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How Long Does Hearing Loss Last After Ear Infection

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How Long Does An Ear Infection Last

Clogged Ear Due to Ear Infection or Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Different types of ear infections occur within the ear, relating to each of the ears three sections the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Each section of the ear has a unique function and form and the answer to how long does an ear infection last depends on which section of the ear is infected.

  • Inner ear infections tend to last the longest, with symptoms often persisting for several months.
  • Middle ear infections shouldnt last more than one or two days.
  • Outer ear infections can last for a week or longer.

How Long Does Hearing Loss Last After An Ear Infection

Ear infections are common in children, but even adults deal with ear infections. Hearing loss from an infection can occur when fluid builds up in the middle ear. This prevents sounds from getting through to the eardrum, which causes auditory loss. This is called conductive auditory impairment, which means that there is an obstruction. When you have hearing loss from an ear infection, it usually isnt permanent. However, there are a lot of factors that can influence how long the impairment lasts.

Conductive Hearing Loss From Chronic Ear Infections

Chronic ear infections can cause conductive hearing loss. When this happens, the sound waves going to the inner ear are not strong enough. The ear has mechanisms along the canal that amplify the sound wave so by the time it reaches the tiny hair cells of the inner ear, it is strong enough to create a vibration. When you have conductive hearing loss, something changes along that route and the sound isnt amplified quite as much.

Bacteria dont just sit and do nothing inside the ear when you have an ear infection. The mechanisms that amplify sound waves are broken down and eaten by the bacteria. The damage is in most cases done to the tiny little bones and the eardrum. It doesnt take very much to destroy these fragile bones. Once they are gone, they stay gone. Thats permanent damage and your hearing wont return on its own. In some cases, surgeons can install prosthetic bones to restore hearing. The eardrum can repair itself but it might have scar tissue influencing its ability to vibrate. Surgery can correct that, also.

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What To Do If You Think You Have Hearing Loss

If you have trouble hearing, it is important to have your hearing tested by a hearing professional, so the degree and type of hearing loss can be identified. Your hearing professional will identify the type of hearing loss you have and discuss the best treatment option with you following your hearing evaluation. to find a hearing professional near you.

About Viral Infections And Hearing Loss

How Long Does Hearing Loss Last After An Ear Infection ...

Hearing loss after viral infection â also called sudden sensorineural hearing loss â is a perplexing problem that medical science has still not completely solved. A link between viral infection and sudden hearing loss has long been suspected, although the factors that lead to hearing loss after viral infection arenât well-defined.

The hearing loss that occurs after viral infection is often sudden in onset, with many patients reporting that they awaken with hearing loss, or realize that they cannot hear when they try to use a telephone, listen to music, or perform another hearing-related task.

Alternatively, a patient may loss their hearing progressively over time. Either one or both ears may be affected, but bilateral hearing loss is relatively rare.

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Symptoms Of Eardrum Rupture

Pain is the main symptom of eardrum rupture. For some, the pain may be severe. It can remain steady throughout the day, or it can increase or decrease in intensity.

Usually the ear begins to drain once pain goes away. At this point, the eardrum is ruptured. Watery, bloody, or pus-filled fluids may drain from the affected ear. A rupture that results from a middle ear infection usually causes bleeding. These ear infections are more likely to happen in young children, people with colds or the flu, or in areas with poor air quality.

You may have some temporary hearing loss or a reduction in hearing in the affected ear. You can also experience tinnitus, a constant ringing or buzzing in the ears, or dizziness.

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How Are Perforated Eardrums Treated

Usually, a perforated eardrum will heal on its own within a few weeks. While the eardrum is healing, your doctor might suggest:

  • taking over-the-counter pain relievers
  • using antibiotics to prevent infections or treat any existing infections

While your eardrum heals:

  • Dont use over-the-counter ear drops unless your doctor tells you to. If there is a hole in the eardrum, some kinds of ear drops can get into the middle ear or cochlea and cause problems.
  • Avoid getting water inside the ear canal. Your doctor might recommend that you keep your ear dry during water activities to prevent infection. Gently place a waterproof earplug or cotton ball coated with petroleum jelly in your ear when you shower or take a bath.
  • Dont clean your ear or forcefully blow your nose. Wait until the tear in your eardrum is completely healed.

If your eardrum doesnt heal on its own, an ear-nose-throat specialist may recommend surgery to place an eardrum patch. The doctor puts a paper patch over the hole after applying a special medicine to make the tear heal. Doctors may need to do this procedure a few times until the eardrum is fully healed.

