If The Sound Is Too Weak
If youre encountering a sound issue with your hearing aid, the first thing is to check your dome for earwax. Your dome could be clogged up with earwax and need replacing. If your dome is starting to look yellow in color, it is likely time to replace it.
If you have a RIC hearing aid, you should take off your dome and check the wax guard beneath it to see if it is clogged. The wax guard on your hearing aid can be replaced easily with the small black plastic tool that was included in your hearing aid purchase.
If you have an open-fit hearing aid, such as the Dia, you should check your tube to see if there is any earwax insidethis could block sound from reaching your ear. If the tube is clogged, you will need to replace it; you can purchase new tubes on our website or send your hearing aid in for a cleaning!;Alternatively, you can clean out;the tube using the small blue plastic piping that was included with your hearing aid. Run this piece of plastic through the center of your tube to push out any dried earwax.
If all of the above solutions sound a bit daunting, you can simply purchase the;Audicus Clean & Care package and have us take a look at your hearing aid for you. Once we receive your hearing aid, we will clean out any earwax buildup, replace the domes, replace the wax guards, replace the batteries, and send you back a full new pack!
Hints And Tips On Maintaining The Successful Use Of Your Nhs Hearing Aid
There are several things that we would suggest you do to ensure you get the best out of your NHS Hearing Aid/s.; Below is a list of hints and tips that you can follow to maintain the successful use of your aid/s.
- ;Ensure you get;your hearing aid/s serviced at least once every 6 months
- ;Keep;your hearing aid/s turned off and;in a safe and dry place when not in use
- ;Keep your hearing aid/s away from water
- ;Keep your hearing aids clean, wiping them when removed after use
- ;Remove your hearing aids when using hairspray or perfumes
- ;Ensure your ears are clear of blockages; eg. Wax
- ;Do not sleep with your hearing aid/s in
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust;contributes to life in the Leeds region, not only by being one of the largest employers with more than 20,000 staff, but by supporting the health and well-being of the community and playing a leading role in research, education and innovation.
Ask Your Hearing Aid Provider If Your Hearing Has Declined
If the problem persists, consider the possibility that your hearing loss may have changed and your hearing aids may need to be reprogrammed.
Visit your local hearing healthcare provider for a hearing test to determine if its time to reprogram or replace your hearing aids to support your changing hearing loss.
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Yup Bluetooth Connectivity Is A Pain In The Arse
Bluetooth connectivity for your hearing aids, an amazing feature right up until it refuses to work. Oh, and it will refuse to work, for no damn apparent reason other than to irritate all the goodness out of you. While being an amazing gift, Bluetooth is a right royal pain in the arse. The problems are generally Bluetooth, let’s look at why and how to fix them.
Common Faults With Hearing Aids
My;hearing aid is whistling or buzzing
Feedback, the technical term for the noise a hearing aid makes,;is normal with many types of hearing aid and is not usually a sign of a faulty aid.
To try and rectify this problem, please check:
- ;The aid is in your ear correctly
- ;The tubing is not loose, split or kinked.
- ;The aid is on the correct setting
- ;Your earpiece is not damaged, cracked or loose
If after;you have checked all of these possibilities, you are still experiencing feedback from your hearing aid, it is quite possible that you may have a build up of ear wax.; Too much ear wax in your ears can mean that the ‘feed’ of sound into your ear is prevented, sending the sound ‘back’ into the aid causing ‘Feedback’.; We suggest you make an appointment with your GP or practice nurse to ensure your ear is clear.
Once you have had your ear/s checked and cleared of any wax, if;you still experience problems, please contact us to arrange an appointment in one of our Adult;Hearing Aid Repair Clinics on 0113 5181823
My hearing aid has stopped working
To try and rectify this problem, please check:
- ;You have changed the battery in the hearing aid
- ;The tubing is not blocked with ear wax, debris or water
- ;The tubing is not loose, split or kinked.
- ;You have cleaned through the tubing
- ;The hearing aid is on the correct setting
If you are still experiencing problems after checking all of the above, please contact us to arrange an appointment at one of our Adult;Hearing aid Repair Clinics on 0113 3926300
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How To Check If Your Hearing Aid Is Working Correctly
Hearing loss is one of the most challenging physical conditions unable to experience sound, affected persons have trouble communicating, which impacts their mental and emotional well-being, relationships, and quality of life.
