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How To Fix Sensorineural Hearing Loss

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Science In Service Of Changing Care

What is Sensorineural Hearing Loss? – Ear Problems

One of the most frustrating experiences for ear specialists is seeing patients with SSNHL who suffered delay in diagnosis and missed the window of opportunity for oral steroid treatment. These patients are often desperate to try any measure that might regain some of their lost hearing. Intratympanic steroid treatment might be an answer for some of them. Despite the absence of denitive studies about its benet and risk, intratympanic steroid delivery is rapidly spreading as a treatment approach for inner ear diseases. Soon, it will become entrenched, even though scientic evidence of its efcacy is, at this point, still lacking.

How To Treat Sensorineural Hearing Loss

People with sensorineural hearing loss cannot regain their hearing, but most people can benefit from hearing aids. A more severe or profound sensorineural hearing loss can be treated with hearing implants. A few cases of sensorineural hearing loss can be treated by means of surgery.

A hearing test carried out by a hearing professional will detect if you have a sensorineural hearing loss.

How Does The Ear Work

Sound waves are passed through the outer ear, vibrate the eardrum and transmit via the three bones of hearing. The sound is then transmitted through the organ of hearing and tuned into a nerve signal and sent to the brain through a series of nerves. If there is a problem anywhere along this path, there is a hearing loss.

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Tea Tree Oils And Other Tips For Hearing Health At Home

There is little clinical research to support at-home natural remedies for hearing loss reversal. However, many individuals report finding success with natural remedies for hearing loss mitigation.

When it comes to essential oils, talk with your doctor before beginning use. The quality and purity of essential oils is not monitored so you should always use caution when choosing a quality brand.

Many consider tea tree oil to be an effective hearing loss treatment. There are numerous combinations of tea tree oil mixtures suggested for improved hearing health..

Natural healers also endorse the use of ginkgo biloba extract, which comes from the leaf of a tree. According to Healthline, supporters of this type of treatment suggest that taking 60 to 240 milligrams of ginkgo biloba per day can help with tinnitus and other noise associated with hearing loss.

Hearing Loss And Tinnitus

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sthomas: Do any of these devices eliminate the constant ringing in the poorer hearing ear?

Sarah_Sydlowski,_AuD,_PhD: Unfortunately, most single-sided deafness devices are not able to help tinnitus. There is no cure for tinnitus although some patients do benefit from using hearing aids or maskers in the ear that has ringing. In SSD, the hearing loss is usually so severe that these devices are not strong enough to stimulate the ear. Similarly, SSD devices are not designed to actually stimulate the affected ear and would not be strong enough to impact the tinnitus. Currently, the only option for very severe tinnitus and single-sided deafness is cochlear implantation. This is only in the clinical trial stage at select clinics. Early research suggests that this technology may hold promise for individuals with severe-to-profound hearing loss and severe tinnitus because the cochlear implant provides stimulation directly to the hearing nerve.

mn890: I had a hearing aid years ago when I still had some hearing. When I took it out, I had terrible tinnitus. Will these new devices cause the same problem?

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Personal Sound Amplification Products

Personal Sound Amplification Products , or sound amplifiers, increase environmental sounds for non-hearing impaired consumers. Examples of situations when these products would be used include hunting , bird watching, listening to a lecture with a distant speaker, and listening to soft sounds that would be difficult for normal hearing individuals to hear . PSAPs are not intended to be used as hearing aids to compensate for hearing impairment.

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Who Might Have Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects all ages, genders, races and ethnicities. Hearing loss in older adults is common, affecting 1 in 3 people older than 65, and half of people over 75. Age-related hearing loss is called presbycusis.

Hearing loss also affects infants and children. An estimated 2 in 1,000 infants are born with some type of hearing loss. Hearing loss in children is one of the most common birth defects. A condition that is present at birth is called a congenital condition.

