Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Much Is Hearing Aid In Nigeria

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How To Pick The Best Hearing Aid For You

How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost?

Hearing aids are medical devices regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Theyre sold and fit by state-licensed hearing care professionals; audiologists have the most training. Five manufacturers dominate the market and produce hundreds of types of aids with various components and technology levels.

The best hearing aid type depends on your hearing loss, lifestyle and preferences. There are three basic types of hearing aids:

  • Behind-the-ear hearing aids house all tech components behind the ear in casing that connects via a thin tube to a dome or ear mold in the ear. A common style is a mini-behind-the-ear , or a slimmer BTE.
  • A receiver-in-canal hearing aid is similarly worn behind the ear but connects via a form-fitted wire to a small speaker that sits in the ear canal.
  • In-the-ear hearing aids are 100% in the ear with no components behind the ear
  • With aids that house some or all components behind the ear, two kinds of parts go in the earan open-fit dome or a closed-fit mold. Many people like the feel of an open-fit dome. It lets some hearing pass in naturally, but this may interfere with sound quality. A closed fit, custom-made ear mold may result in the best hearing but users have to adjust to the stopped up feel.

    Acoustic fit is how well an audiologist programs the aids to your specific hearing needs. Physical fit has to do with how well they fit in your ear, which affects both hearing and comfort.

    How To Get Hearing Aids

    See a GP if you’re having problems with your hearing. They may refer you to a hearing specialist for an assessment if they think you might need a hearing aid.

    If your specialist recommends hearing aids, talk to them about the different types available and which is best for you. You may be able to try a few types before choosing.

    Some types may be;available to use straight away. Others may need to be custom-made after your ear has been measured or a cast of your ear has been taken. These will usually be ready in a few weeks.

    When your hearing aid is ready, it will be programmed to suit your level of hearing loss. You’ll be shown how to use;it and how to look after;it.

    Another appointment will be arranged for a few weeks later to check how things are going.

    Cost Of Hearing Aid In Nigeria

    Hearing Aids come in different types, shapes, designs, and mode of operation. In fact, there are a whole lot of various types, ranging from small sizes to bigger ones. This makes it a bit difficult to put a stamped price on how much hearing aids go for.

    In Nigeria however, some hearing aid types are more common than others. There are some brands that have established themselves in the market.

    Here are the prices of some of the common hearing aids in Nigeria today.

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    Hearing Aid Price Comparison

    In general, more expensive hearing aids offer more features than cheaper hearing devices.;PSAPs;tend to be the most affordable option, but they often come with fewer benefits and may not help with hearing loss at all. According to the FDA, PSAPs are not intended to compensate for hearing impairment, which means the devices will likely be less than satisfactory for those with significant hearing loss.

    Analog hearing aids are a bit pricier but offer better sound quality than PSAPs. Digital hearing aids provide further hearing help with the ability to modify sound waves. Check the chart below to help you decide which type of device is best suited to your needs.


    Should I Buy Hearing Aids From Costco

    4 Best Hearing Aid Styles in 2020

    Costcos in-house brand of hearing aids , Kirkland, landed at the top of the ratings, with a reader score for Overall Satisfaction of 76 . Costcos Kirkland brand was the only brand to receive top marks from members for value, which we defined as satisfaction with a hearing aids performance vs. its cost.

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    Hearing Aid Technology Levels And Prices

    Hearing aids range in technological capability from simple amplification in quiet situations to highly sophisticated sound processing that separates speech from background noise in complex environments.

    Each brand carries one or more series with a range of models at different levels of technology within each series. The names of technology levels may vary, and just to confuse things, terms like basic and essential can mean different levels in different clinics. Descriptors like bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond may also be used.

    The series/models included here as examples are among the most popular theyre not necessarily recommended as being the best.

    Weve also provided a price range for each technology level. Note that prices are indicative only and will depend on where you buy, whether service is included and if there are any additional features, such as rechargeable batteries, titanium casing, TV connectors, remote controls and so on.

