Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Helps Relieve Ear Infection Pain

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Massage For Ear Infection And Earache

Ear Care & Treatments : How to Relieve Ear Infection Pain

My son used to have ear infections very frequently before he had his adenoids and tonsils removed. He used to suffer from earaches a lot and we used to help him get better with pain relievers. At that time, we got help from an osteopath but no matter how much he tried, ear infection came back. The last ear infection he got was last summer because of diving into the pool too many times. The fluid must have gotten into his middle ear so quickly that he turned from a happy, active child to poor, miserable kiddo writhing in pain within half an hour.

In all honesty, I thought he was exaggerating at the time. Until I got an ear infection myself a few months later following a sinus infection. The pain in my ear was so excruciating that I, a 38-year-old woman, started to cry in bed. All I could think of was how I really wanted to apologize from my son for thinking he was acting, as soon as I got rid of the pain.

I asked my husband to look up a massage video for ear infection to drain the fluid from the middle ear and relieve the earache. I was too much in pain to even open my eyes. I was trying every possible home remedy I could think of:

Lymphatic Massage Tools

My husband came back and told me he was going to do a massage to help me with the pain. After a few strokes, I already started to feel better. After massaging for 5 minutes, the pain was dissipating. After 10 minutes, the pain was gone and I was able to fall asleep.

Heating pads for pain relief

Preventing An Earache Before It Starts

Want to protect against ear infections in the first place? Your surest bet is to prevent the spread of germs that can lead to infection.

Make sure your child receives  the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , since pneumococcal bacteria is the most common cause of an ear infection.

Also, breastfeeding for at least 6 months has shown to boost the babys immune system, helping to prevent sickness.  

More generally to prevent earaches, you should keep your home smoke-free and practice healthy everyday habits like handwashing.

These methods will not only protect against ear infections but a whole host of illnesses you and your family are much better without!  

Neck Exercises For Arthritis

Setting your neck straight

We put a lot of impact on our joints over the years. Eventually they start to show the signs of wear and tear. With age, arthritis can cause the joints in our knees, hands, wrists, and feet to become stiff and sore.

Arthritis also affects the vertebrae in our neck, which get worn down from years of supporting our head. After age 60, more than 85 percent of people have arthritis in their neck, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons .

If your neck is sore, see a doctor to find out exactly whats causing your pain. You can visit your family doctor or see a specialist like an orthopedist, rheumatologist, or osteopathic doctor. Your doctor can also advise you on therapies to help relieve the pain such as postural changes, physical therapy, yoga, or Pilates. And your doctor may recommend pain relieving medication or steroid injections.

You can also try basic exercises at home. Though you might be tempted to keep your neck still when it hurts, staying immobile will only increase the stiffness. It will also cause you to lose even more movement. Stretching and strengthening exercises will help keep your neck limber and reduce your arthritis pain.

Use Garlic Oil In Your Ear

Lets start with garlic oil for your ear infection. Garlic is one of the best natural remedies for any infection. It holds antibacterial properties that will kill any bacteria found in your body. It also has antifungal and antiviral properties, helping to improve infections that arent necessarily bacterial. Nothing has been able to gain a resistance against this natural remedy.

You can put garlic cloves into your ear, but you can use garlic oil. Opt for the health store varieties rather than from your local grocery store. You want to make sure that the garlic oil is raw and hasnt had other ingredients placed inside it. The other ingredients can limit the garlic from working.

Most childhood ear infections will be viral based and not bacterial. Garlic oil is safe for use in a childs ear in moderation.

The garlic oil will also help to reduce inflammation within the ear. This helps to speed up the process of healing while preventing the infection and inflammation from getting deeper into the ear.

There shouldnt be any pain when using a few drops of garlic ear. You dont want to massage the oil into the ear, either. Just let it sit and do its work and allow it to drip back out naturally.

How To Treat An Ear Infection At Home

Home Remedies for Ear Infections

Ear infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or rarely yeast. There are three areas in the ear where ear infections can occur in adults and children.

