Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Wearing A Hearing Aid Make Tinnitus Worse

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Foods Can Make Tinnitus Worse For Some People

Can Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a warning sign. Often its telling you that something isnt right. That something could be noise, stress, medications, or something else.

Oftentimes, it might just be the foods youre eating or not eating. To find out if your diet is the cause of the ringing in your ears, try keeping a food journal. Note days when its worse and youll likely find that you have some triggers. For instance, many people find that artificial sweeteners and caffeine make it worse.

Some people may find that the ringing in their ears is worse because theyre not getting enough iron in their diet, which may lead to iron deficiency anemia. This condition makes the blood pump harder throughout the body to make sure all the organs get the oxygen they need and can often result in a rushing sound in the ears.

Because tinnitus can be affected by blood pressure, salty foods can also affect your tinnitus.

Hearing Aids For Tinnitus

Can hearing aids be used for tinnitus relief? Since most people with tinnitus also have hearing loss, many tinnitus sufferers are already using hearing aids. Hearing aids allow wearers to hear sound they might be missing, which can effectively mask a lot of the tinnitus ringing. When youre able to hear everything going on around you the tinnitus doesnt sound so loud. Additionally, tinnitus masking can be programmed to hearing aids and help alleviate symptoms.

Audicus offers tinnitus masking for the Clara RIC hearing aid model as well. However, this is not a standard feature so be sure to call or email to let our hearing specialists know you experience tinnitus.

According to the American Tinnitus Association, a 2007 survey found that approximately 60% of tinnitus sufferers found some relief with hearing aids. In addition to masking the sounds of tinnitus, hearing aids increase stimulation between the brain and the auditory pathways. This may cause a reduction in tinnitus symptoms. Hearing aids also have volume controls which could allow users to make their environmental sounds louder than their tinnitus. Hearing aids for tinnitus could be an effective treatment for you!

Youre Still Smoking Yes This Affects Your Hearing Too

Smoking rates have declined over the years, yet there are many people who are still smoking. It can be very hard to quit if youve been smoking for much of your life.

In any case, heres one more reason to re-double your efforts to kick the habit: It may be making your tinnitus worse. In fact, one study found that smokers are 15 percent more likely to suffer from hearing loss than non-smokers. The chemicals in cigarettes can harm the inner ear and constrict the blood vessels that carry blood to your ears, which leads to ringing in the ears.

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How Flying Worsens Tinnitus

Planes produce what tinnitus sufferers would consider the perfect storm. Theyre loud plus the ascension and landing pressure changes, as mentioned above, require your inner ears to adjust to a new altitude quickly. Depending on how severe the tinnitus is, these two conditions can make flying so bad that youll wish you had taken that 24-hour car ride all the way down to Disney World.

Why Is My Tinnitus Worse When It Rains Might Be The Air Pressure

Your Medication Could Be Making Your Tinnitus Worse

Does the ringing in your ears get worse right before torrential summer rains? Or maybe its during the warm-up period at the end of winter when the buzzing of your tinnitus is hardest to ignore. Curiously, its not the precipitation or the temperature that might be making your tinnitus worse. Its the air pressure.

The fault lies in your inner ear. The fluid in your inner ear, after all, is designed to help you detect all kinds of changes . But that fluid makes your inner ear especially sensitive to changes in air pressure.

When the pressure suddenly changes, your inner ear reactsand this can cause a flare-up in your tinnitus symptoms. These flare-ups tend to be the worst in the Spring when drops in barometric pressure are the most extreme. But changes in atmospheric pressure can also be common when youre flying.

Theres no cure for tinnitus, of course, but keeping an eye on the weather could help you better manage any flare-ups in your symptoms. Likewise, if you plan to fly, you can plan some self-care accordingly to try to keep your tinnitus symptoms under control.

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Its Not A Cure But Hearing Aids Can Help Manage Tinnitus

There is no cure for tinnitus. However, your symptoms can be decreased and your life can be improved by wearing hearing aids to manage your hearing loss and tinnitus. Sixty percent of people coping with tinnitus, in fact, experienced relief of their symptoms, and twenty-two had significant improvement.

When you can suddenly hear external sounds better because hearing aids have raised the volume, your tinnitus symptoms will be drowned out. And, fortunately, conventional hearing aids arent the only option as more sophisticated treatment possibilities are being produced.

What Is Airplane Ear

Airplane ear happens when stress is put on your eardrum and middle ear due to changes in air pressure. The hallmarks of Airplane Ear are discomfort and a feeling of fullness in your ears, accompanied by muffling of sounds, all of which may present themselves in varying degrees.

Airplane Ear most often occurs when the plane is either ascending or descending basically when the planes altitude is rapidly changing. It can also happen in either one or both ears. The condition typically only lasts for a short time, but if it continues for a few hours, you should contact a doctor or hearing specialist.

