Causes Of Ear Congestion
- Common Cold. A viral infection of the nose is the most common cause. The nasal congestion also blocks the ear tube . The ear tube normally keeps air in the middle ear.
- Ear Infection. Middle ear pus can also cause muffled hearing on that side. This commonly happens with an ear infection.
- Middle Ear Fluid. Fluid may remain in the middle ear after the infection is cleared up. It can last for months. The main symptoms are popping and crackling noises in the ear.
- Blowing the Nose. Blowing too hard can force secretions into the ear tube.
- Allergic Rhinitis. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollens. It causes nasal congestion, clear drainage and sneezing. It also can block the ear tube and back up secretions in the ear.
- Airplane Ear. If the ear tube is blocked, sudden increases in air pressure can cause the eardrum to stretch. The main symptom is ear pain. Sometimes, it just causes congestion. It usually starts when coming down for a landing. It can also occur during mountain driving.
How Is Acute Middle Ear Infection Diagnosed
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians have determined the criteria needed to diagnose acute otitis media , acute onset, middle ear effusion , and middle ear inflammation.
- The new guidelines describe this as “moderate to severe bulging of the tympanic membrane or new onset of otorrhea not due to external otitis or mild bulging of the ear drum, and recent ear pain or intense reddening of the ear drum.”
- The guideline also strongly recommends that clinicians should not diagnose AOM without the presence of MEE.
- Recurrent acute otitis media is defined as at least three well-documented and separate acute otitis media episodes in 6 months or four well-documented and separate AOM episodes in the past 12 months with at least one in the past 6 months.
- There is no definitive lab test for acute otitis media.
Identification of the three criteria is dependent on clinical observation middle ear effusion and middle ear inflammation are the most difficult to observe and as a consequence there are studies that suggest acute otitis media is overdiagnosed.
- One method that helps determine acute otitis media versus otitis media with effusion is pneumatic otoscopy and the appearance of the tympanic membrane .
- However, not everyone is skilled at this technique pediatricians, family practice physicians, ENT specialists, and ER doctors who work in pediatric ER’s are likely to be skilled in the diagnostic procedure.
Swollen Tonsils And Ear Infections
Swollen tonsils are not usually a direct cause of ear infections. Enlarged adenoid tissue in the back of the nose can sometimes put pressure on the Eustachian tubes, preventing them from draining fluid out of the ear. However, they are more likely the source of bacteria that causes ear infections. Sometimes, doctors recommend removal for children who have very large adenoids and frequent ear infections.
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How To Pop Your Ears Safely
1. Yawning
Sometimes, you need to take a large yawn to open your clogged ears. If you can not yawn like real one then you can act like you are yawning.
You can do this several times if the first one is not working. You will not only feel your ears open but also you will start hearing more clear sounds than you did when they are filled up.
2. Swallowing
Swallowing is an effortless technique when your ears feel clogged. When you swallow something, your mouth muscles automatically starts working to open your Eustachian tube, so that the pressure which was built up equalizes and become normal.
There are some auxiliary steps also which helps to pop your ears:
- First, you need to close your mouth and hold your nose, then,
- Turn your head to the right, so that your chin must touch your shoulder,
- Swallow hard so that your left ear pop,
- Now turn your head to the left side, so that your chin must touch your shoulder, and lastly,
- Swallow hard so that your right ear pop.
3. Chew a Gum
While chewing a piece of gum, your mouth will remain in motion and that motion will help to regularize the pressure between the two ears.
You could use this technique in the beginning, to avoid your ears to be filled up, which means, you can chew a piece of gum before taking off.
If you dont have anything then start acting like you are chewing something. This makes a sense of laughing at yourself, but it works.
4. Drink a Glass of Water
5. Valsalva Maneuver
6. Toynbee Maneuver
7. Frenzel Maneuver
Medical Treatment In Children
Doctors often take a wait-and-see approach when treating ear infections in children to avoid over-prescribing antibiotics, which can lead to antibiotic resistance.
A doctor may sometimes write you a prescription for antibiotics if symptoms are severe or dont resolve within 2 to 3 days. Alternatively, they may write you a prescription but recommend waiting first to see if your childs symptoms get better after 2 to 3 days.
Its important to finish your entire prescription. Often, a 7- or 10-day prescription of amoxicillin is prescribed.
You shouldnt give children aspirin without their doctors instruction. Aspirin is a preventable risk factor for developing Reyes syndrome, a rare disorder that causes brain and liver damage.
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Changes In Altitude And Ear Pressure
There can be a pressure difference between the outside air and the environment within your middle ear space. Most of the time, the pressure in the middle ear is similar to the pressure outside of the ear. The difference is small enough that you dont experience any discomfort or sensations.
But, when you increase in altitude , then the outside air pressure decreases but the middle ear pressure remains the same. The changes cause the sealed air in the middle ear to expand.
