How Can I Make My Piercing Heal Faster
Soaking your piercing with a warm, mild sea salt water solution will not only feel good, it will also help prevent infection, reduce the risk of scarring, and speed the healing of your piercing.
How to do a sea salt soak
Avoid Touching Your Piercing
Secondly, unless you are cleaning avoid touching your pierced tragus or jewelry using your hands or some other tools. Touching is one of the easiest ways of transferring germs and infection-causing bacteria, fungi or even virus. Besides it being a risk to infections, touching your earring or studs too often can cause unnecessary bleeding.
Unsanitary Conditions At The Piercing Location
Reputable piercers make sure that everything used in the piercing process, such as the piercing needle, is clean and sterilized. Theyll also make sure they have clean hands or wear gloves. Anything that can harbor bacteria can be a potential cause of infection.
More experienced professionals do tend to charge more for their work, but this small additional cost is completely worth it you only get one body after all so take care of it.
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What Is An Infected Ear Piercing
An ear piercing is a hole through your earlobe or the cartilage in your middle or upper ear. An infected ear piercing may be red, swollen, sore, warm, itchy or tender. Sometimes the piercing oozes blood or white, yellow or greenish pus.
A new piercing is an open wound that can take several weeks to fully heal. During that time, any bacteria that enter the wound can lead to infection.
How Long Does A Daith Piercing Take To Heal
The daith is a relatively delicate piercing so, without an infection, it should take about a month and a half to heal. But as I said, this piercing placement is prone to complications.
You might want to take a look at some other “delicate” piercings for women, although you don’t have to be female to like the way they look!
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When To See An Ent Specialist For An Ear Infection
Make an appointment with an ENT specialist. As mentioned, a minor infection of an ear piercing can be treated at home successfully. However, if the following symptoms below develop, be sure to get medical assistance. A fever develops. Beyond the piercing site, the infection, or redness and inflammation, spreads. If within 2 days the infection doesnt improve with home treatment. The earring is immovable. The earring clasp is embedded in your skin.Remember, with proper care and cleaning, you can reduce the risk of ear piercing infections. In the event you experience an extreme case of infection, for assistance.
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When To Seek Medical Assistance
If your cartilage piercing infection gets worse or persists for more than a week, you should seek medical assistance.
Infections can spread throughout the cartilage to the rest of your ear, potentially causing long-term damage. You may require a strong oral antibiotic to prevent this from happening.
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Use Of Poor Piercing Equipment Or Unprofessional Piercing
Before you get any piercing done on your body, one of the most important factors to consider will be sterilization.
When piercing any part of your body, the equipment in use will be coming into contact with your blood supply.
Even though there are people who will argue that piercing guns cause less pain, there is a need to understand that any external object that is exposed to your blood supply is likely to cause problems.
When piercing the cartilage, the piercing gun will force a stud through the skin surface, and this will cause the skin to rip for it to make room for the jewelry, thus exposes it to trauma, and the chances of getting an infected cartilage piercing.
Should I Take My Piercing Out If Its Infected
When to remove a piercing
If a new piercing is infected, it is best not to remove the earring. Removing the piercing can allow the wound to close, trapping the infection within the skin. For this reason, it is advisable not to remove an earring from an infected ear unless advised by a doctor or professional piercer.
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How Long Do Tragus Piercings Take To Heal
Tragus piercings take longer to heal than other types of piercings like your earlobe, belly button, or tongue piercing. The reason that cartilage piercings take longer to heal is because the tissue doesnt have its own blood supply. This also means that any medications for a piercing infection prescribed by a doctor will take longer to work.
Expert in dermatology, Dr. Stephanie Gardner says that ear cartilage piercings can take between 4 months and 1 year to heal. However, the healing time of your tragus piercing will depend much on how well you care for your new piercing.2
According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, it is common for new piercings to be swollen, red, and tender for a few days as the wound starts to heal.3 The hole where the jewelry is located may even bleed a little. This is a normal part of the healing process.
What To Avoid While Healing A Body Piercing
Avoid touching your piercing, except when you are cleaning it.
Avoid oral contact or contact with other peoples body fluids.
Avoid using any aftercare products or ointments that were not suggested by your piercer.
Avoid getting lotions and/or makeup in or around your piercing.
Avoid pools, hot tubs, lakes, rivers, etc. Using a waterproof, breathable bandage is a viable option for some piercings.
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Using Inappropriate Or Cheap Jewelry
When you get your cartilage pierced, you will need to make sure that you make use of the right jewelry.