If the eardrum patch doesnt work, the ENT specialist might do a surgery known as a tympanoplasty. The surgeon will attach a small patch of your own tissue or use man-made material to cover the hole in your eardrum.

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How Long Will Hearing Loss Last After An Ear Infection

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Conductive Hearing Loss Caused By Chronic Ear Infections

Can ear infections cause hearing loss?

Ear infections can sometimes cause conductive hearing loss. Essentially, sound waves dont reach the inner ear at the proper intensity. By the time the sound reaches the tiny hairs in the inner ear, they are amplified by the components of the ear canal and reach their maximum power. Sometimes things change along this route and the sound is not properly amplified. This is called conductive hearing loss.

Bacteria are very busy in your ear when you have an ear infection. The components that amplify sound waves are decomposed and eaten by the bacteria. The eardrum and the tiny little bones are what is normally affected. The bones are very delicate and it doesnt take much to destroy them. Once they are gone, their gone. You dont just get your hearing back once this damage happens. Surgically installing prosthetic bones is one possible way that a doctor may be able to correct this. The eardrum may have some scar tissue after it repairs itself, which will affect its ability to move. Surgery can deal with that, as well.

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How Long Does Hearing Loss Last In Children

Hearing impairment in children can affect their development, so its important to treat auditory impairment quickly. As in adults, ear infections can cause a child to have an auditory impairment. About 25% of children will have at least one middle infection by the time they are 3 years old. The Eustachian tube is vulnerable to fluid-blockage because it is more horizontal when a child is very young. Fluids in the ears dont drain as easily, causing auditory impairment, which is usually temporary. When the infection is treated, the situation usually resolves itself. Frequent infections that go untreated can cause damage to the eardrum and auditory nerve, which could result in sensorineural loss, which is typically permanent.

Help Hearing Problems Following Infection


I’m 36-year old male and about 3-weeks ago I went to my doctor with typical flu-like symptoms. He informed me I had a Respiratory Tract Infection and prescribed some antibiotics and pain killers which I took over the course of the following week. The problem did not clear-up and, after developing a chesty cough and severe pain in one ear, I returned to the doctor who then told me the infection had most likely spread to my chest and most certainly in to my ears – particularly my left one. He prescribed stronger antibiotics and pain killers and a nasal steroid spray, all of which again I took religiously over the following week once again.

Although my cough and general flu symptoms have pretty much cleared up, for the past week or so I have been left with almost complete loss of hearing in my left ear. It feels as if there’s still a wee bit of pressure both in and around the ear itself with a sort of numbness when i touch the skin on my face and head around the ear. This extends in to my hair-line, over my left cheek and a short distance down my neck below my ear. There’s also a small amount of ringing from within the ear and it sounds as if I’m hearing things “internally” all the time. Hard to explain but extremely frustrating and my concern is that the infection has somehow managed to damage my hearing permanently.

Can anyone offer any advice please?

Thanks in advance!!

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Why Am I Still Deaf After Ear Infection

Chronic ear infections can cause conductive hearing loss. When this happens, the sound waves going to the inner ear are not strong enough. The ear has mechanisms along the canal that amplify the sound wave so by the time it reaches the tiny hair cells of the inner ear, it is strong enough to create a vibration.

Will My Hearing Loss Be Permanent After An Ear Infection

Ear Infections &  Hearing Loss

by Island Better Hearing | Hearing Loss Articles

An ear infection is the accepted name, but its medically called otitis media or AOM. Ear infections just like this are often seen in infants and young kids but they can also affect adults, as well, particularly during or after a cold or sinus infection. Even a bad tooth can bring on an ear infection.

Exactly how long will hearing loss last after having an infection of the middle ear? You might not realize it but the answer can be complicated. There are a lot of things going on with ear infections. To understand the potential risks, you should learn more about the damage these infections can cause and how they impact hearing.

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How Long Does Hearing Loss Last In Adults

There are two main types of auditory loss, conductive impairment and sensorineural auditory loss. Conductive loss is often temporary. When the blockage is treated, the impairment usually goes away. Ear infections are typically easily treated with antibiotics. Recurrent ear infections may need further treatment. A doctor can insert a tube in the eardrum to keep the fluid from building up, known as a Eustachian tube. If your hearing doesnt get back to normal after treatment, you should discuss this with your doctor and an auditory professional.

Ear infections can also cause pressure to build up in the ear, which can cause the eardrum to rupture. Left untreated, this can cause damage to the eardrum which can reduce acuity. The tympanic membrane, which is another part of the ear that vibrates in response to sound, can also be scarred from chronic, recurrent ear infections. This, too, can affect hearing.