    We havent included the Costco and Specsavers brands, but theyre substantially cheaper than label brands their respective premium models cost $1899 and $3495 per pair, compared to $60008000 or more for mainstream brands.

    Entry level

    Amplification in the home, on the phone and quiet places.

    Examples: Oticon Ria 2, Phonak Audeo B30, Siemens Signia Orion 2, Starkey Muse i1000, Unitron Moxi Tempus 500

    Price range per aid: $9001700


    Small groups, mixing with friends and family.

    Price range per aid: $10002000


    Signs Your Hearing Has Been Affected Include:

    Difficulty following conversations in a noisy restaurant or crowded room

    Having difficulty understanding speech on the telephone or TV

    Frequently asking people to speak up or repeat themselves

    Feeling like people are mumbling or not speaking very clearly

    Difficulty understanding soft speech

    Hearing Lost or Tinnitus Can Be Very Dangerous If Left Untreated.

    Hearing loss is not just an ailment of old age. It can strike at any time and any age, even childhood. For the young, even a mild or moderate case of hearing loss could bring difficulty learning, developing speech and building the important interpersonal skills necessary to foster self-esteem and succeed in school and life.

    Hearing Aid is Not What You NEED: They work by amplifying the sound rather than dealing with the cause of the problem, which in many cases is down to deterioration of the nerves or cells which process signals to your brain.

    Rather than just work on making the sounds louder, Ginkgo Plus works to restore the natural functions that process the sound too, improving your understanding of what you hear as well as your hearing itself.

    If you fail to notice any improvement in your hearing after using The Product, simply Ask for refund and we will gladly return your money while you keep the product. We are so confident about this product.;

    Read Also: What Causes Static In Hearing Aids

    Heres How To Order Your Own Ginkgo Plus At A Discount Price Today

    No Need to Fear if this is real or not becauseYou only pay when the product has been brought to you face to face by our delivery person which usually takes 2 4 days after placing your order. And secondly, we do not charge you any extra fee for delivery , we bring it down to your doorsteps anywhere you live in Nigeria at no extra cost WE CALL These, FREE DELIVERY AND YOU PAY ON DELIVERY.

    NOTE: Please, Do Not Place an Order If You Are Not Ready to pay and Receive Your Product within the Next 2 4 days.

    Why we give this warning is because of some unserious buyers who think we are not real, they end up placing an order and do not make themselves available to receive their order.

    Some order and when we call to deliver, they give us excuses, which is really unfair. In as much as we dont charge for deliverywe spend money to deliver this item to you. We do not want to charge you for that because Im approaching 46 yrs old now, so I still want the whole world to know about my unique, life-changing discovery.;

    Though, these have really cost us a lot so we want to plead with you to only order if you are ready to receive your order within the estimated days and you should please keep the money for the product.

    The Most Recommended Treatment Is The 3 Bottles which goes for 42,000 naira, Youll Get Your Desired Result With That

    Licensed Hearing Care Services That Make A Difference

    How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost?

    The best hearing aids are only as good as the professional that programs them. Services include the hearing test, programming/fitting of the hearing aids, and as many additional appointments needed to fine-tune your hearing aids. This will ensure youre happy with your hearing experience. The market value for these services can add up to $500-$1000 but are included in our prices.

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    Days Money Back Guarantee

    I know a lot of you may be harbouring some doubts about the claims. Well, its not just like every other claim you find out there. This one is different.

    I wouldnt be daring it if am not sure of the result youll get when you start using the 3 Bottles of Ginkgo Plus.