  • Outer ear infections : An outer ear infection most commonly experienced is often known as swimmers ear. This infection usually is due to bacterial infection of the skin tissue covering the ear canal. Excessive immersion in water or injuring the ear canal by putting things in it makes you more likely to develop an outer ear infection.
  • Middle ear infections: A middle ear infection is an infection just behind the eardrum with pus trapped in the adjacent hollow cavity of the facial bone. Middle ear infections frequently are a complication of the common cold in children. Most middle ear infections are caused by viruses and will resolve spontaneously. Bacterial infections cause some middle ear infections, which requires antibiotic treatment.
  • Inner ear infections: Inner ear infections are very rare, and usually are caused by a virus. These infections are more accurately characterized as inflammation of the structures of the inner ear . Since these structures affect hearing and balance, inner ear infections cause symptoms such as ringing of the ears or dizziness and balance disruption . Usually, inner ear infections in adults and children need medical treatment.
  • Which parts of the ear can become infected?

  • The outer earincludes the cartilaginous structure and ear canal ending at the eardrum .
  • What Is Ear Pain

    From the outer ear, air enters the middle ear via the Eustachian tube, equalizing the pressure between these two regions. Meanwhile, fluid is drained from the middle ear to the outer ear. When the Eustachian tube is blocked, both of these functions are hampered, pressure builds up, leading to pain. Moreover, the fluid can become infected further leading to pain and fever.

    How Oils Can Treat Ear Infections

    Essential oils are made up of plants, including herbs and fruits. These oils are rich in antimicrobial or antibacterial properties that work wonders for curing infections. 

    These oils are used so much as this helps to fight off infections by preventing viruses from replicating. These also cure infections by killing off harmful bacteria by preventing them from thriving. 

    Lets have a look at some oils that have been proven effective for treating ear infections.

    How Are Ear Infections Treated

    To treat an ear infection, health care providers consider many things, including:

    • the type and severity of the ear infection
    • how often the child has ear infections
    • how long this infection has lasted
    • the child’s age and any risk factors
    • whether the infection affects hearing

    The type of otitis affects treatment options. Not all kinds need to be treated with antibiotics. Because most ear infections can clear on their own, many doctors take a “wait-and-see” approach. Kids will get medicine for pain relief without antibiotics for a few days to see if the infection gets better.

    Antibiotics aren’t routinely prescribed because they:

    • won’t help an infection caused by a virus
    • won’t get rid of middle ear fluid
    • can cause side effects
    • usually don’t relieve pain in the first 24 hours and have only a minimal effect after that

    Also, overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are much harder to treat.

    If a doctor does prescribe antibiotics, a 10-day course is usually recommended. Kids age 6 and older who don’t have a severe infection might take a shortened course for 5 to 7 days.

    Some children, such as those with recurrent infections and those with lasting hearing loss or speech delay, may need ear tube surgery. An ear, nose, and throat doctor will surgically insert tubes that let fluid drain from the middle ear. This helps equalize the pressure in the ear.

    #6 Herbal Steam Inhalations

    Relieve Ear Infection Pain

    Herbal steam inhalations help reduce nasal swelling caused by cold, dry winter air and increase airflow to the eustachian tubes.

    To prepare an herbal steam inhalation, simply heat up a pot of water and pour it into a bowl or basin. Add a handful of fresh or dry herbs such as , elderberry flowers and/or lemon balm. Lean over the basin and inhale the steam. To get the most out of the treatment, use a large towel to create a tent over your head and trap the steam.

    Home Care To Relieve Ear Pain

    If you have ear pain, itâs a good idea to talk with your doctor about it.

    Thereâs little research to say whether or not home care works, but most doctors agree these treatments are safe to try yourself:

    A cool or warm compress. Soak a washcloth in either cool or warm water, wring it out, and then put it over the that’s bothering you. Try both temperatures to see if one helps you more than the other.

    A heating pad: Lay your painful on a warm, not hot, heating pad.

    Over-the-counter ear drops with pain relievers. If they help at all, itâs only briefly. You shouldnât use these drops if your eardrum has a tear or hole, so check with your doctor first.

    Pain reliever. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen can often relieve the pain of an earache. Ask your doctor which is right for you.

    Chew gum. If youâre on an airplane or driving at high altitudes and your ear pain is from the change in air pressure, chew some gum. It can help lower that pressure and ease your symptoms.