The second type of loss, sensorineural, occurs when there is damage to the auditory nerve or inner ear. The most common cause of this type of impairment is age-related, known as presbycusis. Sensorineural loss that is age-related is generally permanent, but the impairment can be mitigated with devices. When sensorineural loss occurs suddenly, within three days or less, a medical provider should be contacted immediately.

Causes Of A Perforated Eardrum

A hole in the eardrum can be caused by:

  • an ear infection
  • an injury to the eardrum, such as a blow to your ear or poking an object like a cotton bud deep into your ear
  • changes in pressure, such as while flying or scuba diving
  • a sudden loud noise, such as an explosion

The following tips may help you avoid damaging your eardrum:

  • see a GP for treatment if you have symptoms of an ear infection for more than 2 or 3 days
  • do not push anything deep into your ears, including your fingers
  • wear suitable ear protection if youâre often exposed to loud noises
  • when flying, try swallowing, yawning, chewing gum or sucking on a boiled sweet during take-off and landing

Page last reviewed: 11 February 2020 Next review due: 11 February 2023

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If Your Ear Is Still Blocked After A Weekit Could Be Hearing Loss

So, if your ear is still blocked on day two and you havent any really great ideas as to whats causing it, you might be understandably impatient. In almost all cases, your blockage will take care of itself after a few days. But the general rule of thumb is that if things last more than a week or so, it might be a good idea to see a specialist.

That sensation of feeling like your ears are blocked can also be a sign of hearing loss. And as you probably know from our other posts, untreated hearing loss can cause other health concerns, especially over time.

Doing no harm first will give your body a chance to mend and clear that blockage away naturally. But intervention could be necessary when those natural means fail. How long that takes will vary depending on the root cause of your blocked ears.

How Does A Rupture Affect Eardrum Functions

Natural Treatment for Hearing Impairment or Ear infection with SongJing Tool

When sound waves hit the eardrum , the eardrum vibrates and moves the tiny bones in your middle ear, which send vibrations to your inner ear. A perforation in the eardrum causes it to not vibrate properly and can cause hearing loss.

When an eardrum is ruptured, it can allow water or bacteria to enter the ear and cause a middle ear infection .

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How Long Does Hearing Loss Last After Ear Infection

Middle ear infections mostly occurred in childhood that causes a short time hearing loss. This infection is also known as Otitis media which can occur behind your eardrum. When fluid or liquid draining from the middle ear then this type of disease or infection can arise. It can cause a cold, sore throat or a respiratory problem.

How many of you know that an ear infection also causes the hearing loss?

Due to the infection in the middle ear, liquid draining from the ear and if the infection is not identified the congestion can make your eardrum crack.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Ear Infection or Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9899437202. We are always here to help you.

Is There A Cure For Hearing Loss After Viral Infection

The hearing loss that occurs after viral infection is likely to be a result of oxygen depletion, explaining why it is not always possible to return normal hearing to a patient through treatment with medication – if the damage done is too severe, there may be no effective treatment.

Possible treatments include steroid medication to reduce damage caused by infection and inflammation, and antiviral agents in cases where infection is still active. Oxygen therapy to improve the supply of oxygen to damaged tissues can also be helpful in some cases.

For some people, hearing will return over time, as the damaged tissue repairs itself, but whether or not hearing returns is largely dependent on how much damage has been done. In cases where damage is severe, hearing loss may be permanent.

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How To Prevent Temporary Hearing Loss

You can prevent temporary hearing loss by protecting your hearing. This can involve earplugs, regularly getting your ears cleaned, and avoiding ototoxic medications. The most important aspect of preventing hearing loss is avoiding loud noise. While concerts and other events can be fun, they can also do serious damage to your inner ears. Once the damage is done, it cannot be repaired. You only have one set of ears, so its vital that you take care of them. You can protect your ears from noise exposure by:

  • Wearing earplugs. You dont have to avoid things like car shows, gun ranges, concerts, and sports games. You just have to wear protection when you go. Make sure to buy a pair of earplugs before you attend these events, and consider investing in a fitted, reusable pair.
  • Limit your time at parties and clubs. Loud music is a menace to your ears, and while parties and clubs are very fun, they can deal some serious damage. Depending on the decibel volume, you should limit your time at these places to an hour or two. After that, you should move your fun to a quieter location.
  • Take rests. Your ears need breaks, too. If youve had a long day, attended a loud event, or just feel a bit exhausted by noise, dont turn on the television or put on some music. Just enjoy the silence and rest your ears.

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