Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Can An Ear Infection Cause A Runny Nose

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How Can I Tell If Its An Ear Infection Or Just Teething

Ear & Sinus Problems : How to Stop a Runny Nose

Are you tired of taking your fussy baby to the doctor to check her ears, only to be told its probably just teething? To help you decide, with teething:

  • The pain usually starts at 4 months old and will come and go until the 2-year molars are in
  • Tugging or digging at the ears with no cold symptoms or fever
  • Fussiness or night waking with no cold symptoms or fever
  • May have low fever less than 101º
  • Teething does not cause a runny nose, only drool

Viral Vs Bacterial Infections

The germs that can cause ENT infections can be viruses or bacteria. It can be important to know whether your infection is viral or bacterial because it can affect the symptoms and the treatment options:

  • Viral infections are more common as they include colds and the flu, both of which can cause infections in the ears, nose and throat.
  • Bacterial infections dont happen as often, but they can be more serious. However, if an ear, nose or throat infection is caused by bacteria then it may be possible to treat it with antibiotics. Antibiotics only work against bacteria, so they cant help with viral infections.

You probably wont be able to tell which kind of infection you have as the symptoms can be very similar, but if you visit an ENT specialist they may be able to diagnose a specific infection. It can be useful to find out if the infection is bacterial, because this means it may be possible to treat it with antibiotics.

What Can Cause A Runny Nose In An Older Cat With Diarrhea

What Causes Diarrhea and Eye Discharge in Older Cats? Conjunctivitis is the most common eye condition in cats. This happens when the pink membrane between the white of the eye and the eyelid becomes inflamed. This leads to symptoms such as: signs of cat flu: runny nose, listlessness, diarrhea, moderate fever, etc.

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Ear And Sinus Infections

Its the middle of the night, and your child has awakened you crying. Nothing youve tried is consoling her, and you notice she is pulling at her ears. Could she be suffering from an ear infection? Most ear infections are caused by a bacterial accumulation in the middle ear. These infections cause fluid to build up behind the ear drum. The result is painful inflammation and swelling that can trap fluid in the inner ear. Most earaches resolve on their own or with prescription medication. However, some ear infections occur chronically and require additional medical intervention.

Ear infections are highly common among children and adults. In fact, the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports that 75 percent of all children experience at least one ear infection by their third birthdays. The condition, also known as otitis media, can be painful for children and worrisome for parents. It causes millions of doctors visits every year not to mention countless prescriptions for antibiotics.

What Are My Treatment Options For Colds

Sinus Infections

Unfortunately, there is no cure for a cold virus once youve been infected. The good news is that there are many over-the-counter medications and products that can treat your symptoms. If extra rest, drinking hot fluids, nasal irrigation, and saline gargles and washes are not enough to manage your cold symptoms, you could benefit from:

Always read the Drug Facts label on all types of medications before you take them. Its possible that some active ingredients may be in more than one medicine. Also, please note that young children should not be given certain cough and cold medicines check with your pediatrician before giving any medicine to young children and babies.

Its important to work closely with your doctor to determine the best allergy management strategy, depending on your living and work environment and unique sensitivities. With careful diagnosis and treatment, most people can find a way to manage their allergies successfully. Dont lose heart if youre struggling with allergy symptoms a physician can help you develop a plan to improve your situation. And if you have a cold instead of allergies be encouraged that most cold viruses fully resolve in a week or two, and that rest, fluids, or OTC medications can help you manage your symptoms more comfortably.

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Bacterial Or Staph Nose Infection

img source: pinimg.com

Why are bacterial cases common? Almost everyone carries the staph bacteria in the nose or on the skin surface. Under favorable conditions, the bacteria multiply leading to an infection.

The bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause. Most cases caused by S. aureus are secondary. Infections occur after colds, flu or when the nasal membranes become viable hence cannot filter out germs and foreign stuff.

Bacterial caused cases of nose or staph can produce localized signs or as inside-body symptoms in the case of invasive infections, i.e. when it attacks internal body organs.

What Are Other Options For The Treatment Of Rhinitis And Post

Treatment can also be directed toward specific causes of rhinitis and post-nasal drip as outlined below.

Treatment of infection

The most common nasal infection is a viral infection known as the common cold. The virus causes swelling of the nasal membranes and production of thick clear mucus. Symptoms usually last several days. If a cold goes on for many days and is associated with yellow or green drainage, a secondary bacterial infection is suspected. Very few patients with a common cold from a virus will go on to have acute bacterial rhinosinusitis from sinus blockage and impaired sinus function. Sinus blockage can lead to acute sinusitis or chronic sinusitis , which can be characterized by nasal congestion, thick mucus, and facial or dental pain. From 4 to 12 weeks, the symptoms are classified as subacute sinusitis or recurrent acute sinusitis.

Symptomatic treatment often involves pain relief, decongestants, mucous thinning medications, saline rinses, and antihistamine therapy.

