Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Doctor Do You See For Hearing Loss

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Reasons To See An Audiologist:

The Progression of Hearing Loss & When to See a Doctor
  • You’ve noticed changes in your hearing, or a loved one has
  • You wish to purchase hearing aids
  • You need programming and maintenance of hearing aids
  • You’re experiencing ringing in your ears
  • Concerns about your child’s hearing
  • Hearing implant programming and aftercare, for cochlear implants or bone-anchored hearing systems

Allergies: Behind The Scene Symptoms

If you are experiencing persistent and uncomfortable allergy symptoms that have you just about fed up, then it is time to see an ENT specialist. Over-the-counter drugs do not control allergies as sufficiently as many sufferers may like.

When you see a Boynton Beach ENT specialist, your medical history will be assessed and a thorough examination will be done on your nose, ears, head, and throat. The ENT specialist will go to great lengths to find the cause of the allergy and the trigger for your allergic reaction.

The ENT doctor will provide recommendations on how to reduce exposure to any potential allergens. You will learn ways of better controlling your environment.

Following Conversations Becomes Harder

Do you ever have trouble following conversations between friends or family members? They start talking and it feels like youre trying to follow a fast-paced game of ping-pong.

You can tell that the words are being said but you cant possibly hear them.

This can be a focus problem, but it can also be an issue with your hearing. If everyone seems to be into together into a drone, dont immediately blame your attention span.

You shouldnt have to focus in too hard to be able to understand people in a 3 or 4 way conversation. Youre likely having issues distinguishing voices.

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What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Hearing Loss

If you had a tooth with a painful cavity, you wouldnt try to fill it yourself youd go to a dentist. Likewise, if your leg was broken, you wouldnt try to set the fracture yourself. Youd go to a hospital emergency room where youd expect to see an orthopedic surgeon or an emergency room physician skilled in setting fractures.

So who should you see if you think you have a hearing loss? An audiologist is a degreed professional who specializes in the diagnosis and non-medical treatment of hearing loss, tinnitus and balance disorders.

What If I Don’t Want To Have A Medical Examination

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

The FDA believes that, in some instances, it could be in your best health interest to have a medical examination by a licensed physicianpreferably one that specializes in ear diseasesbefore buying hearing aids. However, for consumers 18 years of age and older, the FDA does not intend to enforce the requirement for a medical examination prior to purchasing certain types of hearing aids. For hearing aid consumers younger than 18 years of age, the FDA will continue to enforce the medical evaluation requirement to rule out medical causes of hearing loss prior to buying hearing aids.

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What You Should Do When Nobody Can See Your Hearing Loss Struggle

by Main Line Audiology Consultants, P.C. | Jul 27, 2017 | Hearing Loss Articles |

What happens if you are the only one to realize you have hearing loss? Its a common scenario among elderly people. They fight to stay involved in conversations but the people around them assume there are other reasons they seem distracted. Older folks can suffer from a number of issues that make them seem distant. Its possible hearing loss is not the first conclusion they draw.

Hearing loss is an invisible disability, too. In other words, there is nothing to point that hurts. You cant show someone the problem. Its hard to understand how hearing loss affects your life unless you experience it for yourself. So, what should a person who thinks they have hearing loss do to make themselves heard?

Types Of Hearing Loss

There are mainly three types of Hearing Loss :

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: It is due to absence of or damage of hair cells present in the inner ear. This type of hearing loss is usually permanent in nature. It is also called as Nerve deafness. It can be mild, moderate or severe , depending upon the severity of clinical signs observed. If the hearing loss is mild or moderate, it can be corrected by usage of hearing aids or application of middle ear implant. If the hearing loss is severe or profound, Cochlear ear implants are the only solution.

Neural Hearing Loss: This type of hearing loss is due to malfunctioning or absence of the Auditory nerve, which receives the nerve signals and sends them to brain. This type of hearing loss is generally severe. Hearing aids or ear implants are of no help as nerve is affected in this case.

Mixed Hearing Loss: This type of hearing loss is a combination of both sensorineural and neural hearing loss. It is due to affections in outer, inner or middle ear. Mixed hearing loss can be corrected by usage of hearing aids, medication and surgery can be used as a last resort.

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You Constantly Ask People To Repeat Themselves

You might not even realize that youre doing this.

Its normal to ask for a repeat once in a while. Our attention strays from the conversation, or perhaps someone really was speaking too quietly. The rare occurrence of this isnt a cause for concern.

If you make it a habit to ask people to repeat themselves, or if youre always saying what?, you might be in a bit of trouble.

You either have a hearing issue or an attention issue, and both should be addressed. Pay attention to how you act in conversations. If the frequency of requested repeats is going up, see a doctor.

