Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Does Sensorineural Hearing Loss Get Worse

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What Are The Levels Of Hearing Loss

How Does Speech Sound with Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss in children is classified as mild, moderate, severe or profound.

  • A child with mild hearing loss will have trouble hearing soft sounds, including people with soft voices.
  • A child with moderate hearing loss will have trouble following conversations at a normal level, particularly if there is background noise.
  • A child with severe hearing loss has trouble hearing loud voices.
  • A child with profound hearing loss cannot hear most sounds.

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Does Hearing Loss Get Worse Over Time

If youre wondering how your hearing loss may progress, the answer will depend on the cause of your problem. If you wear hearing aids, they cant fix or even slow physical damage to your ears. However, they can slow your loss of comprehension, which has to do with brain processing.

Hearing aids won’t prevent further hearing loss butthey will slow the loss of speech comprehension.

In practical terms, you will experience less trouble with your hearing over time if you consistently wear properly-fitted hearing aids. On the other hand, if you need hearing aids and dont use them, your comprehension of speech is likely to decline.

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Causes Of Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss is usually caused by a blockage, such as having too much ear wax, a build-up of fluid in the ear , or an ear infection.

Conductive hearing loss can also be caused by:

  • a perforated eardrum where the eardrum is torn or has a hole in it
  • otosclerosis an abnormal growth of bone in the middle ear that causes the inner hearing bone to be less mobile and less effective at transmitting sound
  • damage to the hearing bones from injury, a collapsed ear drum or conditions such as cholesteatoma
  • swelling around the eustachian tube caused by jaw surgery or radiotherapy for nasal and sinus cancer
  • malformation of the ear
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction
  • something becoming trapped in the ear

Conductive hearing loss is usually temporary and can often be treated with medication or minor surgery.

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What Is Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss


Sudden sensorineural hearing loss, or SSHL, is defined as hearing loss that either occurs suddenly or over a period of 72 hours.

It involves a hearing reduction of 30 decibels or more and affects three contiguous frequencies.

Nine out of 10 people with SSHL in Albany are affected in only one ear.

The condition is rare, affecting only about six in every 5,000 people, according to estimates from the National Institutes of Health.

The actual number might be considerably higher, as SSHL is frequently unreported or misdiagnosed.

It is most common in adults in their 40s and 50s but can strike people of all ages.

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How Is Sshl Treated

Early treatment may increase your chances for a full recovery. But, your doctor will try to find the cause of your hearing loss before starting treatment.

Steroids are the most common treatment. They can reduce inflammation and swelling. This is especially helpful in people who have diseases of the immune system, such as Cogan syndrome. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics if an infection is the cause of your SSHL.

In some cases, a doctor can surgically insert a cochlear implant into your ear. The implant doesnt completely restore hearing, but it can amplify sounds to a more normal level.

Factors That Can Lead To Sensorineural Hearing Loss

  • Aging is one of the most common factor progressive sensorineural hearing loss
  • Some Sensorineural hearing loss causes due to advanced age and typically occurs in both ears.
  • Ototoxic medications, such as those used to treat heart disease and cancer, can also result in SNHL.
  • Genetics diseases infection, trauma, and prolonged noise exposure are other possible causes of SNHL.
  • The sensorineural hearing loss may also occur due to some diseases such as mumps, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, ménières disease.

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Symptoms Of A Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Typically, a sensorineural hearing loss develops gradually and slowly becomes worse and worse. It does not happen from day to another unless it is a sudden sensorineural hearing loss . In this way, we often do not notice that our hearing has becomes worse.

But if it has become more difficult to hear voices in places with background noise, e.g. at parties, restaurants or family gatherings, or it has become more difficult to hear or understand females or childrens voices, you might have a sensorineural hearing loss. Problems hearing soft or high sounds such as the clock ticking, the refrigerator humming or the birds singing may also be an indication of a sensorineural hearing loss.

If you are not sure whether you are suffering from SNHL, you can find more information about the general signs of hearing loss.

If you think that you might have a sensorineural hearing loss, we recommend that you get your hearing checked by a hearing professional.

How Does Hearing Loss Affect Speech In Adults

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The other way untreated hearing loss can influence someones voice is the perceived volume at which they talk. With untreated hearing loss, even someones own voice sounds soft, and as they speak louder and louder to compensate for it, the inside voice becomes the outside voice. In short, shouting is now speaking.

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Will Sensorineural Hearing Loss Get Worse Over Time

Yes, the sensorineural hearing loss gets worse over time such as in some children hearing remains stable and in other kids, the loss is in progress. There are some genetic conditions of progressive sensorineural hearing loss. Most of the hearing loss in children with sensorineural hearing loss have a stable hearing. For example, The enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome progressively fluctuates and worsens in many patients.

