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Where To Donate Used Hearing Aids

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Local Non Profit seeks Hearing Aid donations

Dear Savvy Senior,

Where are some good places to donate old hearing aids, eyeglasses and mobility equipment? My uncle passed away a few months ago and left behind a bunch of useful aids that could surely help someone else.

Searching Nephew

Dear Searching,

Donating old, unused assistive living aids and/or medical equipment is a great way to help those in need who cant afford it, and in most cases its tax deductible too. Here are some good places to check into.

Hearing Aids

There are several national nonprofit service organizations that offer hearing aid recycling programs. Hearing aids that are donated are usually refurbished and either redistributed to those in need or resold with the proceeds going to buy new hearing aids for people who cant afford them.

One of the most popular places to donate old hearing aids, as well as hearing aid parts or other assistive listening devices, is the Starkey Hearing Foundation Hear Now recycling program, which collects around 60,000 hearing aids a year. Hearing aids and other listening devices should be sent to: Starkey Hearing Foundation, ATTN: Hearing Aid Recycling, 6700 Washington Avenue South, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

Some other good nonprofits to donate to are the Lions Club Hearing Aid Recycling Program and Hearing Charities of America, which is founded by Sertoma, a civic service organization dedicated to hearing health.


Medical Equipment

Tax Deductible

How And Where To Donate Hearing Aids

There are several national non-profit groups and organizations that collect donated hearing aids and recycle them. They clean, repair, refurbish the hearing aids, and distribute them to people with hearing loss that need them.

Sometimes they are resold and the proceeds are used to buy new hearing aids for those in need. An added benefit when you donate a hearing aid is that most donations are tax deductible! Some of the groups that accept donated hearing aids include:

Is There Any Value In A Used Hearing Aids

by Hearts for Hearing | Feb 5, 2020 | Hearing Aids News

How can you recycle used hearing aids? Whether they were owned by a departed relative or you chose to upgrade your hearing aids to something fancier like a cochlear implant, the answer is the same: donate your pre-owned hearing aids rather than throwing them away.

There are several organizations that acquire and circulate used hearing aids to people who could really use them, and there are many people who need them. Read on to discover why its important to donate your pre-owned hearing aid and find out how you can go about it.

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What To Do With Used Hearing Aids

How can you get rid of used hearing aids? Whether they belonged to a deceased family member or you decided to upgrade your hearing aids to something fancier like a cochlear implant, the answer is the same: donate your used hearing aids instead of throwing them away.

There are plenty of people suffering from hearing loss who could use a donated hearing aid, and several organizations out there that collect and distribute those hearing aids to the people in need. Read on to discover why its important to donate your used hearing aid and find out how you can go about it.

Where Can I Donate Used Hearing Aids

Where To Donate Used Hearing Aids

Once a person is finished with his or her hearing aids, such as when the units need to be replaced or upgraded, the used hearing aids can be donated in any number of ways. Many charities and service organizations accept donations of hearing aids. It is generally better to donate old hearing aids than to throw them away.

There are a number of hearing service organizations to which you can donate used hearing aids. Often, these organizations can refurbish hearing aids and their parts. Hearing aid parts can be costly, so this is a way that people on limited incomes can gain access to working hearing aids.

Hearing aids can be donated to many charities. In the US, there are several non-profit organizations like the Lions Club National, The Knights of Columbus, or Hear Now. These and many other non-profit organizations accept used hearing aids and hearing aid parts, which are then refurbished and donated to military veterans, the elderly, and disabled children who may need them in order to restore hearing.

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Why You Should Think About Donating Your Pre

First, here are some important stats about loss of hearing and hearing aids in the US:

  • About 14% of the overall population, has loss of hearing
  • 91% of adults who have loss of hearing are above the age of 50
  • There is evidence of loss of hearing in 15% of school aged children
  • Almost 29 million adults with hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids, but
  • hearing aids are actually utilized by only 16% of them
  • The average age for first-time hearing aid users is 70, but again
  • Less than 30% of those over 70 who require hearing aids have ever used them

I think we should be concerned. Because neglected hearing loss has been associated with numerous health problems from a greater risk of falling to cognitive decline and depression. In fact, new research comes out all the time showing how crucial hearing is to your overall health. These health issues can be prevented and in certain instances reversed by hearing aids.

And the last persuasive point is that hearing loss can cost the average family $12,000 in earnings every single year. But hearing aids can actually decrease that cost by as much as 50%.

It might not be possible for families who lose $12,000 a year to afford hearing aids.