Using cheap studs, or studs made from nickel enhances your chances of getting infected through contact allergy.
When you have an allergic reaction, it means that bumps will begin to form due to this reaction. The presence of the bumps on your skin surface will mean that you are likely to get an infection because of constant touching, or because of irritation.
Causes Of Ear Piercing Infection
Developing into an infection, any bacteria left to fester is a detriment. You can introduce an infection simply by touching your piercing with dirty hands or instruments. Not allowing room for the wound to breathe and heal, an infection can develop in the event the earrings are on too tightly. Should there be too much handling of the piercing or the post of the earring is rough, a piercing can also get infected. If the person piercing your ears didnt use gloves, or if the posts themselves werent sterile an infection can also occur if unsterile instruments were used.
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What Is A Cartilage Piercing Infection
A cartilage piercing infection occurs when bacteria enter the opening of your new piercing. Infections typically crop up early in the healing process, when the wound from the piercing is still open.
Although minor redness, swelling and soreness can be expected after getting a cartilage piercing, more serious signs of infection can include intense pain, burning sensations, green or yellow discharge, or a bad odor coming from the piercing site.
Of course, it can take quite a while for a cartilage piercing to fully heal, a minimum of three months and usually more, so the likelihood of infection remains for a longer period of time when compared to ear lobe piercings or piercings in other fleshy areas.
Unlike infections in other areas, an infected ear piercing can spread from the surface down into the cartilage itself. This means it can cause further complications and become difficult to treat.
Infections can also be the reason for that unsightly bump that forms around the site of the piercing sometimes, although a bump isnt always the sign of an infection .
Redness Around The Pierced Site
The area around the site may turn red or undergo a skin color change. If it gets inflamed or has signs of tragus inflammation, there is a likely problem with tragus ear piercing jewelry that you are wearing, but that should not give you a leeway to remove or change it. Simply go back to your piercer and complain about it.
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Not Following Appropriate Aftercare And Cleaning Advice
When you get your cartilage pierced, your piercer should give you instructions on how to clean and take care of the wound while it heals.
Follow what they say, and use the products they suggest. You should be using saline, or sea salt solution to soak your piercing every day, and you can wash the jewelry with small amount of soap and water, before rinsing well.
Not caring for a new piercing properly can delay healing times, especially if an infection takes hold.
The best aftercare product Ive personally used is the After Inked Piercing Aftercare Spray. Not only is it vegan, but its also completely alcohol and additive-free. The solution works well on all skin types including sensitive skin, and it comes in a generously-sized mist-spraying bottle for easy application. When using it from the very start of the healing process, the spray helps to decrease healing times and aims to eliminate any lingering pain or soreness.
Important Ear Piercing Aftercare Steps You Must Ensure You Take
Some of our other awesomely-helpful guides:
What Are The Symptoms Of Infected Ear Piercings
Some pain and redness are part of the normal healing process for pierced ears. It can be easy to confuse those with signs of infection. Symptoms that may indicate an infection include:
- Discharge coming out of the piercing.
- Redness, warmth or swelling around the piercing.
- Tenderness in the pierced earlobe or cartilage.
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Is Tragus Piercing Painful
Before getting their tragus pierced, most people want to know if tragus piercing is painful. Of course, puncturing your skin or cartilage will cause initial pain and discomfort.
The tragus is a fairly thick piece of cartilage and piercers have to exert some pressure to make the fine hole. However, there are few nerves in the tragus, which means that, for many people, the pain isnt so great and not as painful as getting a belly button piercing. But, everyone has their own pain threshold and some people may find the piercing more painful than others.
You may also hear a popping or crushing sound when the tragus gets punctured. This is completely normal and isnt anything to worry about.
When To Remove A Piercing
If a new piercing is infected, it is best not to remove the earring. Removing the piercing can allow the wound to close, trapping the infection within the skin. For this reason, it is advisable not to remove an earring from an infected ear unless advised by a doctor or professional piercer.
Once the wound has healed usually after 2 to 3 months in the case of earlobe piercing or longer in cartilage piercings a person can safely remove an earring.
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When To See The Doctor
Minor ear piercing infections can progress to perichondritis, abscess formation, and necrosis with or without systemic symptoms. Perichondritis is inflammation of the perichondrium, a layer of tissue surrounding the cartilage of the external part of the ear known as the pinna. Meanwhile, necrosis is a form of irreversible cell injury that results in the death of cells in the affected area.
