Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Tell If A Puppy Has An Ear Infection

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Dogs And Ear Infections

How to Identify and Treat an Ear Infection in Your Dog

Ear infections are a common canine health problem, and they can be caused by allergies, yeast, ear mites, bacteria, hair growth deep in the ear canal, and more. Symptoms your dog may have with an ear infection include:

  • Head shaking or head tilting
  • Ear odor
  • Redness of the ear canal
  • Swelling of the outer portion of the ear
  • Brown, yellow, or bloody discharge

Always take your dog to the veterinarian if you think they have an ear infection. In most cases, cleaning and medicating the ear canal will quickly clear up an infection. However, surgery can be needed for chronic infections or if forceful head shaking results in the rupture of a vessel within the outer part of the ear.

Read more about ear infections in dogs.

Treating Ear Infections In Dogs

If your dog is diagnosed with an ear infection your vet will take the time to clean your dog’s ear with a medicated cleanser and prescribe any antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications appropriate for treating your pet’s ear infection. Your veterinarian may also prescribe a topical medication and instruct you on how and when to apply it to your dog’s ear at home.

With treatment in the early stages, an uncomplicated ear infection will typically clear up within just a week or two. If your dog’s ear infection is more severe or is caused by an underlying health condition, treatment may be more challenging and may take months to resolve. Often, more severe cases result in chronic ear infections in dogs or repeated ear infections over the course of the animal’s lifetime.

It’s essential for your to carefully follow your vet’s instructions so your dog’s ear infection can clear up as quickly as possible. Stopping treatment before the infection has completely cleared or not finishing prescriptions can cause a recurring infection that becomes more difficult to treat.

Follow-up appointments with your vet are highly recommended for dog ear infections. While it may look as if the infection has cleared there may still be traces of infection that are difficult for owners to spot. Finishing treatment before the infection has fully healed can lead to recurring symptoms that are difficult to treat.

Precise Diagnosis Needed For A Dogs Ear Infections

If your dog is showing any of the common signs of ear infections, its important to visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. Quick treatment is necessary not only for your dogs comfort , but also to prevent the spread of infection to the middle and inner ear. Do not try to treat ear infections at home.

Be prepared to provide your vet with a thorough history of the problem. This is especially important for first-time infections, or if you are seeing a new veterinarian. Your vet will want to know the following:

  • Duration of any symptoms, such as pain, swelling, discharge, and odor
  • If your dog has any allergies or other underlying medical conditions
  • If your dog is on medication
  • What your dog has been eating
  • How often you clean your dogs ears and which products you use
  • If youve trimmed or plucked the hair in your dogs ears
  • Recent activities, such as baths, grooming, or swimming
  • If your dog has a history of ear infections, when they occurred, and how they were treated

After obtaining your dogs history, your veterinarian will perform a physical examination. In severe cases, your vet may also recommend sedating your dog to facilitate examination deep within the ear canal. Your vet will evaluate both ears, and the exam may include:

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Signs & Symptoms Of Dog Ear Infections

Ear infections can be very painful or uncomfortable for your pooch. If your dog shows any of the following signs of an ear infection contact your veterinarian immediately to book an examination for your pet. Early treatment of ear infections can help to prevent more severe symptoms from developing and reduce the chances of complications.

If your dog is suffering from an ear infection you might see them displaying one or more of these symptoms:

  • Odor in the ear
  • Brown, yellow or bloody discharge
  • Redness inside of the ear
  • Pawing or rubbing at the ear
  • Tilting head
  • Crusts or scabs just inside the ear

If your dog has a more severe ear infection you may notice other symptoms including:

  • Loss coordination or balance
  • Unusual eye movements

Causes Of Middle And Inner Ear Infections In Dogs

If Your Dog Has An Ear Infection and You Can

There are many causes of middle and inner ear infections. Many times the outer ear infection is not properly treated and then migrates to the middle ear and possibly the inner ear causing significant pain problems for your dog. Your veterinarian can run certain tests if your dog experiences chronic middle and/or inner ear infections to determine the specific cause of the infections.