    Sleep upright. While it may sound strange, resting or sleeping sitting up rather than lying down can encourage fluid in your ear to drain. This could ease pressure and pain in your middle ear. Prop yourself up in bed with a stack of pillows, or sleep in an armchair thatâs a bit reclined.

    When Should I Call The Doctor

    Very rarely, ear infections that don’t go away or severe repeated middle ear infections can lead to complications. So kids with an earache or a sense of fullness in the ear, especially when combined with fever, should be seen by their doctors if they aren’t getting better after a couple of days.

    Other things can cause earaches, such as teething, a foreign object in the ear, or hard earwax. Your doctor can find the cause of your child’s discomfort and treat it.

    The Reasons For Ear Infections

    Middle ear infections can be due to an allergy or an actual infection. Of course, infections can be viral or bacterial, and antibiotics arent going to work on the viral infections!

    Make sure you consider the reasons for the infection. Find out from your doctor about the type of infection you or your child haveasking about inner or outer ear infections. This will help you choose the best type of home remedy mentioned above. Remember if there is pus, then you need to avoid anything that goes into your ear.

    If your home cures dont clear the infection up within a couple of days and you havent spoken to a doctor yet, make sure you book an appointment. If you have already spoken to a doctor, you will need to share the newer results with them to help them figure out the real reason for the infection.

    When To Come Into Gohealth Urgent Care

    Home Remedies For Ear Infections: The Best Tips For ...

    Most earaches will go away in a few days. But if it doesnt get better, or symptoms worsen in 24 to 48 hours, its time to visit a GoHealth Urgent Care center.

    Other reasons to seek medical advice include:

    • Pus-like fluid or blood oozing from the ear
    • A high fever
    • Headache and dizziness
    • Swelling behind the ear
    • An object might be stuck in your ear and needs to be removed
    • Severe ear pain that suddenly stops

    Healthcare professionals at our centers regularly see and treat earaches and ear infections. Just use the dropdown below to save your spot online or you can walk in to the GoHealth Urgent Care nearest you.

    How To Soothe An Ear Infection


    Ear infections often start with a cold or other illness. This can lead to redness, swelling and fluid in your child’s middle ear. Ear infections can be very painful for your child and sometimes cause fevers with temperatures up to 104°F.While your pediatrician may prescribe, antibiotics, they won’t relieve ear pain for the first 24 hours, so you may have to provideadditional relief.


    If your child has a painful ear infection, he or she may have a hard time eating or sleeping. Babies may rub their ears, havetrouble sleeping or cry more than usual. If you think your child has ear pain, or you see fluid coming out of the ear, call yourdoctor for an appointment

    Try to lay the bottle flat. Propping up the bottle increases the risk of ear infections.

    Keep your child away from cigarette smoke.

    Protect your child from cold and flu viruses. Teach them to wash their hands often.

    Stay up to date on your child’s shots and immunizations. Infant pneumonia and meningitis vaccines may lower the risk of ear infections.An annual flu vaccine may also help.

    One of the main medicines for relieving ear pain is acetaminophen such as Children’s TYLENOL® or Infants’ TYLENOL® not antibiotics. Aswith any medicine, ask your doctor which pain reliever is right for your child.



    Swollen Tonsils And Ear Infections

    Swollen tonsils are not usually a direct cause of ear infections. Enlarged adenoid tissue in the back of the nose can sometimes put pressure on the Eustachian tubes, preventing them from draining fluid out of the ear. However, they are more likely the source of bacteria that causes ear infections. Sometimes, doctors recommend removal for children who have very large adenoids and frequent ear infections.

    Ear Infection Symptoms: Babies

    Ear infections aren’t always apparent in babies and children who are too young to describe their pain. They may signify ear pain by pulling on or fussing with their ear. They may just be irritable, or not eating or sleeping well. Babies sometimes refuse to drink from a bottle because swallowing hurts their ears. Ear infection symptoms in babies may include:

    How To Choose A Product

    Ear infection pain relief | How do I treat an earache at home?

    Its important to choose a high-quality olive oil if youre using it for medicinal purposes. When choosing an olive oil, look for extra virgin olive oil. This type of olive oil isnt chemically processed, .