For the above reasons, you should see the doctor promptly if home remedies down work. Most experts recommend seeing the doctor if the symptoms dont subside after a week of home treatment.
Always Wash Your Hands Before Touching Or Treating Your Piercing
Minor infections can often be treated at home, but it’s important to make sure you are doing so with clean hands. “Make sure you do not have a fever or swollen lymph nodes, which suggests you should seek a doctor for further evaluation,” notes Chang. “Avoid excessively touching or manipulating the infected site as this can worsen the irritation and inflammation. If touching the area, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly beforehand.” Soap and water, please!
If you don’t think the jewelry is the cause, then the source of the infection is probably bacterial. The way to fix that is to kill and/or clear the bacteria. The best way to accomplish this is to start cleaning the area twice a day and doing sea salt soaks twice a day basically treating it like a brand new piercing. The heat and the salt both help to draw out pus and other fluids that may contain bacteria. Hopefully, following that regimen for a few days will clear up an infection in its early stages. You can do this with a q-tip and sterile saline or saltwater . Remember to clean both the front and back of the earlobe.
“Avoid alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the affected area, as these can further irritate the skin and slow down the healing process,” says Chang.
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Common Ear Piercing Care Mistakes
Avoid the tragedy of ear piercing horror stories by steering clear of these 6 ear piercing care mistakes:
1. Dirty Hands
If you touch your new piercing with hands that haven’t recently been washed, germs will transfer and could lead to an infection. This may sound obvious, but it happens enough that its worth noting.
Always, always, always wash your hands before touching your newly pierced ears.
2. Hair Products
Your hair holds onto anything and everything it encounters throughout the day. It contains the shampoo, conditioner and product from this morning, plus all the bacteria and dirt that happened to be floating around in the air you walked through today.
To prevent bacteria from transferring from your hair to your new piercings, try throwing your hair up at night – at least for the first month. Keeping it pulled back and away from your ears will not only reduce the risk of infection, but will also keep it from getting caught on your earrings while you sleep.
3. Wrong Cleaning Solution
Everyone suggests different solutions to use, so its hard to know which is the right choice.
First, use the saline solution your piercer gave you, every day, twice a day. Apply it to the front and back of the piercing with a clean cotton ball, and then twist the earring a couple times while it is wet.
If that doesnt seem to do the trick, jewelers suggest trying bactine or rubbing alcohol.
4. Premature Earring Removal
How To Care For Infected Tragus Piercings
There are some great and effective home remedies that can help treat a mild tragus piercing infections. Natural ingredients that contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties are great for quickly getting rid of a mild piercing infection.
A word of warning: ear cartilage piercing infections can quickly become severe. If you still have signs of infections after a couple of days when using these natural remedies or if the infection continues to get worse, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.
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How To Treat A Daith Infection At Home
If you start to notice your piercing has become irritated, you can try treating it with a few home remedies. I only recommend these remedies as a temporary solution to relieve pain until you can get to a doctor. If your piercing has become truly infected, the only thing that will help is antibiotics.
- Saltwater soaks. Press your ear into a cup or shallow bowl filled with a ¼ teaspoon of non-iodized salt dissolved in 1 cup of warm water. Soak the piercing for 510 minutes, twice a day, or when necessary.
- Tea tree oil. If you add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the salt solution, it might aid healing.
- Over-the-counter NSAIDs. Pain killers like aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc. can also be used to temporarily relieve pain.
How You Can Get A Piercing Infection
A piercing is essentially an open wound. An earlobe piercing usually takes six to eight weeks to heal. Cartilage piercings, which take place on the harder part of your ear, generally take longer to heal and can be more prone to infection. There are several ways your ear piercing can get infected.
Any bacteria left to fester can quickly turn into an infection. If you touch your piercing with dirty hands or instruments, you can introduce an infection. If the earrings are on too tightly, not allowing room for the wound to breathe and heal, an infection can develop. A piercing can also get infected if theres too much handling of the piercing or the post of the earring is rough.
An infection can also occur if unsterile instruments were used, if the person piercing your ears didnt use gloves, or if the posts themselves werent sterile.
Its fairly easy to identify an infected ear piercing. Symptoms may include:
- yellow, pus-like discharge
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Normal Sensitivity After Getting Pierced
After getting a piercing, the skin around it can become red and a little thicker than usual. It can also get sensitive when touched. This is completely normal so nothing to worry about. In fact, you do not have to worry about it. With the right treatment you can prevent infection and let your piercing heal quickly.