Common Symptoms Of A Toothache
Additionally, a toothache may have any of the following symptoms:
- Pain, generally aching, after consuming food or a cold or hot drink
- Bad breath
- Local pain inside or around the tooth
- Fever
- Earache
- Swollen glands
If any of these symptoms accompany a toothache for more than a day or two, a dentist appointment should be made.
Serving Brentwood Belle Meade And Green Hills Areas Of Nashville Tn
Nothing can ruin your day quite like a toothache. If youre experiencing tooth pain, it can manifest as anything from an occasional throb to a constant, dull ache to sharp, stabbing jolts that can be agonizing. Sometimes, a toothache might even cause pain in other areassuch as your ear and chin. In this article, your Nashville emergency dentists at Devine Dentistry will explore this phenomenon of a toothache radiating to your ear and face and why you should immediately seek dental care if this happens to you.
Overcoming Tooth And Ear Pain
If you have tooth and ear pain on the same side, theres a really good chance that you have something like TMJ disorder or a sinus infection going on. Since your TMJ, teeth, ears, and sinuses are all so close to each other, its common to experience referred pain that is coming from one area or the other.
However, issues such as swimmers ear, arthritis, or abscessed teeth can in rare cases cause similar symptoms. If your pain is severe and doesnt go away through routine home care, speak to your dentist or physician to get an accurate diagnosis and specific treatment plan.
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The Wisdom Teeth Removal Process:
If you are curious on how wisdom teeth are removed, lets break down the steps needed to rid you of this terrible ear ache that you have been suffering from.
- Local anesthetic is used to numb the wisdom tooth
- Your dentist will use a scalpel to reflect your gum tissue back
- A dental handpiece will then be used to section the wisdom tooth into pieces for removal. At the same time, some bone tissue may also be removed
- The tooth is removed with dental instruments used by your dentist
- The area is cleaned and irrigated with normal saline
- A suture is placed that is normally dissolvable in nature
- Medications are prescribed after the procedure to prevent pain and infection
Operculectomy Procedure
Is Your Pain A Sinus Infection Or A Toothache
Is it a toothache or a sinus infection?
Youve woken up to a throbbing feeling in your upper jaw, and you are pretty sure its a toothache or a sinus infection. Should you make an appointment with your doctor or your dentist? Because the roots of the upper teeth are often close to the sinus, the origin of the pain can be confusing you and making you unsure of whats happening. Here are some considerations that might help you decide which healthcare professional you need to see.
Referred Pain
The reason youre not sure where your pain is coming from is because the nerves in the face are situated so close to one another. Sometimes, an ear infection, a migraine headache, or even a problem in the lower jaw can cause pain in what feels like an upper tooth. Pain doesnt usually cross the midline of the face, but anything going on on the left side of your face or head can cause pain in the teeth on the left . Its not uncommon for a patient to go to their primary care physician for what turns out to be a tooth problem or for someone to go to their dentist for what ends up being a sinus or ear infection. So if you are in pain, make your best guess and go to whichever provider you think is the right one if youre mistaken, youll simply be referred to the other.
Sinus Infection Symptoms
Toothache Symptoms
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When To See The Dentist
Ideally, you should go to the dentist every six months to a year on average for preventive dental care, including a check-up and dental cleaning according to the American Dental Association . If you have ongoing oral health problems or have a higher risk for periodontal disease or underlying medical problems, like heart disease or diabetes, Dr. Darj may recommend more frequent visits.
But emergencies happen and some dental problems require immediate attention. Pain is usually the main sign that somethings wrong, so you shouldnt wait more than a day or two to schedule an appointment if the pain persists.
- Swollen, red, or tender gums
- Persistent bad breath
- Signs of infection, like pus, blisters, or sores on the gums or inside your mouth
- Jaw pain
- Loose teeth
- Changes to your bite
It can be difficult to tell the difference between a toothache or an earache, so its important not to ignore your symptoms to ensure that you get timely and accurate treatment. If you have an infection, you may need prescription medication to clear it up.
In the case of tooth decay or gum disease, the earlier you get treatment the better. Waiting too long can make your symptoms worse, and increase your risk of permanent damage or even tooth loss.
If youre experiencing pain or other symptoms of an oral health problem, dont wait to get help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Darj at our office in El Paso, Texas.
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Swish With Salt Water
Swishing with warm salt water can help in two ways. The first is through the swishing action, which can help to dislodge any particles that may be causing pressure or discomfort in the affected area. A solution of warm salt water can also help to reduce swelling and act as an antiseptic.