With the invention of hearing aids and their smart new features, hearing loss can be restored, allowing the wearer to experience sounds and communicate effectively again.
Reasons Why Your Hearing Aids Are Whistling
Hearing aids whistle sometimes. Just like your phone sometimes does when its too close to the radio. Heres what causes it and what you can do about it.
If you wear hearing aids, youre going to experience whistling at some point. It can happen through something as simple as putting on a scarf. The whistling is called hearing aid feedback.;
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My Hearing Aids Arent Loud Enough
You’re Not Wearing Your Hearing Aid Properly
Don’t worry, this happens to everyone. When you put your hearing aid in your ear incorrectly, it can cause feedback issues like whistling. Try taking out your hearing aids, and make sure they are in the right ears. If this doesn’t solve the issue, try putting the receiver further into your ear. Wearing your hearing aids too loosely can cause whistling, so make sure you’re wearing them properly.
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If Your Hearing Aid Starts Making Noises
Are your hearing aids making a whistling noise? Commonly called feedback, this noise is often due to improperly fitting ear molds. Take out the mold and re-insert it in your ear. The whistling noise should stop once the device is fitted correctly inside your ear.
Changing the dome size of your hearing aid might also help; if the dome does not form a sung-fit in your ear, it can cause sounds to leak out and air to make uncomfortable noises. Whistling can also be caused by a buildup of wax.
If youre hearing a buzzing noise, its possible that you accidentally turned on the loop setting. Check that you havent activated the loop setting, and if you have, switch back to the normal microphone setting.
Most common hearing aid problems can be solved by refitting your ear mold, checking for wax or moisture, inspecting the tubing for blockage or damage, and replacing the battery in your hearing aid. If these solutions dont fix your issue, be sure to contact your audiologist for helpthere could be something inside the device that is malfunctioning, and youll want to get it checked right away!
How To Properly Clean And Care For Your Behind
The removed earpiece should be cleaned daily .
While cleaning, carefully check the opening of the earpiece. It should not be blocked because the sound from the hearing aid will become distorted or will not be heard at all. Clean the earpiece thoroughly at least once a week. Ask your hearing care professional about the Phonak Cleaning and Care Line products.
Consult with your hearing care professional if:
- You experience discomfort or pain despite correct placement of the earpiece.
- Earwax can no longer be removed from the earpiece opening.
- The earpiece tube is yellow and brittle.
- You can no longer adjust to the desired volume because the hearing aid starts to whistle.;
Important for Behind-the-Ear hearing aids
Always separate the earpiece from the hearing aid before cleaning it. The hearing aid should never come into contact with water! When you connect the earpiece to your hearing aid, it has to be absolutely dry. It is best to dry the tube with a puff of air using an air puffer . You can get this inexpensive accessory from your hearing care professional.;Alternatively, shake the drops of water out of the tube where possible and leave the tube to dry on a clean cloth overnight. Re-attach the tube and hearing aid in the morning.
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Ask Your Provider If Your Hearing Aids Still Fit
Inserting the hearing aids properly and removing built-up earwax will only work if your hearing aids are the right fit.
If you recently lost a significant amount of weight, the fit of your hearing aids may change, as with other essentials like clothing and accessories. You may need new earmoulds or have your hearing aids adjusted to ensure a snug fit that prevents sound from leaking out. Your hearing aid practitioner may also be able to tell if other factors cause feedback and noises and may recommend a factory repair to correct the damage.
To learn more about how to check if your hearing aid is working properly, call Living Sounds at 780-488-8100 or contact us here.
Why A Hearing Aid Makes Static Noise
The main function of a hearing aid is to the help hard of hearing to improve their lives while allowing them to recognise and hear sounds and voices they were previously unable to due to their condition. Hearing aids use digital sound processing to reproduce sounds and deliver them to the ear as naturally as possible. However, sometimes the hearing aid picks up not only the sounds that the wearer wants to hear but noise and feedback that are unpleasant to the ear. Many modern hearing aids have multiple features for suppressing background noise and eliminating feedback. Occasionally though, we cannot prevent such noises or occur due to problems with the electronics, poor maintenance or signal intermittence. An example of such undesired noise is static noise.