As a result, pressure is placed on the eardrum. You will feel some discomfort and the desire to pop your ears. Some people find it harder to hear since the eardrum pressure affects the way sound is transmitted through the ears. This sensation often causes you to feel like your ears are plugged.
How Do Ear Infections Happen
A middle ear infection usually happens because of swelling in one or both of the eustachian tubes . The tubes let mucus drain from the middle ear into the throat.
A cold, throat infection, acid reflux, or allergies can make the eustachian tubes swell. This blocks the mucus from draining. Then, or grow in the mucus and make pus, which builds up in the middle ear.
When doctors refer to an ear infection, they usually mean otitis media rather than swimmer’s ear . Otitis media with effusion is when noninfected fluid builds up in the ear. It might not cause symptoms, but in some kids, the fluid creates a sensation of ear fullness or “popping.”
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Why Do You Want To Pop Ears Quickly
The reason for wanting to make your ears pop fast is to relieve pressure that accumulates after a fast drive, a long flight or after being underwater for some time. The back of your throat is connected to the center of ear via the Eustachian tubes. These tubes are used for emptying liquid your ears to help maintain the pressure inside the ear. Here are the reasons why people pop ears.
Is popping your ears bad? No, it can help you relieve ear congestion.
- To relieve pressure, such as sinus pressure
- To hear better
- To release fluid or to get water out after swimming
- After high altitude such as flight/skydiving for most people, ears get congested after a flight and they realize it on landing.
Ear Pressure Causes And Treatments
Keith Alexander, MD is board-certified in Otolaryngology. He provides services in adult and pediatric ear, nose and throat disorders, and treats allergy and sinus patients of all ages. He specializes in functional and cosmetic nasal surgery, including rhinoplasty. Dr. Alexander can be reached at 278-1114.
Lexington Clinic is Central Kentuckys largest and oldest medical group. With 180+ providers in more than 30 specialties, we have been taking care of 600,000+ visits annually in the Lexington community since 1920.
1221 South Broadway
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Are There Any Home Remedies For Acute Middle Ear Infection
However, there are limited studies suggesting the benefits of these measures over accepted and recommended treatments.
- Both oral and topical analgesics are effective in controlling the pain associated with ear infections, but the use of decongestants or antihistamines has not been demonstrated to improve symptoms or speed the resolution of acute otitis media.
Fullness In Ear And Popping Clicking Or Crackling Noise
Your ear is a complex organ that is composed of 3 parts the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. According to Dr. William Blahd on WebMD, sounds enter your ear which cause your eardrum and tiny bones in your middle ear to vibrate. These vibrations are transformed into nerve impulses which are sent to the brain.1
The reason for hearing a popping, clicking, or crackling noise when you swallow is to do with the Eustachian tube that is in your middle ear. Doctors from PubMed Health say that the Eustachian tube helps to keep the pressure between your nose and ear at a steady level.2 To do this the Eustachian tube momentarily opens and closes and you hear a popping or small click in both ears.
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, the popping noise in the ear is when a small air bubble passes through. This helps to keep air pressure behind the eardrum equal. However, if your ears dont pop, you may have a feeling of fullness in one or both ears and they feel blocked.3
Un-popped ears may also affect your hearing as the eardrum cant function correctly. You might even feel dizzy if you need to unpop your ears.
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reports that along with helping to maintain proper pressure in your ears, the Eustachian tube has other functions. For example, when you hear clicking noises as the tube opens, the Eustachian tube pumps secretions through to help drain the middle ear.4
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Pop Your Ears By Flexing Your Jaw
In some cases, people who flex the muscles behind their jaw will help their ear pop. This flexing can open the Eustachian tube to release the pressure.
This method may be a little gentler on your ears than using your nose to pop them. If youâre flying or using an elevator and feel a pressure change, you can work your jaw to avoid a build-up of pressure. â
Use Neti Pot To Pop Ears From A Sinus Infection Or Pressure
Flushing nasal sinus infection or nasal congestion can help balance the pressure in your ear fast. One method is that commonly used is a neti-pot. Neti pots are usually filled with saline solutions and are said to be effective in curing and relieving nasal and ear congestion.
To use one, insert the neti pots spout in one nostril and then tilt your head to one side so that the saline solution can flow up your nose and leave through the other. Repeat this severally to pop your ears at home.
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Ear Infection Symptoms: Babies
Ear infections aren’t always apparent in babies and children who are too young to describe their pain. They may signify ear pain by pulling on or fussing with their ear. They may just be irritable, or not eating or sleeping well. Babies sometimes refuse to drink from a bottle because swallowing hurts their ears. Ear infection symptoms in babies may include:
- Fever
- Diarrhea
How Does Ear Popping Work
The Eustachian tube supplies air to the middle ear. This helps maintain equal amounts of pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
If theres a difference in pressure, your eardrum may bulge inward or outward in response. This causes that familiar feeling of fullness in the ear.
