Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Get Benefits For Hearing Loss

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Herbs For Hearing Loss: Turmeric

Can You Win Social Security Disability if You have Hearing Loss

Turmeric is related to ginger and has been used for centuries as a cure for viral infections such as the flu. The health benefits of turmeric have been widely studied, and turmeric might also help fight depression, high cholesterol, PMS, and more. In addition, turmeric is high in potassium, which is vital for healthy ears. Potassium levels drop as we age, which might contribute to age-related hearing loss. Stock up on turmeric to keep your potassium levels high.

References: WebMD, EurekaAlert, National Center for Biotechnology Information,

Is Wearing A Hearing Aid Classified As A Disability

In the ways that matter the most, experiencing hearing loss is generally considered to be a disability. This can vary, though, depending on how severe or extreme the hearing loss is. All of this is important knowledge to have, especially when you consider it and how it relates to Social Security regulations and the ADA .;

Under this act, you have certain protections granted relating to hearing impairment disabilities, as it relates to employment, for example. Not only that, but according to Social Security rules, you could be entitled to claim certain disability benefits.

It Can Be Very Difficult To Get Social Security Disability Benefits Based Solely On Hearing Loss Even If It Is Profound

By Aaron Hotfelder, J.D., University of Missouri School of Law

Profound hearing loss can greatly limit or even eliminate a person’s ability to work. If your hearing loss is so severe that it prevents you from performing a full-time job, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

In deciding a disability case, the Social Security Administration requires objective medical evidence to establish the existence and severity of any medical impairment. Those with hearing loss should provide the SSA with records of hearing testing administered by an audiologist or an otolaryngologist, sometimes called an ear, nose, and throat doctor. If you can’t afford audiometric testing prior to your disability hearing, you or your attorney should request that Social Security arrange a free consultative examination with an audiologist or ENT.

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Will It Be Hard To Adjust To Hearing Aids

It may take from several weeks to months for you to get used to your hearing aids. You may find that:

  • Sounds seem strange. It’s good to remember that hearing aids will not make you hear like you used to. And nothing will ever sound completely normal. If noises are so strange or shrill that they are distracting you, tell your hearing aid provider before you leave his or her office.
  • You hear things you haven’t heard in a long time. For example, you may hear background noises much more clearly.
  • You are more aware of sounds close to you. Your footsteps, heartbeat, or car motor may be much more noticeable. With time, your brain will get better at ignoring these sounds.
  • Your hearing aids can be uncomfortable. But they should not be painful. Before you leave the hearing aid provider’s office with your new hearing aids, make sure they fit. Your hearing aids should not hurt your ears or be loose in your ears.
  • Sometimes your hearing aids will make a buzzing noise when you use a cell phone. This noise can be annoying, and it can make it hard to hear the person on the phone. If you use a cell phone, make sure your hearing aid provider knows. He or she can suggest hearing aids that work better with cell phones. And when you buy a new cell phone, buy one that is compatible with hearing aids.

Here are some general tips to help you adjust to your new hearing aids.

Your doctor or audiologist may suggest hearing aids if:

Causesof Hearing Loss Or Tinnitus In Veterans

VA Disability for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

With veterans, hearing loss and tinnitus can be caused by noise exposure to gunfire, tanks, bombs or aircraft noise.

Hearing problems can also occur due to age, or a combination of both noise exposure and age. Veterans are 30 percent more likely than nonveterans to have severe hearing impairment as well.

Even though hearing protection is mandatory and standard issue for all active-duty service members, hearing loss can still occur.

The good news is, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs can help. Nearly 3 million veterans receive compensation for tinnitus or hearing loss.

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Get A Current Diagnosis

If you dont have a current diagnosis, GET YOUR BUTT TO THE DOCTOR! The VA is very strict about the type of diagnosis it accepts when considering hearing loss for disability compensation. They require that you undergo a hearing exam administered by a licensed audiologist. The exam is to include two tests for the VA to accept the diagnosis.;

The first test is the Maryland CNC Test. This measures hearing loss by using a 50-word test scoring how well you recognize speech.;

The second test is the Puretone Audiometric Test. This test measures the faintest tones you can pick up through listening. Most people will recognize it as the test where you wear headphones and raise your hand when you hear beeps.;

Remember, a diagnosis from your primary care doctor will not be counted as evidence by the VA.;

Your Hearing Loss May Also Qualify For Free Or Low

If the VA determines you have service-connected hearing problems, then theyll approve your claim for disability benefits. Hearing aids can certainly help some veterans hear better than they do without them. Depending on what caused your own hearing issues, the VA may provide the following at no cost to you:

  • Free hearing aids and any other required accessories
  • Replacement batteries as needed
  • Repairs and hearing aid replacements for the rest of your life, provided you maintain eligibility for VA healthcare services

However, you cannot get this free or low-cost benefit until after you file a VA disability claim for hearing loss.