Reflux Medications

For rhinitis that is a result of acid reflux disease, antacids can help to neutralize acid contents, whereas other medications such as cimetidine , famotidine , omeprazole , esomeprazole can decrease stomach acid production. Non-pharmacological treatments include avoiding late evening meals and snacks and eliminating alcohol and caffeine. Elevating the head of the bed may help decrease reflux during sleep.


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What Causes Sneezing And Runny Nose After Anesthesia

Anesthesia causes allergic reactions to most people, which leads to sneezing and a runny nose. It can be local anesthesia, general, conscious, or epidural anesthesia. Anesthetic agents, medications, blood products, cleaning agents are used during medical procedures, which trigger allergic reactions as runny noses or sneezing in patients.

Have you ever heard that once people come out of anesthesia, they develop a runny nose?

Sometimes the runny nose gets accompanied by an itching throat and some dry cough. Ive experienced this situation myself and did some research to find out if others did too.

To my surprise, most of the people who had to go under anesthesia during medical procedures experienced a runny nose afterward.

During my firstborn twin pregnancy, I gave birth via C-section surgery. I was under anesthesia during the procedure. When I woke up from anesthesia one and half hours later, I had flu-like symptoms. My nose was running, and I had a mild cough, and I was sneezing. The doctors told me to rest and have some warm fluids, and by the next few days, the symptoms vanished.

Could you have experienced the same? Keep reading this article, and lets learn the cause of the running nose after anesthesia.

Symptoms Of Ear Nose And Throat Infections

Baby Ear, Nose & Throat Health : Chronic Congestion in Infants

Ear, nose and throat infections are often caused by the same kinds of bacteria and viruses. However, the symptoms can be different depending on where the infection is located:

  • Ear infections can cause earache, wax or discharge, hearing loss and balance problems.
  • Nose infections are likely to cause a runny or blocked nose and sneezing. Infections that reach areas such as the sinuses can also cause other symptoms such as headaches.
  • Throat infections can cause a sore or scratchy throat and pain or difficulty swallowing. You may also be able to feel swollen glands in your neck.

All three types of infections can also cause more general symptoms of infection, such as a fever, and it is common for infections to spread between these areas. For example, an infection that starts with a sore throat might start to cause other symptoms such as earache when it spreads from your throat to your ear.

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Is It A Sinus Infection Or An Ear Infection

Sometimes, people who experience a feeling of fullness in the ear, muffled hearing and fever attribute these symptoms to a sinus infection. That could be a mistake because the symptoms all together line up more with an ear infection. Each type of infection has different treatments, so having the proper diagnosis is important.

Symptoms of a Sinus Infection

The signs of a sinus infection can include:

  • Fever
  • Sinus pressure behind eyes and cheeks
  • Thick yellow or green mucus dripping from your nose or into the back of your throat
  • Lesser sense of smell
  • Runny, stuffy nose for more than a week
  • Cough
  • Facial pain
  • Pain in the upper teeth
  • Upset stomach, nausea, pain behind the eyes and headaches

Sinus infections occur when the nasal passages get congested. These infections can be tricky to treat and are sometimes chronic. Hearing loss is NOT a symptom of a sinus infection, although your ear may feel full. Sinus infections, as opposed to ear infections, are less frequent in children.

Symptoms of an Ear Infection

Children get ear infections more often than adults do, and muffled hearing is one symptom that both groups may share. In adults, the symptoms can also include:

  • Earache
  • Feeling of fullness in ear
  • Ear drainage
  • Sharp stabbing pain in ear canal
  • Sore throat, stuffy nose or fever

Symptoms among children include muffled hearing, pulling at the ear, ear drainage, restlessness, fever, irritability and crying when lying down. Children can also experience sore throat, stuffy nose or fever.

Antibiotics For Sinus Infection

While these medications are best in treating bacterial infections, patients should cautiously take over-the-counter antibiotics. S. aureus or staph bacteria is becoming increasingly resistant to most antibiotic medicines. In essence, taking antibiotic drugs should be objective only as opposed the necessity of antibiotic treatment.

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When To Seek Medical Advice

Most cases of otitis media pass within a few days, so there’s usually no need to see your GP.

However, see your GP if you or your child have:

  • symptoms showing no sign of improvement after two or three days
  • a lot of pain
  • a discharge of pus or fluid from the ear some people develop a persistent and painless ear discharge that lasts for many months, known as chronic suppurative otitis media
  • an underlying health condition, such as cystic fibrosis or congenital heart disease, which could make complications more likely

Read more about diagnosing middle ear infections

Who Gets An Ear Infection


At the highest risk for ear infections include those children who:

  • Are male
  • Have a strong family history of otitis media
  • Were not breastfed during the first 12 months of life and/or
  • Reside in a smoking household.

Children with a cleft palate or HIV have particularly severe problems with recurrent ear infections.

Age affects the rate of acute otitis media, with a dramatic decline in frequency in children older than three years. However, some children with a history of ventilating tubes or frequent recurrent otitis media, severe allergies, or large adenoids may still be plagued with ear problems.