Popping your ears helps move the eardrum back into place, alleviating the imbalance of pressure, and eliminating or reducing your discomfort.
The Eustachian tube typically opens automatically when you swallow, blow your nose, or yawn. When you do these motions, youll often hear a clicking, or popping, sound. The sound is caused by air entering the middle ear through the Eustachian tube.
If the tube does not open easily, it may be obstructed. This can be caused by fluid, mucus, or earwax.
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Difficulty Popping Your Ears
Sometimes, you might have problems popping your ears because the Eustachian tubes are blocked. For example, if mucus has formed from an ear infection or head cold, then fluid can affect the middle ear. As a result, it can make it hard to equalize your ears when needed.
The most common symptom with this condition is an earache and pressure, which can be uncomfortable. Even minor changes in altitude can put pressure on the eardrum, resulting in pain. Here are some of the most common reasons why the ears wont pop:
· Fluid: If fluid is present within the ear, then the thickened mucus can block the tubes and prevent drainage into the back of the throat.
· Surrounding Structures: Sometimes, the tonsils, sinuses, or adenoids swell, causing fluid to be retained in the ear.
· Congestion: Thickened mucus from a head cold, sinus infection or allergies can cause the eustachian tubes to be blocked
· Excessive Ear Wax: The buildup of too much earwax compressed against the eardrum can have an impact on the ability to pop the ears
· Other Health Conditions: Certain health conditions can affect the ears ability to equalize, such as a Patulous Eustachian Tube, sinusitis, tonsillitis, or nasal polyps.
It is important to be aware and proactive in keeping your Eustachian tubes open so the ears can equalize. If the middle ear stays blocked, then serious side effects can happen, such as vertigo, extreme pain, a burst eardrum, or even hearing loss.
Understanding The Pressure Sensation In The Ear
Many individuals have experienced ear pressure at some point. It can best be described as feeling like you’ve been in an airplane and your ears just won’t pop. There isn’t necessarily pain associated with the pressure. Instead, it is often considered bothersome.
Its important to understand that the ear itself isn’t always the cause of the pressure. The most common cause of ear pressure comes from an upper respiratory infection or sinus infection. In those situations, patients feel pressure pulling off the ear drum, with or without fluid.
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What Are Blocked Eustachian Tubes
The eustachian tubes connect the middle ears to the back of the throat. The tubes help the ears drain fluid. They also keep air pressure in the ears at the right level.
When you swallow or yawn, the tubes open briefly to let air in to make the pressure in the middle ears equal to the pressure outside of the ears. Sometimes fluid or negative pressure gets stuck in the middle ear. The pressure outside the ear gets too high. This blockage causes ear pain and sometimes trouble hearing.
Blockage Due To Foreign Object
You can do the following things at home as first aid for a foreign object in the ear:
- if the object is visible, carefully use tweezers to gently remove it
- tilt your head to the side to use gravity to remove the object
- try to wash the object out using a small syringe with warm water to gently irrigate the ear canal
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How To Remove Earwax
You need a few items to properly clean your ear with, instead of using sharp objects, including hydrogen peroxide, clean towel, a cup, and water.
Step 1: Lay down comfortably on your side, but it has to be a flat surface
Step 2: Place the clean towel around your neck so that you do not make a mess of the surrounding
Step 3: Pour the hydrogen peroxide in your first ear, and be careful not to overfill it. Wait for the ear to stop bubbling
Step 4: Get the cup and put the rim beneath your earlobe, slowly sit up to drain your ear. You can choose to rinse the ear with water
Step 5: Repeat the entire process on the other ear
Never insert a cotton pad in your ear to remove wax from the canal, because the pad will push the wax further into the ear canal. The swab can significantly puncture the eardrum. Under no circumstances should you insert a pencil tip, paper clip, or bobby pin into your ear. Doing so does not only risk tearing your eardrum, but it also introduces bacteria that lead to the formation of furuncles. As far as the donâts are concerned, you should never introduce any kind of sharp objects in your ear in the desperate attempt of removing earwax.
How Do You Make An Ear Infection Stop Hurting
Treatment Apply a warm cloth or warm water bottle to the affected ear. Use over-the-counter pain relief drops for ears. Or, ask the provider about prescription eardrops to relieve pain. Take over-the-counter medicines such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain or fever. DO NOT give aspirin to children.
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Questions To Ask Your Doctor
- How can I keep my child comfortable at night with the pain of an ear infection?
- Is there drainage with an ear infection?
- What is the difference between an ear infection and swimmers ear?
- Is my child a candidate for ear tubes?
- What are the risks and benefits of surgically inserting tubes inside my childs middle ear?
- Should my child get regular hearing tests if they have frequent ear infections?