There are about 4,000 cases of SSHL diagnosed every year in the United States. About 50 percent of people with unilateral SSHL recover within two weeks if they get prompt treatment. About 15 percent of people with the condition have hearing loss that gradually gets worse over time.

But, advances in technology like hearing aids and cochlear implants are helping to improve communication for people suffering from hearing loss.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Treatment

Most of the times sensorineural hearing loss can be permanent hearing damage. It can be treated by using hearing aids so firstly you should take the hearing test so according to that doctor will suggest a hearing machine that suits your ear or it can be treated by surgery. By those in severe condition or with irreversible sensorineural hearing loss may need the cochlear implant which is an electronic hearing device. This device is surgically implanted into the inner ear directly with an external portion to wear behind the ear.

Hearing loss with different causes responds to different treatments in a varied manner.

Sensorineural hearing loss due to acoustic trauma may respond to medical therapies. These therapies include corticosteroids to reduce cochlear hair cell swelling and inflammation. This will help to improve the healing of the injured inner ear structure.

If the hearing loss occurs due to any head trauma or any abrupt air pressure change i.e. airplane descent. It will lead to rupture or leakage from the inner ear fluid compartment and it can be toxic to the inner ear. And if this condition happens, emergency ear surgery can be done, having variable success. But if the condition is sudden then it may be of viral origin. Then the treatment will be with Corticosteroids considering it an otologic emergency.

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Treatment

Treatment by steroids

HBO Therapy

Talk to a hearing professional now to get the best advice & treatment.

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Conductive Vs Sensorineural Hearing Loss Tests

Tests for hearing loss range from simple questioning to imaging. Common tests for both hearing loss types include :

  • Pure tone tests, where you listen to one frequency at a time, and at a decreasing volume. Your hearing threshold is measured by where you are no longer able to hear the tone.
  • The whisper test, which may pick up age-related hearing loss or conductive hearing losses where sounds seem diminished.
  • Middle ear muscle reflex testing, to measure your response to loud sounds. Impaired reflexes may point to otosclerosis, a form of conductive hearing loss.
  • Tympanometry, which uses sound and air pressure to test middle ear function.
  • The Rinne test, a physical examination where your doctor will first hold a tuning fork to your mastoid bone , then move it to your ear once you can no longer hear it. Bone conduction is less sensitive than air conduction, so an inability to hear indicates conductive hearing loss.
  • The Weber test, another example of bone conduction. Here, the examiner places a struck tuning fork to the middle of your forehead. Perceiving it better in your good ear points to sensorineural hearing loss, while your bad ear points to conductive hearing loss. Normal hearing is indicated if you can hear the fork on both sides.

Overview Of Types And Causes Of Hearing Loss

What Is Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

There are three “pure” types of hearing loss encountered commonly in clinical practice: sensorineural, conductive, and central . A fourth type, denoted “mixed”, is simply a combination of sensorineural and conductive.

If you have a hearing loss, the first step is to get an audiogram. The audiogram is a graph of hearing vs frequency . Think of the diagram as being similar to the knobs on a stereo equilizer. “Perfect” hearing is having a “0 dB” score at all frequencies. Anything below 20 dB is significantly worse than normal. A 100 dB loss at all frequencies means you hear nothing.

Hearing loss is also divided up by the timing. Sudden hearing loss occurs generally over days. Progressive hearing loss, may occur over months to years.

Hearing loss is also divided up according to the frequency spectrum covered. For example, hearing loss associated with age is usually at the high frequencies. Hearing loss from noise is usually a notched pattern. There are only a few causes of low frequency hearing loss.

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What Is Mixed Hearing Loss

Some people have a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This may happen, for example, if someone has age-related hearing loss, then suffers trauma to the eardrum or other outer or middle ear parts. If you have mixed hearing loss, your doctor can recommend which type is to be treated first in order to maximize your chances of success.

Causes Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss

There are several causes of sensorineural hearing loss. One frequent cause is age-associated hearing loss, which can begin at the age of 50 or 60. This type of hearing loss is usually accompanied by a reduced perception of high tones.

The second most common cause is noise. Noise related hearing loss is one of the most frequently recognized occupational illnesses in the United States. Six to eight hours of noise above 85dB on a daily basis is able to cause this type of hearing loss.

Additional reasons for sensorineural hearing loss include circulatory problems, as they may occur in diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis, or sudden hearing loss, as well as metabolic illnesses, such as thyroid malfunction.