Conductive Hearing Loss On An Audiogram

Why Am I Losing My Hearing? – Why You Should See a Hearing Doctor

The results of the hearing test are presented in an audiogram. The specific conductive hearing loss can be illustrated in the audiogram. The audiogram will show the degree of the hearing loss and which frequencies are affected by the conductive hearing loss by showing the hearing levels at different frequencies in both ears.

Read more on how to read an audiogram.

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How Do I Know If Hearing Aids Work For Me

It takes time and patience to get used to hearing aids. You should wear your aids regularly to help you maximize the benefits of your hearing aids. Get familiar with your hearing aids and their features. Practice putting the hearing aids in and taking them out. Learn to adjust the volume in different listening environments. Test your aids in various listening environments and determine where you have problems hearing. The FDA recommends talking to a hearing healthcare professional about any problems hearing with your aids, and have changes made to your hearing aid settings if necessary. We recommend that you work with a hearing healthcare professional until you are comfortable and satisfied with your hearing aids.

Buying Them On Your Own

It is possible to buy a hearing aid entirely on your own, without any help from anyone else. But this is risky. As we said above, your hearing loss could be age-related, or it could be because of something else. An audiologist is specifically trained to deal with the ear. If they spot something that requires further investigation, they can recommend that you see a medical doctor for further evaluation.

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How Do I Care For My Hearing Aids

  • Proper maintenance and care is important in extending the life of your hearing aids.
  • Avoid using solvents, alcohol, or water on hearing aids because they can cause damage to the internal electronics of the hearing aid.
  • Avoid exposing hearing aids to heat because this can damage them. For example, leaving them in sun or in the car, placing them in or near a microwave or conventional oven, or using a hair dryer on them.
  • Clean hearing aids as instructed. Earwax and ear drainage can damage your aids.
  • Avoid using hairspray and other hair care products while wearing your hearing aids.
  • Turn off your hearing aids when not in use.
  • Replace dead batteries immediately.
  • Keep batteries and hearing aids away from children and pets.
  • We recommend visiting a hearing healthcare professional on a regular basis to have your hearing aids inspected.

The Extent Of Hearing Loss

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Hearing loss isnt a condition, exactly, its a symptom. There are varying degrees of hearing loss. Some people only have mild hearing loss for other people, its more severe. When youre getting a hearing aid, its important that youre getting one thats right for your needs. The only way to know for sure which device will be correct for you is to have a hearing examination. This is the method by which the audiologist will understand the extent of your hearing loss.

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Where Should I Go To Get Hearing Aids

Typically, hearing aids are sold by a hearing health care professional , who can perform a hearing assessment and hearing aid evaluation. If you have concerns about a medical condition causing your hearing loss, we recommend that you have a medical evaluation by a licensed physician before purchasing a hearing aid. The hearing health care professional will assess the person’s ability to hear sounds and understand others with and without a hearing aid, and select and fit a hearing aid to the person’s individual communication needs. To find out if an audiologist or hearing aid dispenser is licensed, check with your local Better Business Bureau, consumer protection agency, State Attorney General’s office, or the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association .

You also have the right to request your hearing evaluation records from your hearing healthcare professional, and may purchase your hearing aid elsewhere , if desired.

Audiologists And Doctors Of Audiology

An audiologist is a licensed hearing health care professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. You can think of an audiologist primarily as a hearing doctor. Most audiologists have completed a doctor of audiology degree, though there are other doctoral degrees within the field . Audiologists typically offer the following services:

  • Complete hearing exams
  • Fitting, adjustment, and maintenance of hearing aids
  • Treatment for balance disorders and tinnitus
  • Hearing and speech rehabilitation programs

Audiologists possess comprehensive knowledge of the human auditory and vestibular systems, and they have extensive training in sound reproduction, which is critical to the accurate fitting and adjustment of hearing aids.

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When Should You See An Ent Doctor Or An Audiologist

An audiologist deals primarily with hearing loss issues. If you find that you are having difficulty following conversations or hearing the TV without turning the volume right up, this is a sign that you are experiencing hearing loss. If you book an appointment with an audiologist, they will run a series of tests to determine the cause of your hearing loss. If the hearing loss is caused by aging or perhaps long-term exposure to loud noises, they will recommend treatments and strategies for managing hearing loss, such as hearing aids. However, in some cases, an audiologist may discover an underlying issue that is causing your hearing loss and they will then refer you to an ENT doctor.

You need to see an ENT doctor when you have a medical condition that affects your ears, nose or throat. For example, an audiologist will refer you to an ENT doctor if you have an ear infection that is causing problems with your hearing. While an audiologist can help you to manage hearing loss, an ENT doctor can provide treatments and even surgery, in some cases, to resolve medical issues. They will also treat bacterial and viral infections like strep throat or tonsillitis. If you notice abnormalities like lumps and potential tumors around your ears, nose or throat, you should see an ENT doctor as well because they deal with cancer in these areas.

