Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Earbuds Lead To Hearing Loss

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How Ipod Cause Hearing Loss

Can Earbuds Lead to Hearing Loss ?

When you listen to high pitch music, hair cells present within the cochlea of the inner ear get exposed to the high sound for a long duration. These hair cells start losing their ability to transmit sound to the brain. First they temporary loss their function and then it leads to noise-induced hearing loss. These hair cells when die are not replaceable until now but still, some research is going on the reverse noise-induced hearing loss. Therefore, the iPod lead to hearing loss.

Thus after considering the factors and symptoms, it is mandatory for the people to reduce the volume of iPod so that the life of their ears can be increased.

In the US there have been reports of an increase in young adults and teens being diagnosed with hearing at the level of 50-year olds. They are the ones listening to their iPods or MP3s for hours every day and Lisa Nathan, an audiologist at Cape Town Medi- Clinic says that its a problem facing South African youths, too.

Unfortunately this is only the start for this generation. Accumulated noise damage develops slowly and insidiously. It can take a few years before the real damage begins to show, and the individual may experience noticeable hearing loss problems.

How Loud Noises From Headphones Hurt Your Ears

It can be hard to know how loud is too loud when listening via headphones. On an ordinary music device, you might hear sounds as high as 94-110 dBA. Less than two minutes at 110 dBA can damage anyones ears.

Listening to these blastsor at more reasonable volumes but for too longleaves its mark. It can damage the hair cells in the ears that transmit sound to the brain. It can also interrupt the connection between those cells and nerve cells, and the auditory nerve may degenerate.

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Is Anyone Listening Monitoring Your Teen’s Headphone Volume Can Help Avoid Hearing Loss

As a parent, do you often find yourself asking your child to remove their headphones? You may want to consider doing it even more often.

If youre the parent of a teenager, you likely have concerns about the link between headphones and hearing loss. Today, 1 in 5 teens will experience some form of hearing lossa rate about 30% higher than it was 20 years ago. Many experts believe the escalation is due, in part, to increased use of headphones.

According to James E. Foy, DO, an osteopathic pediatrician from Vallejo, California, listening through headphones at a high volume for extended periods of time can result in lifelong hearing loss for children and teens. Even a mild hearing loss due to excessive noise could lead to developmental delays in speech and language, he cautions.

Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, or DOs, look beyond your symptoms to understand how lifestyle and environmental factors affect your wellbeing. They listen and partner with you to help prevent injury and encourage your bodys natural tendency toward self-healing.

How To Set Healthy Noise Limits

Can Earbuds Lead to Hearing Loss? Video

Hearing loss from noise exposure can accumulate after one very loud exposure, or more often, slowly over time with bad hearing health habits, said Carson.

We live in a noisy world, and many people are exposing themselves repeatedly to unsafe noise levels which may affect their long-term health In my practice, we recently saw a young adult with a perforated eardrum from listening to music with earbuds too loudly, she said.

Here are ways to keep your ears safe and sound:

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Prolonged Use Of Earphones At High Volumes May Lead To Hearing Loss A Doctor Cautions

In the work-from-home situation, the time spent in front of a computer screen has increased for many people. With it, the usage of other paraphernalia, such as earphones, has also gone up. Back-to-back meetings, work calls, some respite in the form of music, staying connected with loved ones, etc., has made people more dependent on earphones than ever before.

Dr Jafferhusein Sura, consultant ENT surgeon at Masina Hospital, however, warns that in the last one year, there has been a rise in the number of patients with ear infections, itchiness of the ears, and hearing loss. Earlier, only teenagers and young adults were using earphones or ear plugs for entertainment. Now, even children and the elderly are using them, with increased frequency for basic communication and learning, he says.

The doctor answers some commonly-asked questions.

The ear plugs which fit tightly into the canal lead to abrasions and dryness of the skin, which may lead to itching. The itching can damage the skin and lead to bacterial and fungal infection. Furthermore, if the earphones are kept unclean, we may be infecting the ear.

What are the precautions that need to be taken?

There Are Earphones That Deliver Excellent Audio Experience But With This Greatness Comes Health Risks


There are many individuals who use earphones as constant companions while studying, travelling, sweating it out in gym or simply to avoid conversations as music makes almost everything bearable. Earphones are now an inescapable part for most people but blasting music in ones ears does have its consequences.

Earphones can damage the ears if they are used for a long period of time at a high volume, and can result in partial to complete hearing loss, also known as noise-induced hearing loss. The damage can be permanent as the sound from earphones cause the hair cells in the cochlea to …


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What Are Safe Volume Levels

World Health Organization Unsafe noise levels start at 85dB, if exposure exceeds the safe listening time.