For an individual in need, who cant afford a hearing aid, your pre-owned hearing aids can have an enormous effect on their financial well being, quality of life, and overall health. It might also cost a child the ability to go to college and make their lives better because they cant hear in school.

Hope For Hearing: Hearing Aid Recycling Program

Since 2010, the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery has provided subspecialty services for the underprivileged of Washtenaw County in partnership with the Hope Clinic through the Hope at UMHS Clinic. A significant number of these patients suffer with hearing loss and could benefit from a hearing aid. Unfortunately, the high cost of hearing aids makes them an unreachable luxury for Hope at UMHS clinic patients.

In an effort to meet the needs of these patients, we established the Hope for Hearing hearing aid recycling program. This program allows us to collect gently used hearing aids and refurbish them for distribution to our Hope at UMHS patients.

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Why You Should Consider Donating Your Used Hearing Aids

First, here are a few important statistics about loss of hearing and hearing aids in the United States:

  • Of the total population, about 14% suffer from some type of hearing loss
  • Of all of the adults who have hearing loss 91% percent are above 50 years old
  • There is evidence of loss of hearing in 15% of school aged children
  • Hearing aids would benefit almost 29 million adults with hearing loss, but
  • only 16% of them actually utilize hearing aids
  • The general age for first-time hearing aid users is 70, but again
  • Of those people over 70 who need hearing aids, fewer than 30% percent have ever had them

This is really worrisome. Because health issues like cognitive decline, greater risk of falling, and depression have been associated with untreated hearing loss. In fact, new research comes out every day showing how crucial hearing is to your overall health. Getting hearing aids can prevent these health issues .

And the final compelling point is that hearing loss can cost the typical family $12,000 in earnings each year. But hearing aids can actually reduce that cost by up to 50%.

It might not be feasible for families who lose $12,000 a year to afford to buy hearing aids.

For an individual in need, who cant afford a hearing aid, your old hearing aids can have a big effect on their financial well being, quality of life, and overall health. It may also cost a child the ability to get into college and better their lives because they cant hear in school.

You Should Consider Donating Your Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Donation | South Bay Hearing & Balance Center

Whether you have outgrown your hearing aids and need new ones, have decided to upgrade to a newer or better model, or received a set of hearing aids due to a family member passing away, you should never throw away hearing aids. Donate them instead! Current annual production of hearing aids only meets approximately 10 percent of demand.

Regardless, even if annual production of hearing aid met demand, there are countless people that could benefit from a hearing aid yet cant afford to purchase one. People living in poor areas of the world are especially vulnerable because they are often unable to avoid common causes of hearing loss.

A donated hearing aid can be a lifeline to allow someone with hearing loss to be able to communicate, work, and once again live a normal life. For children, gaining a donated hearing aid might mean that they can succeed in school and have a chance at a better life.

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Where To Donate Hearing Aids

A number of organisations and charities are involved in collecting old or broken hearing aids and then donating the devices to various countries that needs hearing assistance and help. These activities change the lives of the wearers and allow them to have better work opportunities.

Some of the most famous world organisations are the Rotary Club and Lions International. You can contact them directly and donate your hearing aid even if it is not working properly anymore along with any additional hearing equipment or batteries.

Many local charities work in close partnership with this organisation as well. One of them is the Suffolk Hearing Aid Recycle Scheme at the Hearing Care Centre. They collect all types of hearing aids regardless of their condition. You can leave you hearing aid at their donation boxes in Suffolk or send it via post. If you want to find a local charity that you can donate your hearing aids to or need more information about hearing aids donation events, you can consult your hearing provider or audiologist to guide you to an organisation, charity or church that collects such donations.

Along with donating your hearing aids, you may also consider an environmentally friendly way for a disposal of old hearing aid batteries. You can contact your local recycling centre to find out how you can donate your unused hearing aid batteries.

Icipation In The Hear Now Donation Program

  • It is the donors responsibility to determine the value of the donation. The tax benefit is only available for those donors who itemize deductions on their tax returns. Those who take the standard deduction receive no additional tax benefit. Only contributions made during that previous tax year are eligible for tax benefits.
  • The tax law allows a deduction for the fair market value of the donation. The IRS reminds donors to maintain records of their donation to substantiate the value of their gift.
  • Taxpayers can find assistance regarding the donations they make in Publication 526, Charitable contributions. A second reference, Publication 561, Determining the Value of Donated Property, answers many questions that donors may have when they make non-cash contributions. Both publications are available at the IRS website,, or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM . To help you determine the value of your donation, you can use a five year, straight line depreciation .
  • Divide the original cost by 5 to determine yearly depreciation.
  • Multiply the yearly depreciation by the age of the aids.
  • Subtract that figure from the original cost to determine the remaining value.
  • All donations for a tax year must be postmarked no later than December 31 to receive tax benefits for the next filing.
  • Print out the Hear Now donation form and complete it.
  • Place the hearing aids in a padded box or padded envelope for shipping. Include the completed form from step 2.
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    Is There Any Value In Used Hearing Aids