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Experimental Hearing Loss Drug Enters Next Phase Of Testing

Contributed by Joy Victory, managing editor, Healthy HearingLast updated January 20, 20202020-01-20T00:00:00-06:00

An experimental hearing loss drug that’s delivered directly into the eardrum moved to the next phase of drug testing, reported Massachusetts-based Frequency Therapeutics, the drug’s developer, in late 2019.

The experimental drug is delivered viainjection into the middle ear, whereit is absorbed by the inner ear.

The drug, dubbed FX-322, is given via injection into the ear drum. Researchers hope it will successfully and safely convert stem cells into stereocilia, the hair cells in the cochlea that are responsible for hearing.

The drug is now being tested in what’s known as a phase 2a trial for noise-induced hearing loss and idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.

A phase 2a clinical trials means they’ll continue to explore the drug’s safety, as they did in previous trials. Researchers also will look more closely at dosing requirements and effectiveness. The trial is scheduled to end in September 2020.

About Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Clogged Ears Due to EARWAX or MEDICAL EMERGENCY? | Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL)

Your ear is made up of three partsthe outer, the middle, and the inner ear. Sensorineural hearing loss, or SNHL, happens after inner ear damage. Problems with the nerve pathways from your inner ear to your brain can also cause SNHL. Soft sounds may be hard to hear. Even louder sounds may be unclear or may sound muffled.

This is the most common type of permanent hearing loss. Most of the time, medicine or surgery cannot fix SNHL. Hearing aids may help you hear.

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Hearing And Cognitive Health

Studies have shown that older adults with hearing loss have a greater risk of developing dementia than older adults with normal hearing. Cognitive abilities decline faster in older adults with hearing loss than in older adults with normal hearing. Treating hearing problems may be important for cognitive health. See Whats the Connection Between Hearing and Cognitive Health?

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Prognosis

The outlook for people with SNHL is highly variable depending on the extent and cause of hearing loss. SNHL is the most common type of permanent hearing loss.

In cases of sudden SSHL, the Hearing Loss Association of America says that 85 percent of people will experience at least a partial recovery if theyre treated by an ear, nose, and throat doctor. About of people regain their hearing spontaneously within 2 weeks.

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How Is Hearing Loss Managed Or Treated

Hearing loss treatments often depend on the type and degree of hearing loss. Treatments include:

  • Hearing assist devices: These devices help restore hearing. Hearing aids are devices worn on or inside the ear to amplify sound. Healthcare providers surgically implant cochlear implants into the inner ear to treat inner ear hearing loss.
  • Hearing rehabilitation: Also called audiologic rehabilitation, this therapy helps you adjust to hearing loss and hearing aids. A therapist also can help you learn to use visual cues and lip reading to improve communication.
  • Listening devices: Devices can make it easier to hear the telephone, television or videos on your computer.
  • Medications: Hearing loss caused by ear infections may improve with antibiotics. Corticosteroids can ease the swelling of cochlear hair cells after exposure to loud noise. If medications are causing your hearing loss, your provider may prescribe a different drug.
  • Surgery: Your provider may place ear tubes in the eardrum. Ear tubes treat chronic middle ear infections that contribute to hearing loss. Providers also perform surgeries to remove tumors, repair birth defects and place cochlear implants.

Things To Think About When Buying A Hearing Aid

What is Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss/Sudden Deafness ...

A medical exam is required before buying a hearing aid. Hearing aids can be bought from:

  • An audiologist. This is a specialist who can assess and manage hearing and balance problems. You may be referred to an audiologist by your childs ear, nose, and throat doctor . Or the audiologist may work in the same office.

  • An independent company.

Styles and prices vary greatly. Do your research on both hearing aids and the businesses that sell them. Think about these questions when buying hearing aids:

  • Can my childs hearing loss be improved with medical or surgical treatments?

  • Which design will work best for my childs type of hearing loss?

  • Can my child test the hearing aids for a certain time?

  • How much do hearing aids cost? If money is a problem, are there agencies that can help cover the cost?