Allergies have been determined to be the most common cause of recurring ear infections. If the allergen is not identified and the allergic reaction persists, it will be almost impossible to resolve the ear infections and can cause irreversible damage to the affected ear or ears.

  • Cleaning the ears too often
  • Not cleaning the ears well enough
  • Water in the ear
  • A foreign body such as a grass seed
  • An ear polyp

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How To Treat Dog Ear Infection Without Vet

It is strongly recommended you consult a vet for treating a dog ear infection.

Especially chronic ear infection i.e. if your dog repeatedly seems to be suffering from ear problems.

However, if you are unable to get to a vet look for a gentle treatment that will alleviate your dogs symptoms until you can get a professional diagnosis of the cause. Cleaning around the outside of your dogs ear and applying hot compresses can also help with their discomfort.

How To Prevent Yeast Infections In Dogs

To prevent yeast infections in your dog, you have to know the cause of yeast infections in the first place. It would be best if you routinely bathed your dog with an antifungal shampoo. For it to be most effective, let the shampoo lather stay on your dogs for at least 10 minutes before finding it off.

If your dog has skin folds, it will need more maintenance treatment to prevent the folds from being too moist or warm since yeast thrives in damp places.

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How To Tell If Your Dog Has An Ear Infection In Jonesboro Ar

Do you have a dog? Have you noticed some odd behaviors in your furry friend lately? Do you think he might have an ear infection? Although ear infections are not overly common in dogs, theyre not uncommon, either. Many dogs come down with ear infections for a variety of reasons, and its important to recognize the signs so you can catch this problem early on.

In this article, well explain the symptoms to look for and risk factors to consider when determining whether or not your dog may have an ear infection. Read on to find out more.

Corneal Ulcers In Dogs

How to tell if your dog has an ear infection

The cornea is the transparent, shiny membrane that makes up the front of the eyeball. With a corneal ulcer, fluid is absorbed from the tears into the stroma, giving a cloudy appearance to the eye. The most common cause of a corneal ulcer is trauma. Less common causes of corneal ulcers include bacterial infections, viral infections, and other diseases.

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A Look At How To Treat Dog Ear Infection

If you suspect your dog as an ear infection, to treat it you have to know what the cause of the infection is. Because there can be many factors involved such as allergies, illness, bacteria, fungal infection and so forth, a vet is the best person to accurately diagnose canine ear infection and suggest the best possible treatments that will suit your dog.

A vet may prescribe antibiotics, steroids, other medication, or recommend you buy an over the counter commercial product or give advice on using a natural or homeopathic treatment method. One of the products we recommend based on our own experience is the Pet King Brand Zymox Pet Ear Treatment.

How Important Is It To Treat An Ear Infection

Dogs with ear infections are uncomfortable. Their ears are a source of constant pain and they frequently scratch them and shake their head. This can cause a condition called an ‘aural hematoma,’ in which blood vessels in the ear flap break, causing a painful swelling that requires surgical treatment. Deep ear infections can damage or rupture the eardrum, causing an internal ear infection and even permanent hearing loss.

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How To Treat Ear Infections In Dogs

The treatment for ear infection in dogs has multiple goals:

  • First, antifungal or antibacterial medications are used to treat the infection itself.
  • Second, the painful, itchy symptoms of infection will be addressed, often through steroids or other anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Finally, your veterinarian will try to determine the underlying cause of infection to help prevent future recurrences.
  • Otitis externa is treated with topical medications. These products often contain a combination of antifungal agents, antibiotics, and steroids. Due to the limited blood supply to the external ear canal, oral antibiotics are rarely helpful unless the infection involves the middle or inner ear.