When you turn up the volume on your headphones, you can reach levels of over 115dB, which is equivalent to a rock concert. At that volume, hearing loss happens within minutes. If you care about your hearing and want to avoid tinnitus, you should limit the volume and your listening time.

For adults, up to 80dB is a safe volume, though you should still give your ears regular breaks. Keep in mind that exposure to 89dB for more than five hours can cause permanent NIHL. For kids, ASHA recommends no more than 75dB. Generally, you should limit your listening time to one hour per day.

How Can I Prevent Hearing Loss

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First and foremost, follow the 60/60 rule in regards to percentage of maximum volume and duration of time, says Dr. Foy. Additionally, he suggests using older style, larger headphones that rest over the ear opening instead of earphones that are placed directly in your ear. Whether using headphones or earphones, moderation is key, says Dr. Foy. Avoiding excessive use of listening devices altogether will go a long way in preventing hearing loss.

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Why Do People Use Earbuds

Although there are negative effects to wearing earbuds, many people continue to use them for practical reasons. One of the main reasons people use earbuds is because they allow you to hear your music or other audio without disturbing others around you. Wearing earbuds also helps with reducing background noise. This means you may be able to pick out individual instruments and notice details in the music.

These reasons are why many people use earbuds when in a public setting, such as a train or airplane. However, this is also when earbuds can become dangerous. You may turn up the volume on your device to cancel out any noise coming from around you. This can cause the volume to be too high and potentially damage your hearing.

Ear Buds May Lead To Hearing Loss But It Can Be Avoided

Ear buds and headphones are a great way to have your own personalized entertainment experience wherever you go. Whether you like to listen to music or watch your favorite video content on your phone, ear buds are necessary to listen to audio in a public setting.

Since ear buds are speakers inside of your ear canal, however, they can cause hearing damage, even without us realizing it. Irreversible hearing loss can result from loud noises, and if the volume goes too high for too long, you could be at risk for hearing damage. Studies have shown that as many as 1 in 5 young people may already suffer from hearing damage, because of the ubiquitous and constant use of ear buds.

Noise-induced hearing loss can occur in one of two ways: from a sudden, loud noise such as an explosion, or from ongoing exposure, such as working in a factory setting or constantly listening to loud music.

When ear buds rest in your ear canal, the sound effect can be boosted by up to 9 decibels. Since 85 decibels is the threshold for hearing damage, this extra 9 decibels may just push the sound over that limit and begin to damage your hearing.

None of this is to say that you should never wear ear buds or head phones. Here are a few suggestions to minimize damage and prevent noise-induced hearing loss from your ear buds:

With just a little bit of effort, you can preserve your hearing and still enjoy personal entertainment wherever you go.

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How Headphones Earbuds Can Slowly Harm Your Hearing Over Time

  • Headphones and earbuds can impact hearing loss in children and young adults as they age.
  • Children, teenagers, and young adults listen to many hours of music per day at volumes exceeding the globally recommended public health limit.
  • There are ways to set healthy noise limits and protect your hearing.

Cranking up your earbuds as you listen to music or a podcast might be your favorite form of self-care.

However, it might not be the best for your hearing.

According to recent analysis, high levels of noise can affect hearing loss in the future.

Children, teens, and young adults may be particularly at risk if they often listen to many hours of music per day at volumes exceeding the public health limit of 70 decibels of average leisure noise exposure per day thats recommended by

World Health Organization estimates that around 50 percent of people ages 12 to 35 are at risk of hearing loss due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud sounds, such as music heard through personal audio devices.

I think on a broader level, the medical and audiology communities, as well as the general public, dont understand that significant hearing loss is not part of normal healthy aging, but largely represents noise-induced hearing loss, Dr. Daniel Fink, board chair of the Quiet Coalition, told Healthline.

He compares this misunderstanding to the misconception that deep wrinkles and skin pigmentation are part of normal aging, whereas they largely represent solar or UV damage .

Other Health Hazards Of Loud Noises

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Exposure to loud noise can damage your hearing. But were finding that it also has other health consequences. For example:

  • Regular exposure to loud noise has been associated with cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure in a number of studies. A study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine in 2018 found higher rates of hypertension and high cholesterol in people who were regularly exposed to loud noises at work.
  • In a 2018 study published in the International Journal of Cardiology, German researchers found that people who reported being annoyed by sounds such as the rumble of car and construction vehicle engines and horns in their neighborhood had a higher risk of atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat that can lead to blood clots and stroke.
  • Hearing loss isnt the only problem that earbuds can cause. Listening to music at a loud volume can make you unaware of whats going on around you. That increases your chances of an accident. If youre running or bicycling, you may not hear a car coming if you are cranking the tunes.