  • Do the hearing aids have a warranty and does it cover care and repairs?

  • Can my childs audiologist or otolaryngologist make adjustments and repairs?

  • Can any other assistive technology devices be used with the hearing aids?

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What Are Hearing Aids

Nearly 36 million adults in the U.S. have some degree of hearing loss. Hearing aids can help improve hearing and speech especially in persons with sensorineural hearing loss . Sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by virus or bacteria, noise, injury, infection, aging, certain medications, birth defects, tumors, problems with blood circulation or high blood pressure, and stroke.

Hearing aids are electronic, battery-operated devices that can amplify and change sound. A microphone receives the sound as sound waves. The sound waves are then converted into electrical signals.

Hearing Loss : Conditions Common Terms And Types Of Treatment

  • Date: August 16, 2018

After all the advances in modern science, it may seem incredible that there is no magic pill to correct hearing loss. Patients can either struggle with symptoms or buy a hearing aid to correct the conditionand for many people, the options are equally unpalatable. So why do hearing aids remain the most common form of treatment? Isnt there another way to restore hearing that doesnt rely on a device?

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Cochlear Implants Treat Profound Hearing Loss

Children and adults with severe to profound hearing loss that does not respond to hearing aids are good candidates for this surgery. While a traditional hearing aid amplifies sounds, a cochlear implant bypasses the damaged ear and stimulates the auditory nerve directly.

Theimplant contains two parts, the external component the sits behind the ear tocapture sound and translates it into electrical signals, and the implant, asmall electronic device that is surgically placed under the skin near the ear.The implant is connected with electrodes that are inserted into thecochlea.

What Are The Different Types Of Hearing Loss

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Occurs in the Cochlea | MED-EL

Conductive hearing loss is the most common cause of hearing loss in infants and young children. It happens when something is blocking the outer or middle ear and preventing sound waves from reaching the inner ear. While some children are born with conductive hearing loss, most often, conductive hearing loss is caused by an ear infection, which is often possible to reverse with ear tubes, medicine or surgery.

Sensorineural hearing loss is a problem with the inner ear or transmission of sound signals to the brain. Some children are born with this type of hearing loss but for many children, sensorineural hearing loss develops over time. Sensorineural hearing loss is almost always permanent. A hearing aid or cochlear implant can help children with sensorineural hearing loss detect sound. If their hearing loss is profound or severe, the child may learn to communicate using one of these technologies along with sign language, lip reading and gestures.

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What Is Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a problem with a childs ears that reduces their ability to detect sound. Hearing loss can affect one or both ears and ranges from mild to profound. Even mild hearing loss can interfere with a childs speech and language skills.

Approximately 4 in every 1,000 children are born with hearing loss. By age 12, about 20 percent of children have some degree of hearing loss. Acquired hearing loss can be the result of head trauma, illness, exposure to loud noises or certain medical treatments.

Hearing loss can be either temporary or permanent. Depending on the type and cause of their hearing loss, ear tubes, surgery or medication may restore your childs hearing. Children with permanent hearing loss are often able to hear some sounds with technologies such as hearing aids or cochlear implants. Early intervention services can play a critical role in helping young children develop language and communication skills.

Caring For Your Hearing Aid

Your hearing aids will last much longer if you take good care of them. Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep them away from heat, moisture, hair care products, children, and pets.
  • Clean them as directed.
  • Turn off your devices when you are not using them.
  • Replace dead batteries right away.

Hearing aid batteries may last from several days to a couple of weeks. Battery life depends on the battery type, hearing aid power requirements, and how often you use it.

In general, hearing aids can last for 3 to 6 years. You may need a new one sooner if your hearing loss gets worse. Behind-the-ear hearing aids give you more flexibility since they can be programmed for a wider range of hearing loss.

Digital hearing aids get stronger and better every few years as computer technology improves. This often prompts people to upgrade their devices.

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What Causes Hearing Loss

There are two categories of hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural.