    I wouldnt take such risk if I havent personally tried the product myself and it did wonders for me. Because I have tried it and it worked as claimed for me. So, I think I should extend the guarantee to you. So, I repeat; Order for the product , use it for 90 days, and if it doesnt deliver as promises Call me on phone or send a text message and ask for your money back No quibbles, no face tightening.; You get back every kobo you paid. And I will even make a public apology to you for wasting your time. ;

    Ntid Audiologist Ventures To Nigeria Volunteers Skills

    The trip was arranged by two different organizations: ComCare International, founded to assist hard-of-hearing people around the world, and Winrock International, whose volunteer assistance program sends experts in a variety of fields to help developing nations grow more prosperous. The audiologists traveled to eight cities where they visited schoolhouses, hospitals and rural villages.

    We worked from dawn till about 9 or 10 at night, said Sims. I used every ounce of audiology skills that I knew because of the diverse needs we encountered. For example, there was a widow with four children who came to us. She had been isolated from her kids after losing her hearing four years ago. After we tested her and fitted her with a hearing aid, she began smiling and singing. That was a phenomenal moment.

    Nigeria is located in West Africa and is home to 120 million people. It is roughly the size of California, and although it is one of the worlds leading oil-producing nations, the majority of Nigerians live below the poverty line. Therefore, one of the problems facing hard-of-hearing people living there is the high cost of purchasing and maintaining modern hearing aids. Conventional hearing aids dont perform properly for more than a few months, because they dont hold up well in tropical climates. But ComCare has developed a solar-powered hearing aid that can be charged with sunlight and is completely waterproof.

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    What People Said After Using Ginkgo Plus

    Testimony 1: We are now only half way through your product and my daughter has already reported that the noises have diminished dramatically. We are very optimistic and we thank you for making this product and for guiding us to freedom from this awful disease. From Mrs Chioma in Onitsha

    Testimony 2: Ive been using your product for 2.5 months now, and to be honest, I still hear some slight buzz in my ears when its really quiet-but thats a world apart from the hell I was in. I can completely live with this level of clicking and humming, and I only notice it occasionally and only late at night. Thanks So much. God Bless You. From Adamu in Kaduna

    Testimony 3: I am now able to work, sleep and function as a human being. I do experienced very mild humming noises every now and then, but its not bothering me at all. I feel relaxed, energized and optimistic. Thank you once again for helping me stop the ringing in my ears. If you dont mind I am going to pass your product onto one of my friends who also has this condition. Thanks again. From Adetunji in Ibadan. ;

    Testimony 4: I started using your product a couple of months ago and was ecstatic to buy the product although I was extremely skeptical. Mr Patrick, how can I thank you? Your Product is indispensable. A real gem.; Your own personal story of how you battled Tinnitus was also quite compelling. I feel like a new man. I would definitely recommend Ginkgo Plus to everyone with Tinnitus. Mr Peter from Lagos

    When Should You Get A Hearing Aid

    Hearing Aid Prices in Nigeria (April 2021)

    Get tested People with normal hearing can hear sounds less than 25 decibels . If the softest sounds you can hear are 30 dB or louder, you may be missing a significant amount of what is said to you and are probably a candidate for a hearing aid. Its important to note that hearing aids are only amplifiers.

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    Hearing Aid Fitting And Initial Fine

    Initial hearing aid fitting and fine-tuning includes the following at ClearLife Hearing Care. These services are highly variable from clinic to clinic, as many hearing aid vendors do not perform real ear measurement and do not include a structured follow-up program or brain retraining process:

    • Real Ear Measurement
    • Brain Retraining and Adaptation Program
    • Structured Follow-up Process During Trial Period

    These services are generally performed during the hearing aid trial period, which commonly varies between 30-90 days, depending on the clinicâs policies and state law.

    Typical prices for initial programming and follow-up during the trial ranges from $400-$700. These services are included as a standard with all of our hearing aid fitting, and are valued at $415

    Aftercare Services To Extend The Life Of The Device And Maximize Effectiveness

    We include 5 additional follow-up visits for fine-tuning or annual check-ups after the end of the trial period. Hearing ability can change over time, so this ensures the settings are always suitable for you. These appointments include professional cleaning, which improves performance and extends the lifetime of the devices. The cost of the 5 appointments alone is worth $250-$500.