Earbuds are a part of modern life, and few of us would give them up willingly. But be smart and use a little moderation so that you can continue to enjoy music and programs for the rest of your life.

If you think you suffer from hearing loss, talk to your primary care provider. To find a provider near you, to

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Ways To Prevent Hearing Loss Caused By Headphones

Headphone use has grown exponentially in the past decade. Its hard to walk down the street without seeing those well-known white earbuds. With so many people working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, headphone use has become a daily occurrence.

While headphones can be incredibly convenient, they can also cause noise-induced hearing loss. In the U.S., and estimated 48 million people have hearing loss in at least one ear, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The problem is particularly worrisome among young peoplenearly 50 percent of those ages 12 to 35 could be exposed to unsafe noise levels from their devices.

Its not practical for most of us to eliminate headphone use altogether. However, there are a handful of things you can do to use them more safely. Virginia-Gural Toth, AuD, CCC-A, manager of the Audiology, Tinnitus and Balance Programs at the Center for Audiology at JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute, offers these five tips:

Use headphones, not earbuds. Although headphones can be cumbersome, theyre much safer than earbuds. Earbuds are worse, Gural-Toth says. If you think about it, youre getting that earbud deeper into the ear canal, increasing the sound pressure level and subsequently increasing the volume of the sound.

Next Steps & Resources:

If you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss, call the Center for Audiology and schedule an appointment for an audiological evaluation: 732-321-7063.

Advice for buying hearing aids

How Do Headphones Damage Hearing

If you think about the human ear, it makes sense that it is not suited for loud noises. The ear has developed to detect even very low-level sounds. Why? Its a natural survival tool. Just look at prey animals like rabbits or deer. Their hearing is absolutely exceptional as it helps them avoid predators. Your ear has evolved in much the same way. It might not be as sensitive as a rabbits, but it isnt just there to help you communicate its there to help you avoid danger. In the natural world, youll rarely come across very loud noises, but instead quiet and subtle ones. This means the human ear has not evolved to manage loud noise but is built to pick up on gentle sounds. Thus, when we introduce artificially loud sound through headphones or earbuds, we can end up damaging our ears.

But how?

Your ear is a very complicated system, but in simple terms, sound is created as a sensory reaction in your brain following the vibration of tiny hairs within a chamber in your inner ear. Friction between different surfaces results in movement in the air, and this movement causes these hairs to vibrate in different ways, creating different sounds.

Loud music increases the strength of these vibrations. If the vibrations are too intense for too long, the hairs are unable to cope with the load and stop working properly. Depending on how long you listened to music, and how loud the music was, two things can happen:

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How Does Noise Cause Hearing Loss

The ear is made up of three parts that work together to process sounds: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Part of the inner ear, called the cochlea, contains tiny hair cells. These hair cells help send sound messages to the brain. Loud noise can damage the hair cells. When this happens, the cochlea can’t relay sound messages to the brain as well.

Unlike damage to other parts of your body, inner ear damage never heals. Over time, as more and more hair cells get damaged, your hearing will get worse and worse.

How Can Noise Cancelling Headphones Help With Tinnitus

Can Earbuds Lead to Hearing Loss? || Disadvantages of Earphones

Noise cancelling headphones cant quiet your tinnitus, but headphones with effective noise isolation and noise cancellation can significantly attenuate ambient noise. Because ANC headphones shield you from external noise, you can listen at lower volumes, which reduces the chance of hearing loss, and in turn, protects you from tinnitus.

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How Does Noise Cancelling Work

Active noise cancelling isnt to be confused with passive isolation, something that all headphones and earphones have to some degree since they cover or plug up your ears. Noise cancelling, on the other hand, requires battery power to literally cancel out external noise with sound.

Constructive and Destructive Interference Sound waves of equal amplitude, offset at half wavelengths result in compression waves with an amplitude of 0cancelling out the sound.

An embedded microphone registers ambient noise while the headphones speaker drivers emits matching sound waves that are out of phase relative to the unwanted background noise. The out-of-phase anti-noise waves then negate the ambient sound waves in real time, effectively cancelling them this is called destructive interference. In a perfect world, this results in complete cancellation causing negation of ambient noise.

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