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What Is That Screeching
Many hearing aid users talk about the embarrassment caused when their;hearing aid makes a high-pitched screeching noise. In fact we had someone in recently to one of our hearing aid Centres in Dublin with the problem. Professionals call the sound Feedback and manufacturers have dedicated a lot of resources to try and eliminate it.;Not only is it embarrassing and annoying, but it also interferes with the benefit that the hearing aids should provide. Modern hearing aids don’t suffer with the problem nearly as much as they once did. However, even with the best it can still occur occassionally but there are specific reasons why. First off let’s talk about what feedback is.;
Problem: Some Sounds Are Too Sharp
The goal of hearing aids is to help you hear all the sounds of speech. To do this, the devices may boost high-pitched sounds that you havent heard in many years. This can make the crinkling of paper or the hum of an air conditioner seem annoying, but it also lets you hear birdsong and the letters f and s. Most people adapt to the new sounds in a few months, so give yourself time. But if the sharpness keeps you from wearing your hearing aids regularly, see your audiologist for an adjustment.;
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How To Fix The Problems
Anyway, enough cursing at Bluetooth, you people came here to find out how to fix the problem when it arises. We will look at some of the general issues we have heard and discuss quick fix jobs and the possible nuclear options. Before we look at the issues, we need to say that you need to always make sure that you are running the most up-to-date app, the most up-to-date software on your phone and your hearing aids have the most up-to-date firmware onboard.
Audio streaming to one ear only: This happens some times because your body gets in the way of streaming. Moving your phone from where it is, often fixes it. If however, that doesn’t do the job, turn your Bluetooth off, then on again, more often than not fixes the issue. If not, you can then try to turn your hearing aids off and on. If that fails, you need to begin considering the nuclear option, forget the devices on your phone and in your hearing aids app. Then restart your phone and re-pair them. In general, that solves all problems.
The app refuses to connect: Try turning your hearing aids on and off, then try to connect. You can then turn the Bluetooth on the phone off and on. If it stubbornly refuses, you need to forget the devices on your phone in the Bluetooth devices list and in your hearing aids app. Restart your phone and then re-pair them.
Common Hearing Aid Problems
The most common hearing aid problems are no sound produced, decreased volume and sound quality, distorted sound quality, and whistling or feedback sounds. Learning how to detect these issues and developing a habit for regularly checking if your hearing aids are working correctly allows you to troubleshoot them quickly, or ask a hearing aid practitioner right away:
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Help Somethings Wrong With My Hearing Aid
Like any electronic device, hearing aids will occasionally malfunction. Not to worry were here to assist you in identifying minor hearing aid problems and how to troubleshoot them. This information may save you time and reduce frustration by helping you remedy some of these problems yourself, so you can continue receiving benefit from your hearing aid.
Ways To Prevent Feedback In Hearing Aids
If you would like to schedule an appointment or have questions about our services, you can or if you prefer, call us at .
If youre a hearing aids user, maintaining their performance is vital as you look to enjoy greater clarity on a long-term basis. Feedback is one of the most common issues reported to audiologists. Finding ways to stop those issues will aid daily activities, prevent headaches, and decelerate future damage.
Here are four methods that can prevent feedback to ensure that your hearing in great health.
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Why Does My Hearing Aid Keep Beeping Author: Steven
Hearing aids are excellent tools fordealing with hearing loss. They arent perfect all the time. When they fail to work properly, it can be very frustrating. Not only do you need the device to lead a normal lifestyle, but the constant beeping in your ear will probably drive you mad!
The question that everyone who experiences this sensation wants to answer is, why does my hearing aid keep beeping? The truth is that it can be a host of factors, so the issue isnt as straightforward to fix as you might imagine. Still, this shouldnt stop you from dealing with the problem.
The key is to understand the reasons why the beeping noise is occurring. That way, you can troubleshoot it yourself and return your device to its usual effectiveness. For those who are searching for inspiration, here are the things that could be contributing to the beeping.