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    Things To Consider Before Buying Hearing Aid

    A hearing aid is a very delicate product and the various kinds, types, and brands available today makes it even more difficult to pick one. To help you reduce your options, it is essential to consider some core factors that will help decide which is the best for you. Here are some of the important factors to note when buying a hearing aid;

    Nature of the Hearing Loss;

    The first thing you need to consider when buying a hearing aid is the nature of the hearing loss. If the hearing loss affects just one ear, then you can settle for a single hearing aid. In a situation where both ears are affected, while a single hearing aid would help to a certain extent, you might be missing out on key sounds and might not be as effective as youd like.

    Hence, you might need to go for the bilateral hearing aid, which will serve as an improvement. For patients with severe hearing loss, they might have to settle for a behind-the-ear design, which larger battery and wouldnt need to be replaced as often.

    The Programmability of the Hearing Aid

    Once you have settled on the type you are going for, which is subject to the nature of the hearing loss, you should then focus on the programmability. Hearing aids vary in types and functionality. In fact, there is usually a huge difference when it comes to sound amplification.

    Additional Features;


    What Does This Mean For Me I Now Help People With This Condition Every Day Through This Very Page And My Customers Are Thrilled With The Results Because I Actually Help Them And I Give Them The Product They Need To Go Home And Treat Themselves This Means They Dont Have To Keep Coming Back And Paying Me Money They Get The Product Once And Thats All Thats Needed

    How Much Moisture is in Your Hearing Aids? | Redux Dehydration

    If you have a ringing / buzzing / humming noise in your ears you may have Tinnitus.;You should do something about it right away.;As seen from my customers, not only can you get rid of the ringing in your ear but you will notice improvements in all aspects of your life.

    Getting rid of Tinnitus means a better sleep, which means more energy and focus throughout the day. Not to mention you can;finally get rid of the ringing noise in your ears.

    How do I know?;I get daily feedback from people just like you. Take a look below at just a few of the success stories I have received:

    Success Story from Victor in Port Harcourt: From working in a machine shop for many years I have really done some damage to my hearing, especially high frequency. Doctor told not much could be done, get a hearing aid. I refused. I came across your product and decided to try it, after all it was cheap enough compared to my doctor. I wanted to write you and say I am amazed at the results!;Slowly but surely I can hear better than I have in years,;I can really tell when listening to music. I hear thing I missed before. I highly recommend anyone suffering from hearing loss to give this a try. THANK YOU AGAIN.

    So let me ask you,;what have you done to try and cure Tinnitus or improve your hearing?

    You have probably searched the internet for hours, tried numerous remedies and eventually became fed up with it. You have probably even given up completely!

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    Online And Mail Order Hearing Aids

    You can purchase a lot of things cheaply online. If you have a mild hearing loss, you may be tempted to buy a personal sound amplification product from a website, often called “hearing amplifiers” or even “hearing aid amplifiers.”;This;product is similar to the eyeglass cheaters available at a corner drugstore.;However, age-related hearing loss is more complex than age-related vision loss.

    These cheaper products tend to boost all sounds, not just the ones you can’t hear. At a hearing;clinic, your hearing aids are calibrated specifically to your unique hearing loss, and any other issues you may have, like tinnitus. Clinics also can pre-program your hearing aids to switch settings when you’re in different environments. And, if your services are bundled together, you can go back when you need to for refinement or cleanings.;;

    A Better Hearing Institute study that surveyed;2,000 hearing aid users about their fitting experience and level of satisfaction revealed;that your health care provider plays a big role in the patient’s success with hearing aids.

    The outcome was straightforward: Those users who were fitted using a clinically validated hearing aid fitting protocol had greater satisfaction with their hearing aids. In other words, those patients who were given appropriate support and service by a licensed hearing aid professional actually heard better!