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Allergies Viruses And Hearing

Allergies and colds are the most likely to cause a middle ear infection, also known as otitis media. After a few days of a stuffy or runny nose, the lining of your middle ear is irritated. This can block the Eustachian tube, which can feel like popping in the ears, fullness or congestion. Sometimes this blockage results in a temporary hearing loss, called conductive hearing loss. It usually resolves itself once the cold or allergy is gone.

The flu also can lead to conductive hearing loss due to congestion. This also usually resolves itself. However, the flu might also cause a more serious hearing problem known as sensorineural hearing loss. This is when the inner ear nerves that transmit sound signals to the brain are damaged. It happens when the flu virus attacks the inner ear. Sensorineural hearing loss may be permanent if its not treated quickly, usually within two days. However, its difficult to diagnose, so if you have the flu and experience a sudden loss of hearing, see your health care provider as soon as possible.

How Long Will It Take For My Child To Recover From An Ear Infection In

Ear infections heal in stages. Antibiotics are administered to help kill bacteria in the middle ear usually within a few days. Most symptoms of fever and discomfort resolve during this time. However, fluid may linger for several weeks and continue to interfere with hearing. It is important to follow up with your childs doctor within a months time to ensure the fluid is beginning to drain from the ear. If it lingers longer than normal, your doctor may become concerned about the potential for recurrent sinus infections, chronic colds, or allergies.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind:

It is important to see a doctor if your child begins to display the signs of ear infection. An accurate diagnosis is essential for successful treatment especially since some children can exhibit the symptoms of ear infection in association with a different condition, such as teething.

Blood and pus draining from your childs ear may be frightening, but they are nothing to be overly concerned about. This is a normal symptom of ear infection and may occur if your childs eardrum has ruptured. Most children heal and recover from this condition with no complications.

It is important to completely finish an entire course of prescribed antibiotics as instructed. Stopping early could allow the infection to return.

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Chronic Sinusitis Causes And Symptoms

img source: yinsclinic.com

What causes chronic sinusitis? Chronic sinusitis can develop after an acute sinus infection, nasal polyps or a deviated nasal septum. According to American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, chronic sinusitis can be a problem if you have allergic rhinitis or asthma.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis can develop to become more persistent. The common ones include sinus pain, reduced sense to smell and runny nose .

Other symptoms:

  • A swollen face feeling
  • Difficulty in breathing

Individuals with a persistent nasal allergy can experience inflammation since chronic sinusitis is mainly marked by inflammation of the sinuses.

Colds Flu Allergies And Your Ears

Runny Nose and Chronic Sinus Infection

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Colds, flu and allergies have similar symptoms: sneezing, coughing, stuffy nose, watery, itchy eyes and a general feeling of sickness. But did you know your ears could be affected as well? Colds, flu and allergies can cause diminished hearing, a clogged or full feeling in the ears. While somewhat annoying, its usually a temporary condition.

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Middle Ear Infection Treatment

Witha middle ear infection, it’s best to have a provider examine your ear with an otoscope to look for signs of infection or blockages. For this reason you should be seen in person at urgent care, at a convenient care or walk-in clinic, or at your primary care clinic. If your providerbelieves that bacteria may have caused the infection, she’ll prescribe an antibiotic. However, if a virus is causing the infection, an antibiotic won’t help, and you’ll have to treat the pain and wait for the infection to get better on its own.

What Are The Complications

The most serious complications secondary to ear infections are mastoiditis and meningitis . Both are extremely rare.

Chronic draining ears and chronic perforations are uncommon, but occur more frequently as a result of resistant pneumococcus. However, these complications are commonly seen in developing countries where antibiotics are not readily available. Permanent hearing loss from very severe recurrent infections is a major concern, but is still rarely observed with effective antibiotic therapy. Children with an ear infection suffer only some temporary, low grade hearing loss. As the fluid resolves, which may take months, the hearing returns to baseline levels.

Your child’s doctor may work with an ear-nose-and-throat doctor to help treat the more severely afflicted child, or one who has suspected chronic hearing loss. Children with chronic fluid persisting for more than four months, or with more than five or six ear infections in a year, may require the insertion of “tubes.” This is most important during the first two years of life when hearing is critical for speech and language development. Chronic ear infections may aggravate learning and later school problems, but cause and effect on this issue remains speculative.

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How Is Otitis Media Diagnosed

Making a firm diagnosis of otitis media is not easy. The eardrum is not easy to see, especially in younger children, and the signs of an infection are not always clear.

Your doctor or a nurse will examine your child with an otoscope, an instrument that has a light to allow them to see your childs eardrum. Your child might also have a tympanometry test, which checks how much your childs eardrum moves.

When Else Are Antibiotics Needed

11 Easy Ways You Can Manage a Runny Nose

Antibiotics can be the right treatment for kids who get a lot of ear infections. Their doctors might prescribe daily antibiotics to help prevent future infections. And younger children or those with more severe illness may need antibiotics right from the start.

The “wait-and-see” approach also might not apply to children with other concerns, such as cleft palate, genetic conditions such as Down syndrome, or other illnesses such as immune system disorders.

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