To create a warm salt water solution, also called a saline solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm water. Swish the solution in the mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out. You can repeat this tooth pain relief process as often as needed.
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Ear Pain And Toothache
These two can be very painful and irritating. The problem is that ear pain could be a sign of a dental problem, and on the other hand, a tooth pain could be a sign of ear infection. It is difficult to pinpoint which is causing which. Telling the difference between the two is important so that you will get the proper treatment. So to guide you, here are some differences in the symptoms of ear pain and toothache:
Toothache Symptoms
- Sensitivity to hot or cold
- Fever
- Pain in or/and around the ear
- Jaw pain
Toothache And Ear Pain On The Same Side
Experiencing a toothache and ear pain on the same side sounds like a painful ordeal. This predicament sounds like multiple aspects of pain altogether.
I certainly wouldnt like to experience something so horrific, so anyone who has such a condition should see their dentist immediately. However, such an experience isnt uncommon as toothache can affect the ears.
This situation sounds primarily for a dentist, though some may require a doctor. Many reasons can cause this particular type of pain in the tooth and ear, so we will share that information and explain a few things to make it easier to analyze.
It will make it simple to treat as you know the problem.
We will look at the leading causes of such pain and why that area. You will see the various symptoms accompanying the different diseases and learn what treatments are best.
The information will be efficient, so it should go a long way in helping you resolve any issues you may have.
Lastly, please be reminded that this information is for knowledge and not attempting to replace your physician. You should always seek advice from your doctor if possible. Use this information as a last resort.
These are the conditions that can cause toothache and earache on one side of your face.
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How Can You Know If You Have A Tooth Infection
If youve had any type of trauma to your tooth such as a crack, chip, or break, its always best to have the issue evaluated by your professional dentist. Although it may not feel like you need treatment at the time, these issues can worsen and eventually lead to a tooth infection in some cases.
While most patients will have symptoms with their tooth infections, some wont. By regularly seeing your dentist and paying attention to your oral care, you can help detect any potential abnormalitiessuch as swelling in the facebefore they have a chance to become life- threatening.
Your dentist can help you detect a potential tooth infection early to minimize your treatment and help save your tooth. Remember that not all dental issues have symptoms, making regular checkups important and potentially even life-saving!
Mild Pain In Your Jaw Or Ear May Not Be A Cause For Concern
Since root canal treatment requires you to hold your mouth open for a long period of time during the procedure, you may experience some discomfort in your jaw. This pain could radiate to your ear, particularly if an upper molar was treated for an infection.
In addition, the area near your tooth and ear may feel sore due to the injections used to numb the area prior to treatment, causing similar sensations of soreness and pain. This type of pain is nothing to worry about, and it should fade after a few days.
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Pericoronitis And Ear Pain
Pericoronitis is an inflammatory condition seen with erupted or partially erupted wisdom teeth where the soft tissue overlying the tooth gets red and inflamed. The swelling can be caused by bacteria or from the opposing wisdom tooth irritating it during the chewing process. This condition has also been linked to ear pain. It is either resolved through the extraction of the lower wisdom teeth, or through a procedure called an operculectomy, where the gum tissue is excised. Most times, the former procedure is whats is needed for the ear pain to go away.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Process
Symptoms Of Tooth Infection Spreading To The Brain
A dental abscess can also travel to the brain, leading to the development of another abscess. If the infection reaches your brain, it can be life-threatening.
Since a brain abscess is so dangerous, the condition requires a visit to the hospital or emergency room for urgent treatment. A brain abscess is relatively rare but can occur if the dental infection is left untreated.
Symptoms of a brain abscess :
- Fever
- Going in and out of consciousness
Dental abscesses can lead to brain abscesses . This is why you should never leave them untreated. Vision changes and body weakness on one side are common with brain abscesses.
Can an Infected Tooth Make You Sick?
Poor oral hygiene and neglected dental care allow the harmful bacteria in your mouth to cause infections. Eventually, an untreated tooth infection can make you sick.
If left untreated, a dental abscess can have serious consequences on your oral health and entire body.
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Persistent Throat And Ear Pain
Throat and ear pain may come and go or it may be constant and persistent, depending on what is causing the symptoms.
For example, acid reflux is more likely to cause pain that is worse in the morning and subsides later in the day. Seasonal allergies, strep throat, and mononucleosis are more likely to come with throat and ear pain that does not go away until the conditions are treated.