    Specifically, of those hearing aid users who received a comprehensive clinical protocol:

    What Can It Offer Me

    Better hearing in a matter of seconds. If you have conductive hearing loss, ADHEAR can give you improved hearing almost immediately, without the need for any surgery or rehabilitation. ADHEAR is a hearing loss solution that can offer you improved hearing, particularly in those tougher hearing situations.

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    Should You Get Hearing Aids From Connect Hearing

    Hearing loss can start subtly. Maybe you find yourself struggling to follow conversations or you need to increase the TV volume more than usual. If this is the case for you, hearing aids may help if hearing has become challenging.

    Hearing loss is common. It affects approximately 37.5 million adults in the United States alone. If you suspect you might have hearing loss, you may be trying to figure out your next step.

    If you live in a state with a Connect Hearing center, using its services can be a good option. In this article, we review the companys services and explore which hearing aid brands and types it offers.

    Heres a snapshot of some pros and cons of Connect Hearing.

    Connect Hearing is a national network of hearing centers. Although the network experienced several closures during 2020, its still located in several states, including:

    • California
    • audio streaming supplies

    Connect Hearing offers a free initial consultation and 2-week trial.

    If youre happy with the trial run, the starting price at Connect Hearing is $499 per hearing aid device. This includes:

    • ongoing servicing, including repairs
    • 3 years of free batteries unless you buy rechargeable hearing aids or Lyric
    • 3-year warranty

    If your health insurance covers hearing aids, you may be able to use it at Connect Hearing. According to the company, it accepts most major insurance plans. It also offers financing and a variety of payment options.

    Note that Medicare does not cover the cost of hearing aids.

    Bundled Pricing Vs Unbundled

    Nigeria: Hearing Aid Market Overview 2021
    • consultation with a professional, such as an audiologist
    • fitting and adjustments, as needed
    • hearing aid cleanings
    • a warranty that may include a one-time replacement of hearing aids

    When costs of hearing aids are unbundled, you have the ability to pick and choose the line items you wish to purchase. This may reduce your overall cost.

    Recommended Reading: How Many Decibels Of Noise Can Cause Temporary Hearing Loss

    Now I Know You Cant Wait To Lay Your Hands On This Guaranteed Solutions

    I brought in 200 pieces into the country, now Im left with JUST 87 pieces!

    And its Up to you to grab it today or;risk never getting this;amazing solution forever.;As I dont plan to import more of this package due to the High rate of dollars, so Im sorry for you if you leave this page without placing your order. ;

    Lowering Hearing Aid Costs By Buying Direct

    In the past, the only way to buy hearing aids was through an audiologist or hearing center. Your choice of hearing aids was limited to partner brands such as Starkey, Phonak, Oticon, and ReSound. These are among the most expensive brands on the market.

    Including the store markup, audiologist services, fittings, and other costs, a pair of traditional hearing aids can cost $6,000 to $8,000 or more.

    Buying direct is substantially less expensive and gives you access to brands and models not available at hearing clinics.

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    Hearing Aids Vs Otc Hearing Devices

    Over-the-counter hearing aids are a new category of hearing aids that are not yet available to consumers. When they are made available, they will be regulated by the FDA as medical devices designed for people with hearing loss.

    Currently, the hearing devices you are able to purchase directly, without getting examined first by an audiologist, are personal sound amplification products or PSAPs.

    PSAPs are not hearing aids and are not recommended for people with hearing loss. Theyre designed for people who wish to amplify sounds in noisy environments, such as parties.

    Unlike hearing aids, PSAPs are not FDA-regulated medical devices.

    Theyre less expensive than hearing aids, but cant provide the same benefits to people with hearing loss. PSAPs cant distinguish or separate speech from noise. They also cannot be customized to meet your specific needs.

    PSAPs may even cause damage to hearing, due to the increase in sound volume they provide.

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