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The Ear Is An Extremely Sensitive Organ That Transmits Sound To The Brain Through Three Main Components: The Outer Ear Called The Pinna The Middle Ear Known As The Tympanic Cavity And The Inner Ear Or Cochlea

Sound waves travel from the outer ear through the auditory canal causing the eardrum to vibrate, which in turn causes the small bones of the middle ear to move. The vibrations move through fluid in the inner ear, stimulating thousands of tiny hair cells. The vibrations are then transformed into electrical impulses interpreted as sound by the brain.

Disabilityratings For Hearing Impairment

How To Get Hearing Aids From The VA | 6 Things You NEED To Know

To receive disabilitycompensation for hearing loss, you must first prove that you are eligible for benefits. The VA requires that you:

  • Served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training, and
  • Have a disability rating for your service-connected condition

The VA calculates your disability rating, a percentage based on the severity of yourdisability, by looking at your medical history, including any test results ordoctor reports, as well as information from other sources, like federalagencies or a VA claim exam if youve undergone one.

The VA Schedule of Ratings Disabilities shows that mild or moderate hearing loss can range from 0% to 10%, while severe hearing loss may range from 30% to 50%.

The rating for tinnitus is 10%, which is assigned regardless of whether it affects one or both ears. However, you can receive individual ratings for hearing loss and tinnitus.;

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Herbs For Hearing Loss: Gingko Biloba

The gingko tree is native to Asia and produces large fan-shaped leaves that have been eaten for many centuries. According to WebMD, gingko can promote better blood circulation, which is important for your entire body, ears included. Proper blood circulation to your ears keeps everything functioning and keeps your ears at a safe temperature. Ginkgo is also thought to benefit people who suffer from cognitive diseases such as Alzheimers.

What Percentage Does The Va Typically Compensate For Hearing Loss

While the U.S. Armed Forces recognizes hearing loss as one of its most prevalent service-connected medical conditions, the VA ratings are not stellar.

The typical disability ratings for hearing loss range from 0 10%.

In other words, the average disability rating will likely not cover the inconvenience and hassle of hearing impairment issues.

Nonetheless, additional services like hearing aids and service animals may supplement where monthly disability income is not sufficient.

Those that suffer from more severe types of hearing loss can receive a much higher VA rating than 0 10%.

It really depends on a case by case basis which is why you should schedule a hearing examination with a VA clinic as soon as possible.

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Uk Hard Of Hearing Benefits

Being hard of hearing can be very difficult and challenging in a world where information is provided from a multitude or sources and requires all senses to absorb it completely. Fortunately, there are many devices, services and support available to help the hard of hearing improve their lifestyle and assist them in their daily tasks.

The options available depend on the particular case, age, income and causes of the hearing loss. The first and probably the most important is access to information about hearing loss, hearing aids, assistive hearing devices, etc. Such comprehensive information can be found on the NHS website,;the RNID website or helplines or the numerous blogs that post relevant news and updates on the development of the hearing aid technologies and new trends and services.

One of the most significant benefits is the opportunity to get a hearing aid free from the NHS. Although, the variety of the hearing aids are surpassed by that of the private dispensers’ and choice is limited, hearing aids from NHS can be the only option for some people with hearing loss. In addition, you can get domes, tubing and batteries for the hearing aid also without having to pay.

Thankfully in the UK there is a comprehensive benefit system aimed to support different groups or communities with disabilities, including the hard of hearing and provides them with the needed equipment or financial assistance to help their condition.

Help with hearing equipment

Financial help

Profound Hearing Loss And Its Complications And The Listing Of Impairments

VA Disability for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

In the SSAs Listing of Impairments, the listing for hearing loss without a cochlear implantation is found in Listing 2.10; the listing for hearing loss treated with cochlear implantation is found in Listing 2.11

If your hearing loss falls under either or equals a listing, you might be approved for benefits at Step 3 of the Five-Step Sequential Evaluation.

Listing 2.10 requires that you meet either one of the two following tests, without using your hearing aids:

  • Audiometry testing reveals that your average hearing threshold sensitivity for air conduction must be 90dB or worse in your better ear, and you must have a bone conduction hearing threshold of 60 dB or worse in your better ear. Your hearing loss must be calculated by averaging your hearing at the sound frequencies of 500 hertz, 1,000 hertz and 2,000 hertz.
  • Word recognition testing documents that you are not able to repeat more than 40% of a list of standardized words spoken in the test.