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Dealing With Chronic Tinnitus

Chronic tinnitus can develop for a variety of reasons, and some of them are better understood than others. Tinnitus can also sound like a wide variety of subjective and objective noises, from thumping to clanging to metallic buzz-saw soundswhatever beautiful cacophony your ears can create.

The louder and more intense the sounds are, the more intrusive tinnitus tends to become. Over time, tinnitus can cause declines in mental health, create trouble communicating, and interfere with your daily life.

Tips To Manage Hearing Aids:

Hearing Aids Can Help with Tinnitus – Ringing in the Ears

While most tinnitus evaluation protocols include loudness discomfort level testing, the standard hearing aid evaluation usually does not. It can be easy to overlook this condition as the patient has altered his/her environment to avoid encountering sounds that are uncomfortable.

The hearing aid can serve to further compound this problem in patients with hyperacusis and tinnitus. With a decreased dynamic range, hearing aids set prescriptive levels that can easily cross these levels, leaving the patient over-amplified. MPO levels must also be set with great care.

Auditory fatigue

We know of many patients who experience an increase in their tinnitus perception following periods where there are greater demands on their auditory system. The sound does not need to be noisy. It can be a situation where theyre competing for noise present while trying to process auditory information.

This creates a greater strain on the system and can cause the tinnitus perception to be worse. In these cases, it may be appropriate to limit hearing aid use to a certain number of hours per day.

Reactive tinnitus

Rarely, some individuals with tinnitus report that moderately low-intensity sounds aggravate their tinnitus. This exacerbation tends to continue for more than a day. Some approaches to recognize this receptive tinnitus might be a case history distinguishing delayed tinnitus perception after exposure to moderately low-level sounds.

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Making The Ringing In Your Ears Harder To Notice

Tinnitus and hearing loss often manifest and in hand. Sometimes they have the same root causebut sometimes they dont. In any case, as your hearing declines, your tinnitus may become more prominent. Theres less competition, and that ringing or buzzing can really stand out .

Your hearing aid will be able to turn the ambient volume of the world up. Your tinnitus will once againto your reliefget lost in the details. This can help you focus on and enjoy the day-to-day.

Reduce The Volume On All Devices

Ever notice that the ringing sounds louder after listening to music? The World Health Organization recommends that you never listen to music at over 60% of its max volume for 60 minutes. If you wear earbuds, be especially cautious. Earbuds direct sound right into the ear canal. Theyre louder at a lower volume. Even at this safer level, if you listen for long periods of time it can do damage to your hearing. So make sure to give your ears breaks every now and then. If bringing the noise down to safe standards makes it too low, you may need to have your hearing checked. Modern hearing aids can help stream music at safe levels without harming your hearing.

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Your Ears Give Madame Tussaud A Run For Her Money

No, your ears are not a world-famous wax museum.

Sometimes people get tinnitus because they are over-producing wax, which can happen when people try to clean their ears with a cotton swab.

Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs can push old, dirty wax that was on its way out of the canal back into the ear and can also cause your ear to react by producing more wax. Both of these things can result in a blockage of the ear canal, which can cause ringing in the ears.

When you use a cotton swab, make sure you only clean the outside of your ear. If you think you have too much wax build-up in your ears, you should have a hearing specialist check your ears. Theyll determine the best course of action for you, which usually involves a professional removing the excess wax.

Can Hearing Aids Make Tinnitus Worse


There are those who believe a medical condition known as tinnitus can be exacerbated through the usage of hearing aids. At Beltone Dallas-Fort Worth, we invite our clients and prospective customers to read the following short blog addressing tinnitus and addressing how tinnitus might be impacted by hearing assistance devices.

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Tinnitus And Hearing Loss: Everything You Need To Know

Hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with your hearing system, according to Harvard Health Publishing. This error happens when the delicate hair cells inside your ears get damaged and are unable to send sounds to the brain, resulting in hearing loss.

According to the National Institute on Aging, the underlying cause for tinnitus is the same as the cause of hearing loss. The damaged hair cells inside the ear send the wrong signals to the brain, which results in the ringing or buzzing sound that you hear. Tinnitus is not a cause but a symptom of hearing loss, according to Harvard Health. Both can have similar triggers, which is why you may experience both at the same time. These triggers include:

  • Injury to the ear
  • Degradation of hair cells in the ear due to natural aging
  • Blockage due to ear wax
  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Abnormal bone growth
  • Trauma to the head or neck that affects the ear

Tinnitus can also be caused by other factors that do not lead to hearing loss, according to the Mayo Clinic. These include:

  • Medication, particularly antibiotics, cancer medication or high doses of aspirin
  • Blood vessel disorders
  • Stress
  • High blood pressure.

âHearing aids often help patients who suffer from tinnitus as a byproduct of their high frequency hearing loss,â Shannon Basham, AuD, senior director of audiology and education at Phonak in Illinois, tells WebMD Connect to Care.