  • Conductive hearing loss is usually an easily fixed issue. With a quick and safe surgery being the most complicated method to cure it completely.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss does not have a cure. However, devices such as hearing aids, hearables, and personal sound amplification devices help manage the challenges.

Additionally, many find that natural remedies help bolster hearing health as they age. However, its important to remember the following natural remedies are supplements and preventive treatments, not fix-all cures. They will not cure or reverse hearing loss.

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Hearing Loss Information &  Resources

Hearing loss affects nearly half the people in the United States older than 65. In Vero Beach, with its 54,008 residents over 65, thats more than 26,000 people statistically likely to have some level of hearing loss.

Hearing loss can be frustrating, embarrassing and even dangerous, so it is good news that hearing aids have gotten better in recent years, according to Aaron Liebman, a doctor of audiology with more than 30 years experience who operates Aarons Hearing Care.

From the time when yelling was the only way to deal with hearing loss, to the 17th century when an ear trumpet placed in the ear concentrated incoming sound into a smaller area to make it louder, to non-digital hearing aids, to todays high-tech devices, remedies for hearing loss have improved dramatically.

The most common cause of hearing loss, according to, is sensorineural, which occurs when the inner ear, hearing nerves or hearing structures in the brain become damaged.

In adults, the aging process is the most common cause of this type of damage and hearing loss.

Another common form of hearing loss is conductive, caused by damage or blockage in the outer or middle ear, most commonly because of a build-up of ear wax, which muffles the sound.

When these types of adjustments were made, we didnt see the numerical data that, with todays technology, we can now follow on a computer monitor.

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What Are The Treatment Options For Hearing Loss

Early intervention and detection of hearing loss is crucial this will prevent your child from enduring additional problems with speech and language development. A healthcare team approach is normally used when a child is diagnosed with some degree of hearing loss. Some hearing problems are medically or surgically correctable. Other hearing problems are treated with hearing aids and speech and language therapy.

What Healthcare Providers Diagnose And Treat Hearing Loss

If you suspect hearing loss, you may see an:

  • Audiologist: These specialists conduct hearing exams and hearing needs assessments to discuss your unique listening and communication needs. They help with determining the appropriate hearing devices, which often include hearing aids, in addition to other types of hearing device technology . Most audiologists have doctorates in audiology . Audiologists are not medical doctors.
  • Hearing aid specialist: These specialists pass a state exam and receive state licenses to conduct hearing tests. They can fit you for hearing aids.
  • Otolaryngologist: These medical doctors are also known as ear, nose and throat specialists. They prescribe medications and perform surgeries to treat ear problems and hearing loss.

Audiologists or hearing aid specialists often work with otolaryngologists. As a team, they can address all your hearing issues to help improve your hearing.

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What Are The Treatment Options

If you are experiencing hearing loss, you should see an ENT specialist who can make the correct diagnosis. This is important because the treatment for hearing loss depends on the cause. Once a diagnosis is made, your physician will be able to talk to you about all treatment options. A critical part of the evaluation will be a hearing test performed by an audiologist to determine the severity of your hearing loss, as well as whether it is conductive, sensorineural, or a combination of both.

Your ENT specialist may recommend specific treatment options based on the results of your hearing test, or other potential tests such as a CT or MRI imaging scan. Treatment options can include:

  • Continuing observation with repeated hearing tests
  • Medical therapycorticosteroids may be used to reduce cochlear hair cell swelling and inflammation after exposure to loud noises diuretics may be used for Ménières disease
  • Low-sodium diet
  • Evaluation and fitting of a hearing aid or other assistive listening devices
  • Preferential seating in class for school children
  • Surgery to correct the cause of the hearing loss
  • Surgery to implant a hearing device

SNHL can be treated with the use of conventional hearing aids or an implantable hearing device. Again, your ENT specialist and/or audiologist can help you decide which device may work best for you depending on your hearing test results and your lifestyle.

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