Listing 2.11 provides that if you have cochlear implants in one or both ears, you automatically are granted benefits for one year after the implantation, regardless of whether your hearing improves within 12 months. After one year, your disability benefits will be extended so long as your word recognition on a Hearing in Noise Test is 60% or less.

Your medical records must establish that you meet every element of the Listing.

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Cochlear Implants Will Automatically Qualify You

Deaf applicants with cochlear implants in one or both ears automatically qualify for disability benefits for one year after the implantation surgery. After that year, applicants can continue to receive Social security benefits as long as the applicant scores 60 percent or less on a “Hearing in Noise Test” word recognition test.

Blue Book Listing For Disability For Hearing Loss

The SSA includes hearing loss and speech impairment along with visual impairment in the same category of its Listings for disability found on its website.

How to Meet the Listing for Deafness or Hearing Impairment

In order to meet the Listing for hearing impairment, you must demonstrate by a significant, long-time history of treatment records from doctors and audiologists that certain tests have been run and that those test results fall into certain measurable ranges.

Specifically, either audiometry tests or word recognition tests must be used to document the severity of your hearing loss.

If those test results can be produced, and you are otherwise eligible for benefits, then you will be automatically approved for disability for hearing loss or deafness.

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Tests You Need To Get A Va Rating For Hearing Loss

To assign your VA disability rating, an audiologist may perform controlled speech discrimination and puretone audiometry tests in both ears. The VA uses both tests determine a single disability percentage rating for your hearing loss. Heres a quick overview of what each test does and how the potential results determine your VA disability rating:

  • Controlled Speech Discrimination Test The audiologist uses this test to determine how well you understand spoken words. During this test, the audiologist plays a variety of one-syllable words and then asks you to repeat them back. Youll get your results from this test in the form of a percentage. That percentage helps the VA assign your disability rating for both ears.
  • Puretone Audiometry Test This test measures the decibels and frequencies where you first hear certain sounds. Your audiologist will play sounds at four different frequencies . The score you receive is in the 0-110 range based on how loud the sounds are before you hear them. If you have perfect hearing, youll get a 0 on this part of your test. The higher your score, the worse your hearing loss. After testing your hearing thresholds at all four frequencies, the audiologist divides them by four. That final number is your puretone threshold average score that helps determine your VA disability rating.
  • Important: Not every veteran needs a controlled speech discrimination test. If that test doesnt help the VA rate your hearing impairment, then they wont ask for it.

    What Other Benefits Can I Receive For Hearing Loss

    VA Hearing Loss Compensation & Service Connection | What You NEED To Know!

    Service members are required to meet with a VA audiologist in order to diagnose a medical condition.

    After a series of tests are conducted, the VA can help determine if you are entitled to disability benefits.

    Veterans that suffer from hearing loss rely on monthly compensation to treat their condition.

    Hearing aids and other hearing supported devices are often available to patients.

    Furthermore, service animals have been successful in assisting veterans with a variety of medical conditions, including hearing loss.

    However, you cannot receive any of these services until you get evaluated by a VA audiologist.

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    Residual Functional Capacity For Profound Hearing Loss

    The SSA will review your medical records at the Initial Application and Reconsideration stage of the claims process and determine your functional capacity to perform sedentary, light, medium and heavy work.

    SSA medical consultants often opine that a Social Security Disability applicant can do light and sedentary work, and that will result in a claims denial. The lower your RFC the more likely that you cant return to the lightest job you held in the last 15 years or perform other work. SSA doesnt tell applicants or physicians about the existence and importance of properly completed RFC forms that explain:

    • How your hearing loss impacts your capacity to communicate and follow instructions,
    • Whether you can safely operate machinery,
    • Whether you can work in a noisy environment,
    • Whether you have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time,
    • Whether you have psychological problems, including depression or anxiety, that would interfere with your ability to work.

    This is not an exhaustive list of all of the questions on a hearing loss or other applicable RFC forms. But you can see that having an explanation of what you can do physically and emotionally is key to winning your case. We will need to show there are no jobs you could do given the amount of your hearing loss.

    Other Considerations For Hearing Loss Eligibility

    There are a few more things to keep in mind before applying. If you meet the above qualifying criteria but still earn more than $1,190 per month, you will not qualify for disability benefits. For example, if your employer is able to modify your job to accommodate your hearing loss, or if youve always worked at a job that didnt require good hearing, you wont be approved to receive benefits.

    You also will not be approved if you only have hearing loss in one ear, even if the other ear is completely deaf since all hearing loss is evaluated using your best ear by the SSA.

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    Your Right To Ssdi Benefits If You Have Cochlear Implants

    You are automatically eligible for SSDI benefits if you have cochlear implants in one or both ears for one year after they were implanted. This is true whether or not your hearing improves. After 12 months, your word recognition on a Hearing in Noise Test must be 60 percent or less for you to continue to receive benefits.

    Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits With Hearing Loss

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    According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders and the National Institutes of Health , more than 37 million adults in the U.S. report some hearing loss. The NIDCD and NIH report about a quarter of adults age 65 and older have disabling hearing loss. Numbers are lower among younger groups, reported at about 2% for middle-aged individuals and nearly 9% for people between the ages of 55 and 64. The risk of disabling hearing loss increases with age, but can occur at any time.

    Loss of hearing may be correctable with a cochlear implant, dependent upon the cause of hearing loss. More than 58,000 adults have undergone cochlear implantation in the U.S., according to 2017 statistics published by the NIH. Whether your hearing loss is correctable or not, you may qualify for benefits, even if you decide not to undergo cochlear implantation surgery.

    With severe hearing loss, you can potentially qualify for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration . Qualification not only makes you eligible for monthly cash benefits but may additionally qualify you for other state and federal programs, including medical coverage through Medicare and/or Medicaid.

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    The Telephone Or Video Relay Call

    You need to make a claim for PIP by telephone, textphone, Relay UK or video relay if you use sign language.

    If you live in England, Scotland or Wales, call the Department for Work and Pensions see the GOV.UK website for contact details.

    If you live in Northern Ireland, call the PIP Centre see the nidirect website for contact details.

    Someone else can make the call for you. But you must be with them so you can confirm that the person supporting you has your permission to make the call.

    Before the call, make sure you have your:

    • contact details and date of birth
    • National Insurance number this is on letters about tax, pensions and benefits
    • bank or building society account number and sort code
    • doctors or health workers name, address and phone number
    • details of any time you have spent abroad or in a care home or hospital.

    You will need to give this information during your call.

    Applying For Hearing Loss Benefits

    To start your claim, we need you to submit an application for benefits and provide information about your employment history.

    Please complete the following forms and send them to us in one package:

    Please fax or mail the documents, using the contact information on the forms.

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    How To Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits With Hearing Loss

    If you or someone you know experiences hearing loss, then you may be able to qualify for Social Security disability benefits. The SocialSecurity Administration.; gives out monthly benefits to those who can no longer work full time due to a disability. If you have hearing loss and its affecting your ability to maintain a full-time job, then there is assistance available to you. Here is how to qualify for Social Security disability benefits with hearing loss.

    Medically Qualifying Using the Blue Book

    The SSA uses its own guide in which they evaluate whether someones disability is approved or denied Social Security benefits. It is colloquially referred to as the BlueBook and it also lists what medical evidence is needed to qualify for Social Security benefits. If you have hearing loss, you can qualify via theBlue Book in two ways; if youre treated without;a cochlear implant and if you are treated with a cochlear implant.

    Qualifying Without a Cochlear Implant

    If you do not have a cochlear implant there are two ways in which you can qualify:

    • If the average air conduction hearing threshold of 90 decibels orgreater in the better ear and an average bone conduction hearing threshold of60 decibels or greater in the better ear
    • If your word recognition score of 40% or less in the better ear determined using a standardized list of phonetically balanced monosyllabic words;

    Qualifying with a Cochlear Implant

    Things to Consider Before Applying

    How to Start Your Application


    The Blue Book Listings For Hearing Loss

    Unlock the Key to More VA Disability Hearing Loss Compensation…

    Social Security has two different Blue Book listings for hearing loss. The first, Listing 2.10, applies to those who haven’t received a cochlear implant. An individual can meet this listing if either of the following are satisfied:

    • Your average air conduction hearing threshold is more than 89 decibels in the better ear, and average bone conduction hearing threshold is more than 60 decibels in the better ear, or
    • Your score on a speech discrimination test is 40% or worse in the better ear.

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    Abouthearing Loss And Tinnitus

    Around 466 million people around the world have disabling hearing loss. Disabling hearing loss means hearing loss greater than 40 decibels in adults and 30 dB in children. Compare that to a person with normal hearing, who has hearing thresholds of 25 dB or better in both ears.;

    Hearing problems can range from mild or moderate to severe or profound. It can affect one or both ears. Those who are hard of hearing experience hearing loss ranging from mild to severe.

    People who are hard of hearing may use hearing aids, cochlear implants or other assistive devices. Those who are deaf typically have profound hearing loss, and often use sign language to communicate.

    Qualifying Without A Cochlear Implant

    If you havent received a cochlear implant, you have two ways of qualifying. The first is if you have an average air conduction hearing threshold of 90 decibels or greater in the better ear as well as an average bone conduction hearing threshold of 60 decibels or greater in the better ear.You can also qualify if you have a word recognition score of 40 percent or less in the better ear, which will be determined by using a standardized list of phonetically balanced, single-syllable words.

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