    For some dogs, ear handling is stressful, especially when a painful infection is present. Fortunately, there are long-acting ear infection medications for dogs available. This means that medicine can be placed in your pets ear during their appointment and you will not have to do any topical treatment at home. Ask your veterinarian if this type of treatment is appropriate for your pets condition.

    If your dog has developed a hematoma, your veterinarian will discuss treatment options. There are many ways to treat hematomas, including oral medication, surgery, and sometimes doing nothing at all.

    How Can You Treat An Ear Infection In Your Dog

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    First, the veterinarian will determine the cause of the ear infection. They clean the ear canal from secretions, because secretions are the ideal breeding ground for pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. Depending on the severity the veterinarian will treat the ear with an appropriate medication.

    Be sure to treat mild otitis with botanicals and natural products like the Rockwell Pets Pro Natural Dog Ear Cleaner instead of antibiotics. Antibiotics attack your dog’s healthy intestinal bacteria and can cause resistance when administered unnecessarily.

    Rockwell Pets Pro offers you an eclectic range of products that support a successful treatment for ear infection in dogs. They strengthen your dog’s immune system and help prevent new inflammations.

    Often, an ear infection is directly related to a functional weakness of the kidneys and gut problems. Rockwell Pets Pro Natural Probiotics and Natural Vitamins can help. These are rich in antioxidant substances to purify the blood and activate natural defenses.You should also clean your dog’s ears regularly, with mild natural solutions to avoid irritating the sensitive skin of the ear.

    Rockwell Pets Pro Natural Dog Ear Cleaner is a natural remedy for the external ear canal. The gentle solution promotes the regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane and are smoothly disinfects the affected areas.

    If you would like to learn more about dog ear infection, have a look at our dog ear infection knowledge hub.

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    How Do I Clean My Dog’s Ears

    • Fill the ear canal with an ear cleaner.
    • Give the ear a good massage to dislodge the debris and then let your dog shake his head.
    • You can then use a cotton ball to wipe debris out of the ear canal.

    Ear cleaning products sold in vet clinics are generally made from a solution containing a type of soft alcohol, which allows the ear to dry out after swimming, for example.

    Its important to never use cotton swabs/tips, as they push debris towards the back of the ear, which can cause blockages.

    Also, be careful not to wash them too often and hold off if you suspect an infection.

    Best Dog Ear Cleaners On The Market

    • Pet MD Ear Wipes Pet MD Ear wipes include aloe-vera and eucalyptus to gently clean debris and dirt from around your dogs ears. These veterinary formulated wipes are alcohol-free, soothing and deodorizing for dog ear cleaning.
    • Zymox Otic Zymox Otic Solution is used for treating bacterial, viral and yeast infections in the outer ear. It comes in an easy to use a bottle and contains hydrocortisone to help reduce inflammation and swelling.
    • Epi-Otic Epi-Otic is a gentle alcohol-free ear cleaner solution containing an antiseptic to help with the prevention of air infections. Its formulated to be pH neutral so it doesnt alter the balance of oils and enzymes in your dogs ear.

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    Otitis Media And Interna

    Otitis media and interna can be thought of as middle and inner ear infections. This often happens as infection spreads from the external ear canal further into the ear. These types of infections are less common, and more severe, and can lead to a number of health issues, including deafness or paralysis of the face.

    Can Tell If My Dog Ear Infection

    How do you know if your dog has ear mites or an infection?

    How do I know if my dog has an ear infection? Common signs of an ear infection include frequent scratching or rubbing of the ears, discharge from the ear, redness or swelling of the ear canal, and odor. If you suspect your dog has an ear infection, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away.