Best Apps For Tinnitus Relief

Smartphone apps, used in conjuction with hearing aids, or by themselves, are a convenient and cost-effective way to help manage tinnitus.

Based on ratings in Apples App Store and the Google Play Store, along with results of a comprehensive survey on the apps for tinnitus management, we consider the best 3 apps for tinnitus to be

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Stress Around Covid Making Tinnitus Worse

According to the Hearing Health Foundation, more than 48 million Americans and 477 million people worldwide have that persistent ringing in the ears that we call tinnitus. For 26% of these people, the symptoms are nearly constant and unbearable. Tinnitus can make everyday activities difficult, including sleeping. Over time, that can lead to depression or other health issues.

Thankfully, there are ways to address tinnitus. Here are 7 ways to deal with tinnitus.

Your Blood Pressure Can Make Tinnitus Worse

Can Hearing Aids Help Your Tinnitus?

A common cause of tinnitus is elevated blood pressure, which affects the blood supply to the inner ear. This will cause more serious hearing loss over a prolonged amount of time and can be very difficult to reverse.

Take steps to get your blood pressure under control and keep it that way, whether through medication or other treatments. One of the biggest causes of high blood pressure is stress, so a reduction in your stress should help bring it down. While this sounds a lot easier said than done, you may want to speak with a mental health professional about stress and anxiety management.

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Pros And Cons Of Hearing Aids For Tinnitus

As with any health-based decision, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to determining whether you should buy hearing aids to address your tinnitus. Consider the following pros and cons of hearing aids for tinnitus as you make your choice, in addition to following the advice provided by a hearing professional.

Pros of hearing aids for tinnitus

  • Minimize annoying sounds. When you use hearing aids to address your tinnitus, you may experience fewer or, sometimes, none of the annoying ringing, clicking, and buzzing sounds you associate with tinnitus.
  • Non-invasive. You dont need invasive procedures or bulky, unwieldy items to combat your tinnitus. Hearing aids are compact and often lie out of sight in or behind your ear. Fitting a hearing aid to your ear is a hassle-free experience that any qualified hearing aid specialist can offer you.

Cons of hearing aids for tinnitus

Tinnitus Is An Emotional Condition:

Tinnitus is related to emotional processing . It can be triggered by stress, exacerbated by anxiety, and made worse by obsessive thoughts.

Stress and tinnitus are cyclical a vicious cycle. Thats why patients need to make new associations in the brain, and cognitively work to overcome the hard-wired fight or flight response that triggers tinnitus spikes.

You need to learn to be at home with your tinnitus.

But by being aware of, and controlling the physiological responses that manifest your body, you cognitively work to control the disease. Your goal should be to anticipate the panic, understand your tinnitus and your bodys reaction to it that way you can stop being afraid of it.

Your goal in seeking hearing aids for your tinnitus, therefore, should be to find a coping strategy thats right for you. That way you can break the vicious stress/tinnitus cycle, give yourself a chance of proactively anticipating the panic that elicits tinnitus spikes, and start feeling in control.

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Relief Through Habituation: Masking Noise & Fractal Tones

Oddly enough, one of the most popular forms of sound therapy involves introducing even more sound to the picture.

We know it sounds crazy, but hear us out.

First, ponder this question-

What is more noticeable, a burning candle in a bright room, or a burning candle in a dark room?

Obviously- a candle in a dark room will be more noticeable.

And if we want to make the candle less noticeable, we simply add light to the room.

This simple metaphor is often used to describe the rationale behind adding more noise, to what already feels like a pretty darn noisy situation .

In the same way a candle is less noticeable in a well-lit room, sound generators serve to brighten ones auditory room, reducing the contrast between ones tinnitus and listening environment.

Simply put- when all an individual can hear is their tinnitus, that tinnitus seems much more noticeable and bothersome.

Another metaphor is that of a barking dog.

Imagine your neighbors dog is barking sporadically through the night, preventing you from sleeping.

You probably wouldnt hesitate to add some sort of white noise to the room, to help drown out the dog barking, allowing you to sleep.

While you may still hear the dog barking in the background if you focus on it, the constant and steady white noise will allow you to shift your focus away from the barking, allowing you to sleep.

Its called habituation, and were all doing it, all the time.

Does Alcohol Make Ringing In My Ears Worse

Ears Ringing? When Tinnitus Wonât Stop, Do This â mjvelrs

Alcohol is a huge contributing factor to tinnitus and hearing loss. For many, a glass of wine with dinner or a nightcap is a simple luxury theyd rather not give up, but this one little thing could be making your tinnitus worse.

Alcohol not only increases tinnitus but over time it increases your risk of permanent hearing loss. Alcohol actually raises your blood pressure, which as we covered earlier affects blood flow to the ears, which can cause permanent cell death.

Make note of when the tinnitus volume increases or becomes more noticeable. Does it coincide with an alcoholic drink? You may need to limit your liquor consumption to protect your hearing.

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