    You can also purchase olive oilbased herbal ear drops. These contain extracts from medicinal plants, such as garlic, that might provide added benefits. You can purchase these drops on .

    Ear Infection Treatment: Antibiotics

    Sometimes ear infections resolve without any specific treatment. Some ear infections are caused by viruses, and antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections, not viral infections. It is possible that your doctor may not want to prescribe antibiotics to start. Your doctor will decide if and when antibiotics should be used.

    Why Does Your Throat Hurt On One Side

    If your throat pain comes from only one side, it could be a sign of a different condition or unique illness.

    As your body helps to fight germs , it can cause the lymph nodes to swell up and become sorewhich can result in pain on one side of the throat.

    Postnasal drip is another cause of throat pain. As mucus and fluid drain down the back of the throat, it can lead to the feeling of soreness, specifically on one side.

    Inflammation of one or more tonsil, more commonly called tonsillitis, is another common cause of one-sided throat pain. Fever, difficulty swallowing and noisy breathing are symptoms that typically accompany the illness.

    If you experience gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERDa condition in which the contents of the stomach back up into the food pipeyou may experience throat pain as well.

    Two Home Remedies For Earaches That Are Best Left On The Shelf

    1.OTC numbing drops

    Dr. Nguyen-Huynh recommendsavoiding numbing drops. The effect is very brief, and sometimes it does theopposite and stings the ear.


    Be it garlic, tea tree or olive people swear by putting oil in the ear to help with ear infections. Whilegarlic does have antibacterial properties, Dr. Nguyen-Huynh urges caution. If youreusing it for a middle ear infection, it wont get to the source of the problem.And even if you do have a hole in your eardrum, there arent studies showingits safe to put garlic in there.

    Why Is My Ear In Pain

    Middle Ear Infection Natural Treatments Cropped Infections ...

    Ear pain is most commonly associated with fluid buildup behind the ear drum linked to a middle ear infection. This is also known as acute otitis media .

    Thankfully, you don’t need antibiotics to treat most ear infections. They are viral infections, not bacterial infections. In fact, using antibiotics may cause adverse reactions.

    In Antibiotics for acute otitis media in children, which reviewed earache treatments for several thousand children, they noted that, Adverse events occurred more often in children taking antibiotics. Those children treated with antibiotics did not get better faster than those who simply waited for the infection to pass.

    Sometimes ear pain is caused by injury, or water or other fluid trapped in the ear.

    How Do You Relieve Ear Pain Instantly

    When youre dealing with ear pain, it can be extremely uncomfortable. Because of this, its important that you know how to relieve the pain quickly.

    Applying a cold or warm compress, such as a heating pad or a damp washcloth, is a great way to alleviate ear pain.

    To help get rid of ear pain, cover the ear with the ice pack or warm compress and alternate back and forth between the two. Try to keep each on the ear for at least 10 minutes at a time.

    Its also recommended that you sleep with the affected ear raised instead of placing it against your pillow to help the ear drain better.

    Why Do Kids Get Ear Infections

    Kids get ear infections more than adults do for several reasons:

    • Their shorter, more horizontal eustachian tubes let bacteria and viruses find their way into the middle ear more easily. The tubes are also narrower, so more likely to get blocked.
    • Their adenoids, gland-like structures at the back of the throat, are larger and can interfere with the opening of the eustachian tubes.

    Other things that can put kids at risk include secondhand smoke, bottle-feeding, and being around other kids in childcare. Ear infections are more common in boys than girls.

    Ear infections are not contagious, but the colds that sometimes cause them can be. Infections are common during winter weather, when many people get upper respiratory tract infections or colds .

    What Causes Ear Infections

    Ear infections are caused by bacteria and viruses that create inflammation of the middle ear when fluid builds up behind the eardrum. In children, they usually start when the child has a sore throat, cold, or other upper-respiratory infection.

    According to the American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria are thought to cause 50 to 60 percent of cases of otitis media. Before the vaccine for it became available, each pneumococcal infection caused:

    • about 5 million ear infections;
    • more than 700 cases of meningitis;
    • 13,000 blood infections ; and
    • other health problems, including pneumonia, deafness, and brain damage.