    Typical Dog Ear Infection Symptoms

  • Scratching of the ear or area around the ear.
  • Brown, yellow, or bloody discharge.
  • Odor in the ear.
  • Redness Swelling Crusts or scabs on inside of the outer ear.
  • Hair loss around the ear.
  • Rubbing of the ear and surrounding area on the floor or furniture.
  • Head shaking or head tilt.
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    The Importance Of Antibiotics For Dog Ear Infection

    Your veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic for treating a dog ear infection to kick-start the healing and pain relief for your pet. Antibiotics attack any bacterial infection present and help with the immediate relief of any inflammation. Vet prescribed antibiotics may be topical in the form of ear drops or given orally in capsule or tablet form.

    Dogs can also be affected by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, so it is important that the right antibiotic is used.

    Common Dog Health Problem: Vomiting

    Vomiting is a common dog health problem, with dozens of possible causes, from infection or intestinal parasites to pancreatitis, kidney failure, heatstroke, an obstruction in the stomach or intestine, or poisoning.

    Symptoms are basic: abdominal heaving and drooling caused by nausea. If your dog also has diarrhea, blood in the vomit, seems lethargic, continues vomiting, or can’t hold down liquids, contact your vet right away to prevent life-threatening dehydration.

    Treatment depends on what’s causing a dog’s distress, and may include fluid therapy, drugs to control vomiting, surgery for obstructions, and homemade foods like well-cooked skinless chicken, boiled potatoes, and rice.

    Read more about vomiting in dogs.

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    Swelling And Redness Of The Ear

    As the ear infection moves from the mild stage to the moderate stage, it will cause your dogs ear to become swollen and red. This may be visible all the way to the outer shell of the ear, or it may only be visible when you look inside their ear. Either way, its necessary to get your dog treatment for this condition right away.

    A swollen and red ear is likely to be very tender to the touch, so try not to bother your dogs ear more than you have to during this stage. You will need to give them ear drops form your vet, but otherwise, let the ear heal to avoid aggression related to your dogs pain.

    Treating And Preventing Dog Ear Infections

    Ear Infections in Dogs

    So, how can you make your dog feel better? The first thing to do is make an appointment to be assessed and diagnosed by your veterinarian. Following a complete and thorough examination, your veterinarian will likely use a medicated ear cleanser to ensure your dogs ears are as clean as possible.

    They may also provide cleanser or topical medicines for you to apply to your dogs ears while at home. Some cases can be severe, and may require prescription medicines such as an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory.

    In most cases, an ear infection will clear up within a couple of weeks. However, more serious cases, especially those involving underlying medical conditions, can sometimes take months to heal. If ear infections become chronic, surgical intervention may be needed. Surgery is typically a last resort when other treatments have failed.

    For some dogs, ear infections can become a recurring problem. But there are several things you can do at home to help prevent these issues. They include:

    Taking care of your dogs ear infection is important, because it can lead to other serious issues. Because of the constant discomfort of itchy or hurting ears, dogs will scratch and shake their heads. This can lead to a condition called aurul hematoma, which impacts the blood vessels in the ear flap and may need surgery to repair. Ear infections can also lead to issues with the eardrum, which could result in permanent hearing loss.

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    How Is Otitis Interna Treated

    Otitis interna is a very serious condition. If your dog is unable to eat or drink normally due to nausea or disorientation, then hospitalization for intravenous fluid therapy is generally warranted. Nausea must be controlled and dehydration avoided. It may also be necessary to sedate or anesthetize your dog in order to adequately see the ear tissues, take samples for bacterial culture, and appropriately clean the ear.

    Treatment of the underlying infection is very important, and your veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate medications. Medications will be administered directly in the ear and orally. Antibiotics will be used for a bacterial infection for 6-8 weeks minimum. If the infection is fungal in nature, an anti-fungal medication will be prescribed. Whatever medications are chosen, it is critical that they be given precisely as prescribed.

    “If your dog has an altered balance, restrict his activity during treatment to prevent falling injuries.”

    If your dog has an altered balance, restrict his activity during treatment to prevent falling injuries. These dogs should not have access to stairs as they may take a tumble. You may also need to hand feed your dog temporarily – reaching down into a dish may stimulate nausea.

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