What Is Static Noise
Static noise or white noise is a common disturbance of the an electronic signal. It can be caused by electromagnetic noise or thermal noise. The usual sources for these types of noises are electrical appliances or fluorescent light fixtures. The hearing aid receiver may pick up electromagnetic radiation from many types of electronic equipment if it is sensitive enough. Recent regulations have set a standard for such electrical equipment to lower the permitted radiation designed to help reduce/eliminate the issue of interference with other devices. Static noise can also be a result of a problem inside the hearing aid. If that is the case, the problem needs to be corrected. There are several reasons why a hearing aid can produce static noise including dirt, moisture or battery depletion.
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How To Stop Hearing Aid Feedback
By audicuson Aug 7, 2021
Find out about the latest news when it comes to topics in hearing health and hearing aids. This week, we focus on hearing aid feedback: when is happens, why it happens, and what you can do to prevent it.
Hearing aid feedback is the creation of excess noise, usually in the form of squealing or whistling, when a hearing aid is in use. Although hearing aid feedback is a common occurrence, there are a number of actions that can be taken to prevent it.
How To Properly Clean Your In
- Water and solvents can damage the sensitive electronic components. After removing them, wipe the hearing aids with a soft, dry cloth.
- Check your hearing aid and earpiece daily for earwax or moisture deposits and clean if necessary. Use a special brush for this purpose. Always clean the hearing aids from top to bottom to prevent earwax or dust particles from getting inside the hearing aids.
- If the volume of a hearing aid decreases, the earwax filter may be blocked. Either replace the earwax filter or consult your hearing care professional.
Important for In-the-ear hearing aids
Because the electronics of an In-the-Ear aid are built into the earpiece , these aids are particularly prone to damage due to earwax, moisture, and dirt.
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If Your Hearing Aid Stops Working
While it may seem obvious, the first step to take if your hearing aid is not working is to check that its on! Once youve established that your hearing aid has a working battery, check to make sure the battery is inserted correctly and that your hearing aid turns on when the battery door is shut.
If youre not sure whether the battery is charged or not, try a new battery and see if you hear a chime when the battery door shuts. Changing the battery is one of the easiest methods of hearing aid repair. If youre sure that the hearing aid is on and the battery is working properly, checked the tubing and the earmold to make sure there is no wax or moisture clogging up your hearing aid.
Are you ready for change? Watch our latest video:
What To Do If Your Hearing Aid Starts Whistling
Whistling is an unpleasant noise in many contexts, but your hearing aid whistling might be a sign that something is wrong. Multiple things can cause hearing aids to whistle, but all of them are solvable
Hearing aids
Many people cringe when they hear unpleasant noises, whether it’s the screech of a chair or a loud noise in a song. For those with hearing loss, a sudden, abrupt whistling sound in your hearing aid can be caused by a number of things, including mundane actions like giving someone a hug. While some of these whistles might mean your hearing aid needs repairing, others can be solved with simple adjustments.
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Problem: Hearing Aid Won’t Turn On
If youve already replaced the battery, and the device still isnt working, follow these steps:
Why Is My Hearing Aid Beeping
The beep of a hearing aid is a short, sharp tone or a high-pitched tone that continues on. Normally, you hear a beep from a machine if something is wrong as it acts as an alert to let you know that there is a problem somewhere through its connections. If you are hearing a beeping sound from your hearing aid, there is a problem that must be addressed. Some of the problems with your hearing aid include:
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What Causes Hearing Aids To Whistle
Although many hearing aids come with feedback cancellation, they cant completely safeguard you from the sound of whistling. Feedback is an annoyance for many people and can be frustrating if it occurs in public spaces where other people may hear your aid saying its name. Here are some common reasons why a person might experience feedback during their time wearing hearing devices:;
Is There A Problem With The Battery
The battery needs to sit in the hearing aid in a specific way for it to work . Like other batteries, hearing aid batteries are polarized and have both + and – markings. The flat side of the hearing aid battery is the positive pole. Check for proper placement of the battery in your hearing aid. If the battery is upside down, your hearing aid wont be able to draw power.
Next, make sure you arent working with a dead or weak battery. Remove a fresh battery from the package and remove the sticker/tab from the battery. We recommend you wait 3-5 minutes after removing the sticker before using the battery. This time allows the battery to completely charge before being ready for use.;Insert the new battery into the hearing aid. If you have a battery tester, you can use it to check the power level of the hearing aid battery as well.
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