What Is An Audiologist

What Is An Audiologist? | The Hearing Doctor

An audiologist is a doctor that is a hearing healthcare professional that specializes in identifying, diagnosing, and treating issues with the auditory and vestibular areas of the ear. They most commonly deal with things like hearing loss, tinnitus or balance issues. Their expertise is in the technology that is used to manage these conditions. For example, if you need hearing aids fitted to manage your hearing loss, an audiologist will be able to advise you on this.

They also play a wider role in helping people with hearing loss. It can be very difficult for people that experience late-life hearing loss to adjust and cope with their condition. An audiologist will be able to help them with practical things like buying phones that are compatible with their hearing aids, for example. They can also direct people to useful resources that will make it easier for them to live with their hearing loss. Audiologists may also counsel the patient and their family to help them deal with the emotional aspects of hearing loss.

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You Keep Your Volume High

Loud music is one of the things that can contribute to hearing loss in young people. If you constantly find yourself turning your volume all the way up , you may want to get your hearing checked.

This is especially alarming if you dont actually know how loud your volume is. Have your neighbors or family members complained about the noise coming from your room or apartment? When people get into your car, do they ask you to turn the music way down?

Some people just like loud music, you may not be losing your hearing yet. You will, though, if you keep the volume too high.

Why Were Different

Audiologists in AudigyCertified practices possess the highest credentials and are among the countrys most experienced hearing care professionals. Our expertise is measured by our commitment to patient satisfaction, continuing education, and the application of current technologies. We understand that value is not measured by price alone. Rather, its how well we meet your expectations for service how well we translate our knowledge into customized hearing solutions and the quality of the experience we offer to you. Dr. Blaising and Dr. Ruiz have demonstrated an ability to map individual hearing requirements to complex product and technology choices in a simple, user-friendly, and efficient manner.

For more information, please call us today at , or fill out our online appointment request form!

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How Hearing Works

Sound enters into the outer ear canal which leads to vibration of eardrum. The sound waves are transferred from small bones called ossicles to inner ear- Cochlea. The vibrations lead to movement of the fluid in cochlea, which leads to bending of hair cells. This bending of hair cells releases nerve signals which get received by Auditory nerve. The auditory nerve sends signals to brain, which then interprets them as sound.

What Is An Ent

When to see an Audiologist vs an ENT Specialist?

An Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor, or ENT doctor, is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating ear, nose, and throat issues. An ENT doctor specializes in otolaryngology and is also known as an otolaryngologist. As surgeons, these doctors perform a number of procedures, including ear tube surgery and surgical correction of protruding ears . Plus, they treat common ear infections and conditions like swimmers ear, earaches, and more.

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What Is The Difference Between An Audiologist And A Hearing Aid Specialist

If you have problems with your hearing then there are several different types of experts who you might need to see. You might visit your GP or an ENT specialist first to find out if there is a medical cause for your hearing loss. Sometimes the doctor will find that there is a treatable problem like an ear infection or blockage. However, in other cases you may need to see a different kind of expert to get more tests or help with your hearing loss. You may be referred to an audiologist or a hearing aid specialist. What is the difference between these two experts on hearing loss?

Do You Need To See A Doctor To Get A Hearing Aid

People who wear hearing aids didnt just wake up and instantly decide that they should get some. Its usually a process. It all begins with becoming increasingly aware that youre struggling to keep up with conversations, because you cant hear so well. Or perhaps your friends and family are telling you that youre watching television with an increasingly loud volume, or that youre saying what? more and more during your conversations.

Whatever the motivating factor, at some point, you may decide that you want to get a hearing aid. Even if you only have mild hearing loss, a hearing aid can make a big difference to the amount that youre able to hear. Ultimately, it can make a big difference to your overall quality of life.

How you go about getting a hearing aid can vary, however. Its sometimes possible to get a hearing aid over the counter that is, without first consulting with an expert. While this is possible, its not recommended. There are many reasons why its better to consult with an expert. You dont necessarily need to see a medical doctor, but you should meet with an audiologist.

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What Are The Treatment Options For Conductive Hearing Loss

Is conductive hearing loss curable? Can a conductive hearing loss be treated? Yes, in most cases a conductive hearing loss can be either cured or treated.

The main treatments for conductive hearing loss are:

Most cases of conductive hearing loss are temporary and are cured by means of appropriate medical treatments, so it is important to seek immediate medical assistance.

Other types of conductive hearing losses can be treated with hearing aids or types of hearing implants.

Finally, some types of conductive hearing loss can be treated through surgery.

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