    Perforated Eardrum

    Also known as a punctured eardrum, a perforated eardrum is a break or hole in the eardrum, most commonly caused by an ear infection, physical damage, or a loud noise. Looking and functioning like the covering on a drum, the eardrum, or tympanic membrane, protects the delicate middle and inner ear from harmful elements. Rupturing this delicate membrane can lead to pain, hearing loss, tinnitus, and/or ear drainage. While not always preventable, trauma-induced instances can be avoided by not inserting foreign objects into the ear canal.

    Though they do occur in adults, ear infections with resultant eardrum perforations occur more frequently in children. An ear infection can cause fluid to build up in the middle-ear space, creating pressure on the eardrum and leading to rupture.

    Fever In Young Infants

    How to relieve earache/ear infection pain with Cam

    If a baby younger than 3 months old has a rectal temperature or forehead temperature of 100.4 F or higher, they need to go to the emergency room, even if there are no other symptoms.

    For infants age 6 months or older, toddlers, and older children: Acetaminophen or ibuprofen are options.

    Never give children aspirin, as it puts them at risk of a rare but serious condition known as Reye’s syndrome.

    For adults: Acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen can help. Neither aspirin nor naproxen should be given to children unless directed by a healthcare provider.

    What Causes An Ear Infection

    Ear infections happen in the middle ear. They are caused by a viral or bacterial infection. The infection creates pressure in the Eustachian tube. This tube does not work properly when filled with drainage from the nose or mucous from allergies, colds, bacteria, or viruses.

    A childs adenoids sometimes can block the opening of Eustachian tubes because they are larger in young children.

    Natural Remedies For Ear Infections

    Having ear pain from an ear infection doesnt always mean you need antibiotics. Instead, try these at-home strategies to feel better.


    Ear infections arent just painful they can also take one to two weeks to fully heal, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. And taking a wait-and-see-approach meaning, without antibiotics is recommended for many children and adults with ear infections. This is based on guidelines published in the journal Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery in February 2016. Natural remedies can also help.

    Theres no scientific data to support home remedies , but they may be soothing, and there could be a placebo effect, says otolaryngologist Matthew Bush, MD, an assistant professor of otolaryngology, head and neck surgery with University of Kentucky Health Care in Lexington.

    The good news about these strategies? They wont harm you and they might do just the trick.

    Rose and Bush agree that over-the-counter pain medications can help you feel better. If you have allergies, getting away from any triggers that cause congestion, which leads to ear infections, may also provide some relief, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

    What’s The Outlook For A Person With Chronic Earaches And Ear Pain

    • Often ear infections resolve without medical intervention.
    • Individuals that require antibiotics also resolve the infection quickly, and pain relief should occur within a couple days.
    • Associated symptoms, such as hearing loss or the feeling of ear fullness, may take longer to improve.
    • Referral to an otolaryngologist may be needed for people with continuing infection, or those who get frequent, recurring infections.

    Try Out Apple Cider Vinegar

    Natural Earache Relief that Really Works

    Another ingredient that has been used in herbal remedies for centuries is apple cider vinegar. This is an excellent option when the reason for the infection is fungus growing in or around your ear. The vinegar is acidic and will kill off the bad that is collected within the ear. It is also full of other nutrients that will support the immune system and reduce inflammation in your ear.

    The great news is you dont just necessarily need apple cider vinegar. You can use white or distilled vinegar. However, you will want to get apple cider vinegar as much as possible.

    Depending on where the infection is, you wont necessarily want to put the vinegar directly into the ear. This can cause some discomfort. If you are going to place it directly into the ear, make sure you dilute the vinegar with some water.

    The best thing to do would be to put the diluted vinegar onto some cotton wool and create an ear plug with it. Place this in your ear and allow the liquid to get to work. You only need the ear plug for five minutes. You can then use a hair dryer to dry out the ear, but do make sure your setting is as low as possible to avoid damage to the ear drum.

    Another option is to massage the diluted vinegar around the ear, allowing the skin to soak it in. If you have sensitive skin, you can find this becomes an irritant.

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