    by Hearing Wellness Center | Feb 5, 2020 | Hearing Loss Articles

    How can you recycle used hearing aids? The answer is definitely the same whether you decide to upgrade to a more sophisticated model such as cochlear implants or you got them from a deceased family member: your used hearing aids should be donated instead of throwing them away.

    There are a lot of people dealing with hearing loss who would benefit from donated hearing aid, and several organizations out there that acquire and distribute those hearing aids to the individuals in need. Keep reading to discover how and why to donate pre-owned hearing aids.

    Donate Old Hearing Aids And Give The Gift Of Hearing

    How to Donate Used Hearing Aids

    As we begin a new year, we often think of ways we can better ourselves. Whether it be from becoming healthier, getting our finances in order, or starting a new hobby, this is a time when we create resolutions. As 2020 was a difficult year, many people may be looking for ways to also better their community. One of the ways to help is by donating your used hearing aids! Hearing impairment and deafness not only cause social isolation and depression, but can result in learning difficulties in children and decreased employment opportunities for adults. The challenge of communication during the pandemic has increased due to social distancing and wearing masks. Hearing aids and the related services have become limited to many due to COVID-19 restrictions and financial hardship.

    Many service organizations have programs that accept donations of hearing aids and work with local hearing care professionals to provide them to those in need. Some of the organizations include The Lions Club, Sertoma, Hearing Charities of America, your local university, or speech and hearing clinics. The donated hearing aids are repaired, including a complete cleaning, and any defective parts are replaced. The hearing aids are then re-programmed for the hearing loss of the recipient by the local hearing professional.

    If you have hearing aids that you are no longer wearing, please consider donating them and give the gift of hearing. Hearing is essential and your donation can change a life.

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    Many Places Will Repurpose Or Recycle Hearing Aids Eyeglasses Wheelchairs Canes And Other Devices Used By The Elderly

    Question: Where are some good places to donate old hearing aids, eyeglasses and mobility equipment? My uncle passed away a few months ago and left behind a bunch of useful aids that could surely help someone else.

    Answer: Donating old, unused assistive living aids and/or medical equipment is a great way to help those in need who cant afford it, and in most cases its tax deductible too. Here are some good places to check into.

    Hearing Aids

    There are several national nonprofit service organizations that offer hearing aid recycling programs. Hearing aids that are donated are usually refurbished and either redistributed to those in need, or resold with the proceeds going to buy new hearing aids for people who cant afford them.

    One of the most popular places to donate old hearing aids, as well as hearing aid parts or other assistive listening devices is the Starkey Hearing Foundation Hear Now recycling program , which collects around 60,000 hearing aids a year. Hearing aids and other listening devices should be sent to: Starkey Hearing Foundation, ATTN: Hearing Aid Recycling, 6700 Washington Avenue South, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

    Some other good nonprofits to donate to are the Lions Club Hearing Aid Recycling Program , and Hearing Charities of America , which is founded by Sertoma, a civic service organization dedicated to hearing health.


    New Eyes is another not-for-profit organization that collects unused eyeglasses and distributes them abroad to people in need.

    A Little History Behind Our Partnership With Purinapaq

    For four years Jose Orozco used a wheelchair to get around following an accident where he seriously injured his back. Not giving up hope and listening to the optimistic words of his doctor, miraculously Jose learned to walk again.

    Once Jose was walking again, a friend brought him a wheelchair. Jose was puzzled, saying he didnt need a wheelchair anymore. His friend told him, dont worry, you will.

    That wheelchair began a journey that has seen Jose become the Founder and Executive Director of Purinapaq, an organization that provides wheelchairs to people in his native Peru who do not have the financial resources to afford one.

    One day, while in Peru on an aid mission for Purinapaq, he was asked if he could get a pair of hearing aids for a little boy who had multiple disabilities, for whom a wheelchair only served part of his need. The child reminded Jose of his eight year old son back in Toronto, so he said he would. Jose didnt know where he would get the hearing aids from, but once he landed back in Toronto his young son assured him they would succeed in finding them.

    At Hearing Solutions, hearing with a heart is about more than just providing great service. Its also about caring for our community across the Greater Toronto Area and beyond.

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