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Degrees Of Hearing Loss

All types of hearing loss can vary from mild to profound .

Most children have some degree of measurable hearing. Only a very small percentage of children with hearing loss experience complete deafness.

The degree of hearing loss refers to how much hearing loss is present. There are five broad categories used to describe the degree of hearing loss. The numbers listed below represent the lowest frequency sounds a person can hear.

For more information about the treatments and therapies mentioned on this page, please click here.

How Loud Is Too Loud

What is Sensorineural Hearing Loss? – Ear Problems

Youre probably exposing yourself to dangerous noise levels if:

  • if you need to shout to be heard by a person 1 metre away from you
  • youre listening to music through headphones and cant hear traffic sounds or people talking near you

If you hear ringing in your ears after an event or a day at work, it was too loud. If you have a lot of days like that, you will almost certainly damage your hearing.

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Why Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Is Sometimes Missed

by Hearing Services of Nashville | Sep 11, 2019 | Hearing Loss Articles

You may have some misconceptions regarding sensorineural hearing loss. Alright not everything is wrong. But theres at least one thing worth clearing up. Typically, we think that sensorineural hearing loss comes on slowly while conductive hearing loss happens quickly. It turns out thats not inevitably true and that rapid onset of sensorineural hearing loss could often be wrongly diagnosed.

How Severe Is Your Hearing Loss

This is the simplest and most frequently used way of describing a hearing loss. Audiologists often use the categories mild, moderate, severe, and profound.

By and large, if you have a mild hearing loss you will be able to hear a conversation without much struggle if youre in a quiet room near the person talking, as long as there is little background noise, but you may struggle when louder background noise is present.

If you have a severe to profound hearing loss you will be unable to hear what anyone is saying under almost most circumstances.

However, there is much more you need to know before you can understand your hearing fully, as it is not simply about hearing individual sounds and tones.

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What Is Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is of two main types: one is conductive hearing loss in which there is problem within the eardrum or ossicles, which comprises the middle ear. The second type of hearing loss is sensorineural hearing loss in which the patient has damage in the cochlea or hearing nerve, which comprises the inner ear.

Patient can have hearing loss on one side, that is in one ear or the hearing loss can be present in both the ears . A person suffering from sensorineural hearing loss in both the ears is said to have Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Hearing Loss

What Is Sudden Hearing Loss? â Perfect Hearing

The first signs of hearing loss can be hard to notice and might include:

  • having trouble hearing in noisy places
  • having trouble hearing conversations and understanding what people say
  • have trouble understanding people unless they are facing you, or often needing to ask people to repeat themselves
  • hearing sounds as muffled, as though people are mumbling
  • needing to have the TV up louder than other people
  • often missing your phone or the doorbell ringing
  • hearing a constant buzzing or ringing in your ears
  • finding that loud noises cause you more discomfort than previously

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see your doctor.

Some people also get tinnitus, where they hear ringing or strange noises in their ears.

It can be hard to determine whether or not children have trouble hearing. Some signs that there might be problems include:

  • if your baby doesn’t startle at a loud noise, or turn their head to a sound
  • if they start speaking later than other kids or don’t understand simple words like ‘bye bye’ at 4-8 months
  • if their speech is unclear, compared with the speech of other kids their age
  • if they want the TV volume up high
  • if they dont hear or understand directions

Find out more about hearing loss in children on the Pregnancy, Birth and Baby website. You should talk to your doctor if you notice any changes in your or your childs hearing.

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What Is Conductive Hearing Loss

Hearing loss caused by an obstruction or blockage in your ear is referred to as conductive hearing loss. In many cases, conductive hearing loss is treatable.

Conductive hearing loss happens when problems with the eardrum, bones, muscles or ligaments in the middle ear prevent sounds from passing through to the inner ear. Blockages in the outer or middle ear slow down the vibrations of incoming sound, which results in hearing loss.

Conductive hearing loss can have a number of causes. Some of the top causes include:

  • Ear Infections

Exposure To Loud Noise

As stated earlier, extended or sudden exposure to loud noise can damage the hair cells in your ear and cause sensorineural hearing loss. Most people think that until they have been exposed to loud noise over an extended time, no damage is done to their hair, but this is not true. Sudden exposure to loud noise, for instance, a bomb blast, can instantly damage your ears. Depending on the amount of damage done to the ear, the hearing loss can be temporary or permanent. Sensorineural hearing loss that is caused by sudden exposure to loud noise often affects only one ear.Occupational noises, noise from recreational activities like snowmobiling, noise in musical activities like concerts and clubs, or constant use of headphones at high volumes for an extended period can all cause sensorineural hearing loss.

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