is now known to occur at any age, and to anyone. The problem is common, but not all types of hearing loss are created equal
    • There are three different types of hearing loss and the treatment can differ depending on which one you’re suffering with. Sensorineural. This is the most common form of hearing loss. Causes may include exposure to loud noises, head trauma, aging, certain illnesses and diseases, and genetics. It can also be due to damage to sensors in the.
    • Conductive hearing loss is caused by anything that blocks the transmission of sound waves on their passage from the outer to the inner ear earwax is a common cause. This type of problem may affect one ear or both ears and can often be treated with drugs or an operation. Sensorineural hearing loss, or nerve-related hearing loss, is due to interference with the conversion of sound waves into.
    • ed by a simple hearing test where the amount of volume loss you experience is compared to an average of many other.

    Noise In The Workplace

    Facts about Conductive Hearing Loss

    Construction, Transport, Mining, Agriculture and Defence are industries where noise induced hearing loss is common. Those who work in Entertainment can also be exposed to high levels of noise.

    Occupational health and safety legislation in Australia regulates noise in industry.

    Action to control noise and protect hearing must be taken by employers when noise levels exceed 85 decibels averaged over a working day and for noise levels above 140 decibels for any time.

    This must be measured at the workers ear, without hearing protection devices.

    When hazardous noise levels cannot be reduced to safe levels then a hearing protection program must be provided to employees working in noise.

    Some simple tips include:

    1. Talk with your supervisor and health and safety representative about noise assessment, cutting down noise levels and audiometric screening

    2. Always wear hearing protection when needed.Further information on noise and hearing conservation at work can be found at WorkSafe Victoria:

    Many appliances produce hazardous noise levels such as:

    • Garden tools for example chainsaws, mowers, blowers, and shredders

    • Workshop tools for example grinders, power saws and hammers and

    • Indoor Appliances such as vacuum cleaners and

    • Activities at Home for example home renovations

    Consumer and environmental laws in Victoria offer some protection to consumers but ultimately the main safety messages come down to what you can do in the home.

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    What Exactly Is Noise

    Noise is often defined as an irritating tone that produces mild to severe discomfort or irritation. These tones cut through the background cacophony of our daily life. It is a form of sound that can be described as unwelcome, irritating, unpleasant, or loud. Buzz, cacophony, turmoil, crash, scream, explosion, roar, or turbulence are some more terms for noise.

    Any annoying or undesired sound that interferes with or hurts human health or animals is referred to as noise pollution. Noise pollution is an unseen threat. Its sounds or noises that are either unnaturally loud or unnaturally produced. The decibel scale is used to measure the volume of a sound .

    An average discussion has a decibel level of 60, but a lawnmower has a decibel level of 90 and a rock concert has a decibel level of 120. A persons hearing can be harmed by repeated exposure to noises of 85 decibels or greater. Hearing loss can be permanent in some cases.

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