See your healthcare provider if your sore throat lasts longer than two weeks.
How Your Dentist Knows:
When these symptom-less problems appear, its vital for your dentist to assess the need for a root canal procedure based off a few observations and simple tests. The objective of your dentist will be to discern if your tooth problems will be rectified by root canal treatment, or if the damage may yet be slowed or reversed, in which case a filling may be a viable option. A good dentist will be able to catch any occurring problems during your routine visits, limiting the amount of damage the tooth will suffer.
Your dentist will observe the condition of the teeth, and check up on any previously performed dental work. He will examine the color and condition of the gums of the teeth. He will also perform an X-ray in order to observe any signs of infection. A condition that has similar symptoms to root canal conditions are periodontal gum abscess, and an X-ray may rule out this possibility.
Other tests he may perform are as follows:
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Can A Toothache Cause An Earache
The short answer is yes a toothache can cause an earache.
Often, this is due to the close proximity of the jaw joint, known as the temporomandibular joint , to the ear. When a tooth has decayed or is infected, the problem with the tooth can radiate from the jaw and be felt in the ear.
Conversely, a toothache can be the sign of an earache. In this case, cold and flu symptoms will likely be present as well. There are various causes and symptoms associated with each case. These will be discussed more thoroughly below.
The most pressing concern for many will be how to alleviate this pain, regardless of its source. Until a medical or dental professional can be seen, there are a number of home remedies that can be used to provide relief from jaw, tooth, and ear pain.
While 40% of annual costs for chronic pain are due to orofacial problems, research has shown that roughly half of those experiencing tooth pain do not seek treatment and only 33% of those who did not seek treatment cited financial reasons.
Yet, dental pain has been shown to have a massive effect on a persons ability to function, interfering with sleep, mood, eating, work, and social life.
The following will explain why a toothache may be the cause of ear or jaw pain, how to differentiate between a toothache and an earache, and the symptoms, causes, and home remedies for each.
Common Symptoms Of Affected Wisdom Teeth
Some discomfort is usually associated with wisdom teeth that penetrate the gums. However, when a wisdom tooth is affected, the tooth can quickly become problematic.
Although some affected wisdom teeth do not cause pain or problems, the most common symptoms of an affected wisdom tooth can include:
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Should I Be Concerned
Tooth and ear pain are probably some of the worst types of pain that a person can experience So yes, if there is tooth and ear pain going on, you should be concerned. Fortunately, you probably wont have to rush off to the emergency room, but you might need to see a dentist or doctor depending on the frequency and severity of your tooth and ear pain.
If its your child experiencing tooth and ear pain, you probably want to do everything possible to get them out of pain and into the doctors office. Over-the-counter Motrin is an anti-inflammatory that helps with swelling, which is a common cause of earaches and toothaches.
Once symptoms start to improve, you can begin to do some detective work to figure out whats causing it. That way youll know which type of doctor to see and what type of treatment to expect.
Can Ear Infection Cause Toothache
Many people experience minor toothaches at certain points in their lives. While not all aches are serious and problematic, still it is better to seek professional dental help when necessary. What many dont realize is that the cause of a toothache is not limited to dental problems. There are non-dental causes which may be serious when not diagnosed and treated.
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Dental Issues That Can Affect Your Ears
Your ears harbor a complex combination of acoustical structures and sensitive nerve endings that make normal hearing possible. Unfortunately, a variety of problems can interfere with this system, resulting in everything from acute earaches to long-term irreversible hearing loss. Some of these problems may even start in your mouth.
The more you know about the relationship between the state of your oral health and the state of your ears and hearing, the more easily you can protect yourself against disorders and diseases that can affect both of these critical areas of the body. Take a look at three dental situations that might affect ear comfort and function.
What Causes Dental Abscesses
Your mouth is full of bacteria, which form a sticky film on your teeth called plaque.
If you don’t keep your teeth clean, acids produced by the bacteria in plaque can damage your teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay or gum disease.
The following can increase your chances of developing a dental abscess:
- poor oral hygiene plaque can build-up on your teeth if you don’t floss and brush your teeth regularly
- consuming lots of sugary or starchy food and drink these can encourage the growth of bacteria in plaque and may lead to decay that can result in an abscess
- an injury or previous surgery to your teeth or gums bacteria can get into any damaged parts of the teeth or gums
- having a weakened immune system this includes people with certain underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, and those having treatment, including steroid medication or chemotherapy
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